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REDD+ Social & Environmental Standards: supporting countries to develop safeguards information systems Brief overview presentation Oslo, 28 th October.

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Presentation on theme: "REDD+ Social & Environmental Standards: supporting countries to develop safeguards information systems Brief overview presentation Oslo, 28 th October."— Presentation transcript:

1 REDD+ Social & Environmental Standards: supporting countries to develop safeguards information systems Brief overview presentation Oslo, 28 th October 2013 Joanna Durbin and Phil Franks, REDD+ SES Secretariat

2 Supports government-led REDD+ national or jurisdictional programs with development of a safeguards information system based on REDD+ SES Comprises: –REDD+ SES content: principles, criteria and indicators –REDD+ SES process: to use the REDD+ SES at country level Uses a country-led, multi-stakeholder process Shows performance = enhancing benefits as well as avoiding harm. A voluntary initiative for countries wanting to demonstrate high social and environmental performance

3 Effective social and environmental standards for REDD+ programs make a substantial contribution to human rights, poverty reduction and biodiversity conservation goals while avoiding social or environmental harm. REDD+ SES overall goal and theory of change Requires systemic change in at least four key domains A. Political support from government actors B. Policies, laws, and regulations and their implementation C. Civil society engagement D. Trust between key actors Through a process of ‘constructive engagement’, accepting an incremental approach to improving REDD+ S&E performance

4 Different levels of use of REDD+ SES in 6 focal and 6 other countries

5 Training and mentoring country facilitation teams in SIX countries. Technical assistance on challenging issues,e.g. FPIC, gender International review of REDD+ SES process in each country Collaboration with UNREDD and FCPF on conceptual framework for country approach to safeguards and SIS Guidance on developing country-led SIS Guidance on monitoring and auditing processes for social and environmental performance Guidance on methods/tool s for social, governance & environmental impact assessment Exchange and learning events for country teams Peer to peer exchanges between countries Knowledge platform (web-based) Impact evaluations exploring impact types and pathways Outcome 1. Developing & institutional- ising SIS building on REDD+ SES Outcome 2. Unifying framework and guidance for SIS Outcome 3. Methods and tools for monitoring performance Outcome 4. Sharing learning on SIS and REDD+ SES Outcome 5. Longer term institutional arrangements for REDD+ SES International Steering Committee – restructure & strengthen International review mechanism to assess SIS quality in each country Strategy for institutional and financial sustainability

6 For more information: Joanna Durbin Climate, Community & Biodiversity Alliance Phil Franks CARE International

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