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Presentation on theme: " Leadership Academy November 5, 2008  Dr. Joe Hauge  Jeanne Cowan  Janet Hensley Please fill out contact / conversation starters."— Presentation transcript:

1 Leadership Academy November 5, 2008  Dr. Joe Hauge  Jeanne Cowan  Janet Hensley Please fill out contact / conversation starters.

2 10:00-11:30Welcome / Overview of SDI+ and Leadership Academy Dr. Joe Hauge, Jeanne Cowan, Janet Hensley Overview of Cognitive Coaching Model (Marilyn Hofer) 11:30 –12:15Lunch (served on-site in the Sheridan Room) 12:15- 1:45Introduction to Balanced Leadership model 1:45 – 2:00Break(cookies in the Sheridan Room) 2:00 – 3:00Planning for Effective School Leadership 3:00-3:15Closure and Evaluation 3:15 – 4:00Meet with Mentors/General Information

3 Update on SDI+ and Leadership Academy Understand the purpose and process for utilizing mentors to strengthen leadership skills Build background of ‘Cognitive Coaching Model’ Overview of ‘Balanced Leadership Model’ Begin forming mentor-principal relationships

4 Norms  Take care of your own needs  Limit side conversations in large group  Raised hands = rejoin the large group  Mute cell phones  Respect others’ opinions and viewpoints  Others?

5 Mileage forms... * PROJECT: ________PIRLL________________________PLEASE FILL OUT COMPLETELY * DATE OF EVENT: __Nov 4 th 2008_to May 31 2009 ___ Revised 10/10/08 * COORDINATOR: _Janet Hensley and Jeanne Cowan__ TIE / BHSSC Travel Reimbursement Voucher 1925 Plaza Blvd. Rapid City, SD 57702 Name (Please Print):Social Security #: Address: City, State, Zip: Phone:*Destination: *Reason for Travel / Event: Departure Date:Time:AM PM Return Arrival Date:Time:AM PM Transportation - Mileage (round trip):MilesPersonal Vehicle School Vehicle (NOTE: As of July 1, 2006, mileage will only be reimbursed if you travel out of the district where you work.) List Passengers Commercial Airlines – Cost of airfare (attach receipt): $ Lodging: (Attach Original receipts for parking, taxi, etc. as appropriate.) Signature of Claimant:Date:

6 Recruitment and Retention

7 Individual Leadership Roles & Responsibilities

8 Individual Effective Performance

9 School-based Performance


11 Outcomes  Understanding of the essence of Cognitive Coaching SM  Experience the power of a structured professional conversation.

12 A coaching metaphor  Coach – a means of conveyance. To convey a valued person from where he/she is to where he/she wants to be.

13 Coaching paradigm Existing State Vague Plan Superficial Reflection Problem – stuck (low S.O.M.) Desired State Precise plan Deep reflections for learning Resourceful (high states of mind

14 The Mission of Cognitive Coaching SM The mission of Cognitive Coaching SM is to produce self-directed persons with the cognitive capacity for high performance both independently and as members of a community.

15 Mission of Cognitive Coaching SM

16 Roam and buzz 1. Individually, write down one thing that happens nonverbally between two people when relating well. 2. Move around the room quickly listening, not writing collecting orally as many ideas as you can. 3. At the signal, return to your chair and write down as many as you can remember.

17 Rapport  Mirroring/matching is the technology whereby we offer back another’s non- verbal behavior.  When we mirror people, through matching their behavior, we are offering them not only invisible and subconscious images of themselves, but images that are delivered without our meanings attached to them.

18 Mirroring taken to an extreme is mimicking which is highly irritating and ineffective.

19 Model conversation – Data collection Pairs A - pay attention to the verbal and non-verbal behaviors of the coach. B - pay attention to the verbal and non-verbal behaviors of the speaker A and B record your observations during the conversation Share with your partner

20 ROLE PLAY SCENARIO # 2 A colleague says to you, “I’ve done everything I know to do and this teacher is still having difficulty with classroom management.” Role play scenario #1

21 A colleague sees you at a meeting and loudly complains about the overload of forms and paperwork that is piling up. Role play scenario #2

22 A parent comes to the principal and says, “I’ve had it with that teacher! I want my child taken out of her class TODAY!” Role play scenario #3

23 Foundations of Support Support Functions

24 Outcomes  Understanding of the essence of Cognitive Coaching SM  Experience the power of a structured professional conversation.


