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Step 4 – Committed to Playing New Games These are new games that you can play as you play the game of life. These are the games to play that will sustain.

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Presentation on theme: "Step 4 – Committed to Playing New Games These are new games that you can play as you play the game of life. These are the games to play that will sustain."— Presentation transcript:

1 Step 4 – Committed to Playing New Games These are new games that you can play as you play the game of life. These are the games to play that will sustain you and enable you to win. Page 72

2 Playing “New Games” 11. Mind-to-Muscle 12. Swish 13. Meta-Stating Courage 14. Excuse Blow Out 15. The Miracle Game 16. The “Drop Down Through” Game 17. Foregrounding Resources 18. Meta-Stating Semantic Fears 19. Totally Congruent 20. The “Bounce Back” Game Pages 72-73

3 Game #11 Mind-to-Muscle 1. Identify the principle you want “in your muscles.” 2. Describe the principle as a belief. 3. Reformat the belief as a decision. 4. Rephrase as an emotional state. 5. Turn the emotion into action. 6. Step into the emotion and spiral. Pages 74-75

4 Summary of Mind-to-Muscle 1. “I understand…” 2. “I believe…” 3. “From this day forward I will…” 4. “I feel and experience…” 5. “The one thing I will do today…” 6. Step into your higher understandings and bring them down repeatedly. Page 74

5 Game #12 - Figure 4:1 Page 78

6 Game #12 - Figure 4:2 Page 79

7 Game #12 Swish My Mind 1. Vividly imagine the “you” who can handle fear. 2. Identify a fear trigger. 3. Edit your courageous picture - #1. 4. Step into this future courageous you. 5. Check ecology – Well Formed Outcome. 6. Step out and let it pull you. 7. Swish the images using size & brightness. 8. Swish the images using size & distance. 9. Future Pace. Page 76 - 79

8 Game #13 Figure 4:3 Page 81

9 Game #13 Courage Gestalts (Noble) courage (Outrageous) courage (Clever) courage (Ferocious) courage (Gentle) courage (Sweet) courage (Authentic) courage (Easy) Courage (Humorous) courage (Ambitious) courage (Sinful) courage (Dignified) courage (Wise) courage (Embracing) courage (Rigid) courage (Innocent) courage Page 82

10 Game #13 Meta-Stating Courage 1. Access primary state of fear. 2. Flush out current frames & meta-states. 3. Design engineer some higher level resource, belief, etc. to create courage. 4. Check out the overall gestalt configuration that results. 5. Keep recycling through this meta-stating. Pages 80-82

11 Game #14 Excuse Blow-Out What is an “excuse?” We create excuses as we invent explanations as a way to get out of doing things that we prefer not to do. An “excuse” involves a meta-level frame of reference that we use to put some action or experience into a different box. Page 83

12 The Excuse Blow-Out Game 1. Access a desired outcome. 2. Let the excuse or excuses emerge. 3. Quality control the excuse. 4. Preserve the excuses values and benefits- “suck out” any values. 5. Reject the empty shell of the worn out excuse. 6. Test. 7. Access your “executive decision” state. Pages 84-85

13 Game #15 The “Miracle” Game 1. Identify a problem 2. Identify the frames and frames-in-frames. (See Figure 4:4) 3. Continue exploring the matrix. 4. Quality control the whole matrix. 5. Miracle time – imagine a miracle. 6. Shift and change. 7. Quality control: Check ecology. 8. Pretend and describe the magic day. Pages 86-87

14 Game #15 – Figure 4:4 Page 88

15 Game #16 Drop Down Through Here we drop down through feeling, idea and metaphor and use it as an operative frame. In this languaging, we are inviting the person to go higher deeper (or deeper higher) as a trance phenomenon. We move them to the level of no meaning to a higher resource level. Page 89

16 Negative Spelling Frames Panic Embarrassment Shame Pressure Stuttering Stuck Hurry Up Being Late Being Exposed Standing Out Ridiculous Nothing Big Lake – Freedom Umbilical Cord – Nourishment Heaven Somebody to Hang on to Protected Someone to stick up for me Flat Precise voice Cleaning Out – Fluid Patience Perfectly On Time Fully Clothed Uniquely Blended Accepted Negative Frames: After Meta-Stating:

17 Drop Down Through Game 1. Identify the experience or emotion (Problem State). 2. Step into the experience. 3. Drop down through the experience. 4. Confirm the emptiness. 5. Meta-State each problem state. 6. Test. Pages 89-90

18 Caveats About the Pattern C 1. About “getting to the bottom,” – getting “stuck” there – open it up! 2. For intense trauma, use another pattern first. 3. Track the person’s states all the way down. 4. When to end. Page 91

19 Game #17 Foreground Resources In every picture, image and movie, some things are in the foreground and other things are in the background. When we foreground problems C they become bigger. When we foreground resources C we become more skilled, and competent. Page 92

20 Figure 4:5 Foreground/Background Page 93

21 Foreground/Background Game 1. Detect the foreground/background structure. 2. Become aware of your own foregrounding/backgrounding patterns. 3. Decide to take charge of your gestalt shifting. 4. Commit yourself to foregrounding resources. 5. Swish the gestalt shift in. Pages 93-94

22 Game #18 Meta-Stating Semantic Fears It is really pretty easy to detect and flush out semantic reactions. Are there any ideas or concepts that “get you?” What words or terms upset you, rattle your cage, or push your button C Frustrated, Stressed, Fear, Guilt, etc.? Page 95

23 Meta-Stating Semantic Fears 1. Decide to fully and completely learn the distinction between Map & Territory. 2. Decide to fully and completely use your neurology as a human being rather than an animal. 3. Decide to fully run your own brain. 4. “I shall stubbornly refuse to take counsel of my fears.” Instead, I will control my values & beliefs. 5. I shall access my highest resource of confidence, faith, hope, joy, love, etc. (See Figure 4:6) Pages 95 - 96

24 Figure 4:6 Semantic Fears Page 96

25 Game #19 Meta-Alignment Are you aligned in all of your higher levels of thinking and emoting regarding a given task? Do you have any parts organized to sabotage your propulsion for success? This pattern helps you to use meta-level structures (meta-states) to generate an overall sense of integration. Page 97

26 Figure 4:7 Meta-Aligning Page 97

27 Game #19 Meta-Alignment 1. Identify a primary sensory-based experiences wherein you want more alignment. 2. Identify the P-S mental-emotional skill and abilities which enable you to do this. 3. Identify the meta-level beliefs and values that support and empower this. Page 98

28 Meta-Alignment Continued 4. Identify the meta-levels of identity which emerges for you. 5. Identify the meta-state of purpose & destiny that then arises. 6. Identify the decision that supports this. 7. Describe meta levels with a metaphor. 8. Bring the higher levels down to the PS. Page 98 - 99

29 Game #20 The Bounce Back 1. Identify when to play this game. 2. Stubbornly “PEE” all over this. Permanent in time Pervasive in space Personal in source Page 100

30 3. Power Up with Resources Flexibility Living in the present Non-personal Self-esteeming Self-Appreciation Flexibility Centered in Values Meaning-making power Response-able Perceptive Non-victim Acceptance Forgiveness Self-disciplined Long-term thinking Self-appreciation Page 100

31 Bounce Back Continued 4. Joyfully commit yourself with a big “YES” to the optimistic explanatory style. Temporary in time Specific in space External in source 5. Access and apply each resource. 6. Future pace and commission a higher executive level Page 101


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