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Mercury – designing the client servers solution of the future 04 February, 2014.

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1 Mercury – designing the client servers solution of the future 04 February, 2014

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5 Mercury – designing the client servers solution of the future | 22 January, 2014 Page 4 The ambition: co-designing with you, future user, the EY tools that will change the way client-servers do business ► Simple to use, easy to learn, scalable to engagements ► Optimized for tablet, usable across a variety of devices ► Consumer grade experience – role-based, homogenous user experience

6 Mercury – designing the client servers solution of the future | 22 January, 2014 Page 5 Focus areas – MMT, Engagement Maintenance / Economics and Billing will be (re)-designed from scratch IllustrativeMMT sample Before After

7 Mercury – designing the client servers solution of the future | 22 January, 2014 Page 6 EM Mercury Client Server Journey Peter creates the initial pricing plan Peter performs GTAC Assessment on the engagement Peter signs the SOW but at a slightly different pricing amount Peter and Marc each create a detailed budget for their respective engagements Teams are assembled by the Resource Managers Germany Team Austria Team Peter sends a combined invoice to BMW BMW Peter and Marc review budget to actual and update their Estimate to Complete Dunning and Collections perform collections of invoice payments. Invoice payments exceeded their due dates so Dunning and Collections notify Peter to take actions. The teams do the work and charge their time and expense Peter and Marc open the engagements Peter updates the sold-at price in MMT Peter selects the BMW Plant Germany and logs the opportunity in CRM BMW When the final billing has been issued, Peter and Marc change the engagement status to ‘PreClosing’ Complete CRM / MMT / GTAC T&EBillingEE

8 Mercury – designing the client servers solution of the future | 22 January, 2014 Page 7 You have the opportunity to influence the future solution by participating to two remote prototype reviews followed by one on-site validation workshop Goal: ► The user-centered design engages future users in participative sessions allowing them to provide feedback to the proposed Mercury solution. Method: ► Prototypes reflect a solution hypothesis and are expected to be edited and expanded upon by subject matter resources and end users in facilitated sessions. ► Sessions collect specific user inputs on displayed functionality and spark discussion about features and user experience. Some questions we’ll discuss: ► Does the proposed design concept support a user doing this activity? ► What works well, and what doesn’t? ► What information or functionality would you add to these screens to make them work better? ► How would you prioritize the functionality these screens demonstrate?

9 Mercury – designing the client servers solution of the future | 22 January, 2014 Page 8 Approach: each participant would review and provide feedback on one process area before attending a cross-functional workshop 2014 w 10 Feb w 17 Feb w 24 Feb w 3 Mar w 10 Mar w 17 Mar w 24 Mar Engagement Maintenance / Economics Billing MMT Prototype review #1 (90 min remote) Prototype review #2 (90 min remote) Prototype review #2 (90 min remote) Cross- functional validation (1/2 day on-site workshop)

10 Mercury – designing the client servers solution of the future | 22 January, 2014 Page 9 The key guiding principles we’ll be using to design the Mercury solution ► One-time data entry ► Intuitive tools that use client server language ► Tools with the same look and feel from module to module ► Common nomenclature from module to module ► Should not take longer for client servers using direct access to accomplish a task than it does today ► Tasks performed by those with appropriate knowledge of client and engagement ► Should facilitate delegation and workflow for approval between members of the client server teams ► No requirement to switch devices between tasks ► Low barrier to adoption: no/minimum training

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