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Published byErick Townsend Modified over 9 years ago
Kaori Maeshima, FermilabLa Thuile, 4 th March 2005 1 Non SUSY Searches at the Tevatron Kaori Maeshima (Fermilab) For the D0 and CDF Collaborations
Kaori Maeshima, FermilabLa Thuile, 4 th March 2005 2 Search Strategies & This Talk Organization New Phenomena Exp. Signatures But, all the analyses start with the experimetal observables, ‘final state signature’ One type of signature can explore many different models. In general, this talk is organized by the physics topics. With the exception of the high mass dilepton search (signature based approach). Searches are motivated by the physics beyond the Standard model. One type of model (new particle) can predict many different signatures (decay modes). ( e jets+E T, etc.) (Z’, SUSY, Extra Dimension, LQ, etc….)
Kaori Maeshima, FermilabLa Thuile, 4 th March 2005 3 New Phenomena Exp. Signatures W’ Z’, Extra Dimensions, TC, etc… Leptoquarks (LQ) Technicolor (TC) Extra Dimensions (ED) monopole compositeness excited lelptons (e*) fourth gen. quark, SUSY,etc. Doubly Charged Higgs e high mass dilepton (ee, , ) eejj, jj, jj, l ν jj, νν jj Wbb, dilepton dilepton, diphoton, Jets+ E T dedicated monopole search dilepton, e long-lived parents of the Z boson Same sign dilepton (ee, mm,em) ( Topics covered)
Kaori Maeshima, FermilabLa Thuile, 4 th March 2005 4 Run II Tevatron Performance Operating extremely well with recycler. highest Lum: 1.052 e32 cm -2 sec -1,Jan,2005 single store high :5.05 pb -1, Jan,2005 Analyses presented here are using up to ~ 345 pb -1 of data FY2002 FY2003 FY2004 FY2005 Highest Energy Collider in Operation! place to search for new physics CDF D0 P P √s 1.96 TeV Int. Lum. Peak Lum.
Kaori Maeshima, FermilabLa Thuile, 4 th March 2005 5 W’: additional charged heavy vector boson appears in theories based on the extension of the gauge group e.g. Left-right symmetric models: SU(2) R W R assume: the neutrino from W’ decay is light and stable. signature: high p T electron + high E T W’ search in e channel MC only high p T electron + high E T (very recent result from run II.) W’ SM
Kaori Maeshima, FermilabLa Thuile, 4 th March 2005 6 W’ search (cont.) highest M T event M T = 524 GeV/c 2 MT Distribution of Data
Kaori Maeshima, FermilabLa Thuile, 4 th March 2005 7 W’ search (cont.) No evidence of W’ existing….. set limits on W’ production rate use binned likelihood fitting method two types of systematics are examined as a function of M T : oaffect event rate (dominant: PDF, ~14% at M T = 850 GeV) oaffect the shape (dominant: electron energy scale, ~16% at M T = 850 GeV) *B(W’ e ) limit: ~ 50 – 100 fb for M(W’) > 500 GeV/c 2 at 95% CL. Limit: M(W’ SM )> 842 GeV/c 2 Run I results (with the same assumptions): M(W’ SM )> 754 GeV/c 2 (All the limits stated in this talk are at at 95% C.L.) W’ SM Limit
Kaori Maeshima, FermilabLa Thuile, 4 th March 2005 8 Searches in High Mass dileptons ee ∫ Ldt = 200 pb -1 ∫ Ldt = 250 pb -1 Relatively ‘clean’ channel Z0 peak as a calibration point Many models to explore: Z’, TC, RS graviton, LED, compositeness, etc… QCD Bgd. Z’ SM 600 GeV (Signature based approach)
Kaori Maeshima, FermilabLa Thuile, 4 th March 2005 9 Searches in high mass dileptons (cont.) ee both-forward both-central or central-forward
Kaori Maeshima, FermilabLa Thuile, 4 th March 2005 10 Mass Bump Search Strategies Perform general searches comparing data to expectation Determine spin dependent acceptance and .BR* Interpret the results according to many new models! o Spin-0: RPV sneutrinos o Spin-1: Z’ SM, E6 Z’, Little Higgs Z’, TC ( T, T ) o Spin-2: RS graviton Z' occurs naturally in extensions of SM towards GUT scale, e.g. “E6” models M(Z')>570 GeV for E6 models (depends on exact model: couplings to quarks and leptons) M(Z')>750 GeV for SM coupling (D0 M(Z')>719 GeV, 122 pb-1) X l-l- X? l+l+ l-l- l+l+ l-l- l+l+ l-l- * Though D0 has not calculated the spin dependent acceptances explicitly as CDF, the approaches are similar.