26  Refocusing activity:  Consider what you do as a leader to influence student achievement.  Make a list of practices that you use to influence student learning. Welcome back!

27 We want you to know that we have attempted to use key elements of high-quality professional development today.  Application to YOUR practice  Collaboration  Dialogue  Differentiation  Guided application  Networking  Reflection Your Professional Development

28  Designed and presented by MCREL  Sponsored by the South Dakota Department of Education and School Administrators of South Dakota  Second cohort beginning in June 2009 Balanced Leadership Academy

29 Marzano’s School Leadership that Works.

30  Higher expectations  Greater accountability  Rapid increases in information  Public scrutiny  Work overload Changing Environments

31  Leading increasingly complex change  Relentless focus on improving student achievement  Sharing leadership New Expectations

32 Provides a simple model that helps us define, understand and emphasize a set of leadership responsibilities that are associated with higher levels of student achievement. Helps to integrate and apply research findings to support YOUR practice. Balanced Leadership Framework

33 Four components: 1. Leadership 2. Focus of Change 3. Magnitude of Change 4. Purposeful Community Balanced Leadership Framework

34 1. There is a relationship between leadership and student achievement; leadership matters. 2. There are 21 leadership responsibilities, each with a statistically significant and positive relationship to student achievement. 3. Leaders perceived as strong do not always have a positive impact on achievement (focus or magnitude of implementation).

35  There is a relationship between leadership and student achievement.  What principals do has an effect on student achievement.  Increases in leadership behavior are associated with increases in student achievement. Finding #1: Leadership Matters

36 Finding #2: Responsibilities & Practices 21 leadership responsibilities 66 leadership practices All correlated to student achievement Each correlation is statistically significant

37 AffirmationInvolvement with CIA Change AgentKnowledge of CIA CommunicationMonitor/Evaluate Contingent RewardsOptimize CultureOrder DisciplineOutreach FlexibilityRelationships FocusResources Ideals/BeliefsSituational Awareness InputVisibility Intellectual Stimulation

38 Each group will need three colors of cards. In your small group: 1.Consider each leadership responsibility card. (blue) 2.Match each leadership responsibility with its corresponding description (salmon). 3.Match the paired description and responsibility cards with the corresponding practices card. (yellow)

39  Check your answers with the handout.  What surprises you about the leadership responsibilities and practices?  What questions do the responsibilities and practices raise for you?  Share your thoughts with a partner.

40 Leaders perceived as strong do not always have a positive effect on student achievement. McREL’s interpretation:  Focus of the change—Are we focused on the right work?  Magnitude of the change—Is it first- or second-order change? Finding #3: Differential impact of leadership

41 “The problem in low- performing schools is not getting people to work, it is getting them to do the right work.” Richard Elmore:

42  Focus on improving practices that are already well-developed and implemented.  Focus on practices that are marginally implemented.  Focus on practices that lack evidence for improving student achievement. Examples of ineffective focus

43 Order of Change Order of change is the magnitude and implications of changes for the people expected to implement them or those who will be impacted by them. (Waters, Marzano, & McNulty, 2003).




47  Responsibilities associated with purposeful community  Responsibilities associated with managing change.  Responsibilities associated with choosing the right focus.

