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Centre for Educational Sociology: themes from recent projects David Raffe Cathy Howieson

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1 Centre for Educational Sociology: themes from recent projects David Raffe Cathy Howieson

2 School-to-work ‘transition systems’ l Cross-national comparisons of how national structures shape transitions l Context for policy learning l Labour market (LM) ‘British’; education and training (ET) ‘Scottish’ l LM: flexible, polarised, weak occupational markets – but variable l ET: strong pull of higher/academic education; uncertain status of vocational ET; work-based v college-based; flexibility (on paper) l Role of colleges l ‘NEET’: low ed participation rather than low employment

3 Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework l Comprehensive framework l 12 levels; credit points; qualifications or units; procedures for ‘credit-rating’ l Not regulatory – ‘communications’ framework – a ‘useful tool’ rather than ‘agent of change’ l Positive impacts: rationalisation/coordination of supply l Other uses, eg credit transfer, recognition of prior learning, guidance, human resources policies – potential greater than actual use l Education v employment

4 Credit Systems for Lifelong Learning project Part of 4-country study (D, DK, NL, SCO) of Credit Systems for Lifelong Learning, led by BIBB Credit arrangements (especially credit transfer) widely seen as a key policy approach for achieving permeability, increasing participation, inclusion, re-training, coherence etc Scotland perceived as example of ‘good practice’

5 1. General & pre-vocational education to college or work-based VET: limited credit transfer 2. Within VET: College and work-based Modern Apprenticeships (MAs); between different MAs: limited credit transfer 3. VET to degree: College sub-degree (HNC/HND) to university degree: main area of transfer but still limits Credit transfer at three interfaces

6 Issues from the research System provides (some) permeability without need for formal credit transfer l SCQF but still barriers relating to different types of learning:  Pre-vocational provision -‘employability’ skills v mainstream VET - vocational skills  College-based -voc capability v work-based -occupational competence Institutional barriers Individual responsibility and initiative - importance of information, advice and guidance

7 Longer-term outcomes of provision? l 16+ Learning Choices – ensure offer of a place in post-16 learning (includes employment) l 16+ Learning Choices Data Hub; focus on - analysis to plan provision - identify young people who need support l But no official plans for longitudinal analysis eg previous CES study on Outcomes of Low Attaining Pupils at age 23- 24 l Current CES study on use of Data Hub for longitudinal research on individuals’ transitions

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