Kaori Maeshima, FermilabLa Thuile, 4 th March 2005 11 Spin-dependent Acceptance The following plots show the efficiency times acceptance of detecting a particle decaying into a electron-positron pair as function of the mass. Since the spin of the particle changes the angular distribution of the decay particles we consider the possible spin of any new particle separately: spin-0, spin-1 and spin-2. spin-0 spin-1 spin-2 Angular distribution and therefore acceptance of decay product depends on the spin of the decaying particle. central-central electrons central-forward electrons above combined central: | | < 1.1 forward: 1.1 < | | < 3.6
Kaori Maeshima, FermilabLa Thuile, 4 th March 2005 12 *B Limits (ee and channels combined) The following plots show the efficiency times acceptance of detecting a particle decaying into a electron-positron pair as function of the mass. Since the spin of the particle changes the angular distribution of the decay particles we consider the possible spin of any new particle separately: spin-0, spin-1 and spin-2. spin-0 spin-1 spin-2 *Br(X ee) 95% CL limit ee, combined limit *Br(X ) 95% CL limit *Br limit: ~ 25 fb for all spins for the high mass region (M ll > 600 GeV) These limit curves can be compared with many models Individual channel limits are still very important - lepton universality ?
Kaori Maeshima, FermilabLa Thuile, 4 th March 2005 13 Spin-1, Z’ limits Z I Zχ Zψ Zη SM coupling SM Couplings ee ee+ CDF : 750 735 815 394 DØ: 780 680 E 6 Z I Zχ Zψ Zη CDF: 610 670 690 715 (ee+ ) DØ: 575 640 650 680 (ee) z’ mass limits (in GeV/c 2 ) ∫ Ldt = 200 pb -1 ∫ Ldt = 250 pb -1 D0: ee CDF: D0:
Kaori Maeshima, FermilabLa Thuile, 4 th March 2005 14 Several extensions of the SM model (GUTS, Technicolor, Compositeness, RPV-SUSY) assume an additional symmetry between leptons and quarks 30% increase in cross section at RunII Leptoquarks (direct searches) Carry both lepton (L) and baryon (B) numbers Couple to quark and lepton of the same generation At the TeVatron they are pair produced Their decay is controlled by = BR (LQ lq ) Experimental signature: high P T isolated lepton(s) and/or E T + 2 jets 3 generations
Kaori Maeshima, FermilabLa Thuile, 4 th March 2005 15 1 st and 2 nd generation LQ channels: eejj, e jj, ( jj) for =1, D0: Run I + II, M LQ > 256 GeV/c 2 CDF: Run II, M LQ > 235 GeV/c 2 channels: jj, jj, jj for =1, D0: Run I, M LQ > 200 GeV/c 2 CDF: Run II, M LQ > 224 GeV/c 2
Kaori Maeshima, FermilabLa Thuile, 4 th March 2005 16 3rd generation LQ 3rd generation LQ channel: l h jj (one leptonic, one hadronic decayed ’s) for =1, CDF: Run II, M LQ > 129 GeV/c 2 final state: bb, same as the RPV Stop search signature (see details SUSY talk) expect 4.8 + 0.7 events, observed 5 events l + h n jet >= 2 Y T =P T (l)+P T ( h )+E T >85 GeV/c M T (l,E T ) < 35 GeV/c 2
Kaori Maeshima, FermilabLa Thuile, 4 th March 2005 17Technicolor Can search for Technicolor in many signatures This search explores same signature as SM Higgs (lνbq) SM Higgs Technirho ˉ,c,c
Kaori Maeshima, FermilabLa Thuile, 4 th March 2005 18 Technicolor note: We had mass bounds on this channel in Run I. Run II cross section limit is better than Run I. The theoretical prediction was revised downwards. From the spin-1 dilepton result, mass bounds are also obtained for T and T for different M T. M T is a parameter in the Straw-man TC model which affects the production cross section and the decay rates. M T mass limit (GeV/c 2 ) 500 320 400 315 300 310 200 225
Kaori Maeshima, FermilabLa Thuile, 4 th March 2005 19 Extra Dimensions (ED) Alternatives to SUSY for solving the hierarchy problem (M EW << M Plank ?) Focus on: Models with n extra spatial dimensions Large ED (ADD): n>0 (n>2) compactified M 2 PL ~R n M s n+2, Ms: string scale TeV-1 ED (DDG): n>=1 (n=1) M c : compactification scale Warped ED (RS): n=1, highly curved k/M Pl, k: curvature scale Arkani-Hamed, Dimopoulos, Dvali Phys Lett B429 (98) Dienes, Dudas, Gherghetta Nucl Phys B537 (99) Randall, Sundrum Phys Rev Lett 83 (99) ee jet(s)+E T + E T G G g,q f f jet exchange emission