48 Break


50 Marzano’s Research Students come in at 50% Leave at the end of the year Average School Average Teacher 50% Highly Ineffective School Highly Ineffective Teacher 50%3% Highly Effective School Ineffective Teacher 50%37% Ineffective School Highly Effective Teacher 50%63% Highly Effective School Highly Effective Teacher 50%96% Highly Effective School Average Teacher 50%78%

51 Old Proverb... “A vision without a plan is just a dream. A plan without a vision is just drudgery. But a vision with a plan can change the world.” As leaders, we need to identify the right work and then lead the conditions that impact that work. A Plan for Effective School Leadership

52 1. Develop a strong school leadership team.  Solution to the amount of work is to shift leadership schools to a team of individuals.  4 major concepts – 1 st concept-Collective Efficacy – the shared belief that “we can make a difference.”  A better predictor of student success than socioeconomic status Marzano - 5 steps for this plan.

53  Financial resources Shared vision  Physical resources ◦ The leader needs to articulate his/her ideals and beliefs and invite teachers to share theirs so as to identify commonalities. 2. Development and use of all available assets

54  It is up to the building principal to keep the common goals articulated in all discussions for all staff members. ◦ Not just words but actions!  These include: ◦ Visibility – frequent contact with teachers & students  The principal’s strong presence communicates that administration and staff are working as a team. 3. Accomplishment of goals that matter to ALL community members 3. Accomplishment of goals that matter to ALL community members

55 ◦ Situational Awareness – the principal’s awareness of details and undercurrents in the school.  Forecast and head off potential problems. Invite staff to discuss issues openly. ◦ Relationships – the principal establishes a purposeful community – the principal must be aware of personal aspects related to the staff. ◦ Communication – open, honest ◦ Culture – bi-monthly or monthly meetings where teachers discuss instruction issues. – working at consistencies. 3. Accomplishment of goals that matter to ALL community members (cont.)

56  Input is important ◦ Open-door policy that gives every faculty member access ◦ Schedule individual meetings with each staff member  9 of the 21 responsibilities are necessary for the principal in establishing a purposeful community.  Optimizer (principal is champion) Situational Awareness  Affirmation (Principal leads celebrations) Relationship  Ideals/BeliefsCommunication  VisibilityCulture Input 4. Agreed-upon process

57  Principal needs to stay involved!  Different members of the leadership team can share the responsibility of research, techniques and strategies for different academic areas. 2. Distribute responsibilities

58  This is so important. ◦ P. 110 - 111  4. Prioritize – identify the order of the selected work. ◦ Need to prioritize and focus. 3. Select the ‘right’ work 3. Select the ‘right’ work

59  qso qso Are We Doing the Right Thing?

60  Examples would be: ◦ Optimizer (champion) that the whole staff is operating as a cohesive group.  The leadership team can support this by identifying strengths of the staff. ◦ Can devote portions of all staff meetings acknowledging accomplishments. 5. Match management style to the change initiative

61 Reflection (chapter 7)

62  The Balanced Leadership Profile is an online feedback tool based on the leadership practices identified in School Leadership that Works  Survey responses give principals, including assistant and aspiring principals, valuable information about leadership related to a specific change initiative.  FREE  Directions provided in handout. Balanced Leadership Profile

63 63 Leadership Action Plan  Using the Balanced Leadership Profile, identify 2 or 3 leadership responsibilities positively correlated with leading second order change.  Use this information to formulate leadership goals.  Goals must be:  Specific  Measurable  Attainable  Results oriented  Timely  Identify specific strategies to meet this goal.

64 Goal (based on Leadership Responsibilities) Strategies and ActionsPerson(s) Responsible TimelineEvidence of Effectiveness Leadership Action Plan Principal ’ s Name __________________ Mentor ’ s Name ________________ Date _____________ School ____________________________________

65 Professional Learning Communities Enjoy “Passion and Persistence”.

66  http://www.solution- Criteria1=plc&ProductType=DVDs

67  Discuss initial date to meet.  Individually complete both sides of the feedback/evaluation form.  With your mentor, dialogue about your responses.  Leave these forms on your table, please! Closing and Feedback

68  Thanks for all you do!  Have a super year!  See you at the Summer Institute on May 26-27!  All materials available at SDI+ wiki Leadership

69  Mileage  Time cards  Contracts  Contact logs – will mail to you  LODGING Dec. 4 & 5 th – Sign up. Mentors

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