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Event Start Time Determination Ma Xiang 2005.12.14.

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1 Event Start Time Determination Ma Xiang 2005.12.14

2 内容 1. 修改 MdcFastTrkAlg, 修改过程及修改后结 果,包括效率,分辨率等 2.TOF 端盖部分算法设计,用 MC 数据检验 的结果 3.MDC 部分算法,用 MC 数据检验的结果 4. 总结

3 1.MdcFastTrkAlg (1)When track angle cosθwithin 0.84-0.94,the tracking efficiency less than 20%. Fast Tracking must be modified to suite the END cap case. * Due to superlayer 0,5,7 slant is wrong in the code, hits on those layers can’t be used in the tracking. ( slant 0,5,7 is -,1,6,8 is + in Geometry, but all are + in code) * If track can not reach axial segment 9 &10, cut the requirements for Seg.9 &10. * Min. requirements only one stereo segment. (Normal case: 6 stereo Seg. 5 axial seg.) After modification the tracking efficiency achieve over 90% for single particle with1.5Gev.

4 Quality checking between the old and new e -, 1.5Gev,2000,cosθ ∈ (0.85,0.94) Old Code efficiency: 5.3% Modified efficiency: 89%

5 Quality checking between the old and new P Resolution old cosθ(-0.8,0.8) p:1.497Gev/c σ:0.022 P Resolution new cosθ(0.85,0.94) p:1.491Gev/c σ:0.124

6 Quality checking between the old and new XY 空间分辨 cosθ(-0.8,0.8) 136μm XY 空间分辨 cosθ(0.85, 0.94) 180μm

7 Quality checking between the old and new Z 空间分辨 z 空间分辨 cosθ(-0.8,0.8) 5mm z 空间分辨 cosθ(0.85,0.94) 9.3mm

8 2.End-cap TOF Check 2* helix_ radius > R_tof in xy plane?  Yes, an intersection in xy plane =>calculate Z_tof, if Z_tof >120cm(<-120cm), assume hit on EndTOF, calculate TOF ID, if ID matches MC, calculate evtime A Barrel TOF End-cap TOF. A x y Barrel TOF z y

9 End-cap TOF  No, no intersection in x-y plane, =>if tanl>0, assume hit on endTof: whether TOF ID matches? If matching, calculate evtime =>if tanl<0, assume hit on End-cap TOF: whether TOF ID matches? If matching, calculate evtime Barrel TOF x y. A Helix

10 Result e-,1.5Gev,2000 MC data, cosθ ∈ (0.85,0.94) t 0 : -0.0048ns σ: 0.29ns End-cap TOF

11 Single match multi matches End-cap TOF (e-,0.3Gev,2000, cosθ ∈ (0.85,0.94)) Entries:741 t 0 : 0.044ns σ: 0.397ns Entries:1365 t 0 : 0.092ns σ: 0.649ns

12 Sense wire Field wire Drift cell A (t est ) B C D 3. ESTime Calculation by MDC 根据 MDC 快速 重建结果计算 常数  T est = TDCM - t ev

13 1.t drift :  Axial segments  Stereo segments 2.t f :  Axial segments  Stereo segments e-,1.5Gev,3000,MC t0: 0.08ns σ:3.49ns T est = TDCMC - t ev ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

14 总结 1. 修改 MdcFastTrkAlg ,提高了 TOF 端盖部分径 迹重建效率,但空间分辨和动量分辨变差 2.TOF 端盖部分算法基本完成,时间分辨达到 要求 3.MDC 部分算法,还需要完善


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