Kaori Maeshima, FermilabLa Thuile, 4 th March 2005 20 η G = F/M S 4 F is a model dependent dimensionless parameter ~ 1: GRW: F = 1 HLZ: F = log(M s 2 /M 2 ), n =2 F = 2/(n-2), n > 2 Hewett: F = 2 λ /π, λ = ±1 M s is the UV cutoff = M PL(4+n dim) Gravity effect parametrized by G ee, γγ invariant mass Functions of M & cos * determined by theory scatter. angle DØ Search Strategy: Combine dielectron and diphoton to diEM signature Fit distribution of M vs cos * of Data – SM Extract η G from the fit Translate η G into M s limit Search for enhanced dilepton production LED with dilepton &
Kaori Maeshima, FermilabLa Thuile, 4 th March 2005 21 Translate G 95% limits to 95% CL lower limits on Planck scale M S, in TeV, using different formalisms for F GRWHLZ for n =Hewett 2 3 4 5 6 7 λ = +1/-1 1.361.56 1.61 1.36 1.23 1.14 1.081.22/1.10 1.431.67 1.70 1.43 1.29 1.20 1.141.28/NA DØ RunII DØ RunI + Run II *NLO k=1.3 scale applied to signal MC LED with ee & Data QCD SM prediction Signal prediction Data vs MC
Kaori Maeshima, FermilabLa Thuile, 4 th March 2005 22 Event selection pT > 15 GeV for both muon objects Isolated tracks M(mumu) > 50 GeV Cosmics removed Weighted average PT correction Observed events ~ 17,000 events No deviation from SM in data GRWHLZ for n =Hewett 2 3 4 5 6 7 λ = +1/-1 1.091.00 1.29 1.09 0.98 0.91 0.860.97/0.95 DØ ∫Ldt = 250 pb -1 LED with 40.33 0.00G TeV0.00η 495% G TeV0.71η Lower limits on the fundamental Plank scale, M S in TeV
Kaori Maeshima, FermilabLa Thuile, 4 th March 2005 23 Randall-Sundrum Graviton (ee + + ) Scale of physical phenomena on the TeV-brane is specified by the exponential warp factor: = M pl e -kR c ~ TeV if kR c ~11-12. Randall-Sundrum gravitons are excluded by these data in the plane of coupling (k/MPl) versus effective graviton mass. E.g. for k/M_Pl=0.05 masses less than 500 GeV are ruled out at 95% C.L.. for k/M_Pl=0.05 masses less than 500 GeV are ruled out at 95% C.L.. Scale of physical phenomena on the TeV-brane is specified by the exponential warp factor: = M pl e -kRc ~ TeV if kR c ~11-12. Clean experimental signature. Low backgrounds /Z 0 l-l- q q ++ q q g g l+l+ l-l- l+l+ l+l+ l-l- KKnKKn KKnKKn gg initiated process Dilepton Channel K/Mpl 0.1620 0.05470 0.02310 0.01200 Add Run I limits?! ll has largest acceptance at low mass has largest acceptance at high mass BR(G → ) = 2 * BR(G→ee)
Kaori Maeshima, FermilabLa Thuile, 4 th March 2005 24 Dirac Monopoles Signature o Large pulses in Time of Flight (TOF) o Large ionization in drift chamber (COT) o No curvature in r-phi o Curvature in r-z (not used in analysis) Developed a dedicated trigger for Monopoles
Kaori Maeshima, FermilabLa Thuile, 4 th March 2005 25 Monopole Search Results Drell-Yan like cross section (Giacomelli and Patrizii, hep-ex/0302011)
Kaori Maeshima, FermilabLa Thuile, 4 th March 2005 26 Summary and Conclusions Many searches for new physics are underway in D0 and CDF Presented: some of the more recent preliminary results Surpassed the sensitivity and results of Run I Limits shown either exceed any published results of direct searches or are the first limits ever! Lots more data to analyse Many new exciting results from Tevatron experiments and more coming soon! .BR upper and mass lower limits on various new physics models @ 95 % using 200 pb-1 of CDF II high mass ee+ + data
Kaori Maeshima, FermilabLa Thuile, 4 th March 2005 27 Extended spatial e, μ coverage New plug calorimeter improves also MET measurement Improved MET triggers Added triggers to identify leptons at early stage New silicon and fiber tracker Solenoid (2 Tesla) Upgrade of muon system Upgrade of Trigger/DAQ CDF & DZero Experiments
Kaori Maeshima, FermilabLa Thuile, 4 th March 2005 28 LQ search in jj 124 events observed Signature: Large MET and 2 jets ’ =BR(LQ q) = 1 Expected =118 14 Sample Composition: W/Z + jets top QCD fakes M(LQ) > 117 GeV/c 2 @ 95 % C.L. Expected =41.5 4.2 44 events observed M(LQ) > 120 GeV/c 2 @ 95 % C.L. for Q(normalization scale) = m(LQ)
Kaori Maeshima, FermilabLa Thuile, 4 th March 2005 29 Search for Real Graviton Emission DØ ∫Ldt = 85 pb -1 Data Selection: MET > 150 GeV, Jet1 > 150 GeV Jet2 < 50 (reduce ISR, FSR) ΔΦ J-MET > 30 o (reduce chance that MET comes from jet mismeasurement) Irreducible Background: Z-> νν + 1 or 2 jets (60% of total bckg.) Limit on Planck Scale M d After all selection cuts observe 63, expect 100 with ~60% uncertainty q q g G kk _ g g g heavy G escapes to extra D large MET recoil jet very energetic Analysis sensitive to jet energy scale (JES) uncertainty. Data versus SM LEP LED with Monojet + MET
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