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Settings UI Tip of the iceberg model Dsauce - 2/05/2008.

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1 Settings UI Tip of the iceberg model Dsauce - 2/05/2008

2 Vision Provide a simplified user interface for non-technical users. Reduce the burden to entry into the game experience. Provide easy access to advanced settings for technically savvy users. Advanced settings should be usable by both technical and non-technical users. Nice to have: First run auto-configuration that adjusts settings to match users hardware.

3 User Scenarios Scenario 1 – Change settings on first run (All personas) Pat has recently purchased a copy of Train Sim 2 and installed it on his/her machine. Pat has a relatively new PC with Vista compatible hardware. When Pat finishes the install he launches the TS2 app and waits for it to load. When the load completes Pat is on the home screen. Pat wants to See what his/her new pc is capable of so he/she goes to the settings page and adjusts the settings to the desired level before launching the simulation. -The settings UI should be easy to find and use - Descriptive text should be helpful - System profiler would be a nice to have Home Launch sim Settings Operate OK Cancel Tutorials Launch In Game Pause menu Pause sim settings Settings

4 Scenario 2 – Change settings from in game (All personas) Jo has installed the Train Sim 2 product and has launched the simulation. When Jo gets to the home screen he/she can’t wait to hop right into a train and start driving. Jo clicks the operate button on the home screen and lands on the tutorials tab. Jo selects a tutorial and launches it. Once in the game Jo notices that the games visual settings are not turned up very high. Jo pauses the simulation and clicks the settings button…. - The settings entry point from the pause UI should be easy to find… - Descriptive text in settings should be succinct yet helpful - System profiler would be a nice to have Home Launch sim Settings Operate OK Cancel Tutorials Launch In Game Pause menu Pause sim settings Settings

5 Settings- Graphics from Home screen CH Screen resolution Set your screen resolution to match to match your monitors optimal setting. Higher screen resolutions and bit depth will result in a crisper image but may result in slower frame rates. Graphic Add-on Difficulty: Screen resolution: Play windowed: Show in-cab tooltips: Show captioning: Graphic Quality: AI density: Scenery density: Master Volume:  Beginner 1024 x 768 (16) Off On Off High Insert audio slider here OK Cancel Default On hover treatment When the user hovers over the modify Setting control the proposal is to show Enough information in the descriptive Section for the user to make an accurate decision as to the level that they /their PC can handle. If the user has accessed the settings page from the home screen Okay should Apply the settings and Take the user to the home screen. Default should revert the game settings to their default out of box State….The user would then select “Okay” ( evaluate) If the user has modified their settings and not Applied the changes by selecting okay, the cancel button should revert the users settings To the state they were in prior to manipulation. From the home page cancel should revert any Unapplied settings and take the user back to the Home page. Hit area will effect increasing and decreasing The setting

6 Settings- Graphics (custom) CH Screen resolution Set your screen resolution to match to match your monitors optimal setting. Higher screen resolutions and bit depth will result in a crisper image but may result in slower frame rates. Graphic Add-on Difficulty: Screen resolution: Play windowed: Show in-cab tooltips: Show captioning: Graphic Quality: AI density: Scenery density: Master volume :  Custom 1024 x 768 (16) Off On Off High Custom Insert audio slider here OK Cancel Default Applies changes the user has made and will either apply the settings and return the user to the home Screen or prompt the user with a dialog that they require a Restart of the game. If the user has modified their settings and not Applied the changes, the cancel button should revert the users settings to the state they were in prior to manipulation. Cancel should revert any unapplied settings and Navigate the user back to the home screen In the event that a user manipulates the.ini file manually the settings page should Reflect that the users settings are now in a Custom state. If the user manipulates the right or left arrows to set a predefined setting and applies the Change, the ini settings associated with that Control will revert to the setting appropriate To the users choice. i.e. Low, Medium, High… Custom will not be a setting that the user can Select from the right or left arrow UI Current POV is that advanced Users who modify the INI will manipulate their Settings in the INI only.

7 Settings- Graphics from in game CH Difficulty This setting is not enabled while you are In operations mode. Manipulation of this setting may invalidate your mission. Graphic Add-on Difficulty: Screen resolution: Play windowed: Show in-cab tooltips: Show captioning: Graphic Quality: AI density: Scenery density: Master volume:  Beginner 1024 x 768 (16) Off On Off High Insert audio slider here OK Cancel Default Provide a detailed description of why We have disabled the control from in Game. If the user accesses the settings page from in game the apply button should attempt to apply the settings and then take the user back to the in game state should revert the game settings to their default out of box State….The user would then select “OK” If the user has modified their settings, the cancel button should revert the users settings To the state they were in prior to manipulation. Cancel should revert any unapplied settings and Navigate the user back to the pause menu Allow hover of disabled control See description above

8 Settings- control ( no selected state model) CH Realism This setting affects the realism and difficulty of your train operations in free Run mode Beginner: All realism settings disabled Intermediate: Derailment enabled Advanced: Derailment and physics enabled Expert: All realism settings enabled Graphic Add-on Realism: Screen resolution: Play windowed: Show in-cab tooltips: Show captioning: Graphic Quality: AI density: Scenery density: Master volume:  Beginner 1024 x 768 (32) Off On Off High Insert audio slider here OK Cancel Default Hover state – On mouse over Default state - If we don’t require a selected State for the UI by default the right pane that Displays information about the control should Show a default message about settings and how To manipulate them, if we require a selection Realism will be selected by default and the info For that control will be displayed on the right Hover state- On hover of the control swaps The information displayed on the

9 Settings Definition (Example) Need to define the settings in the INI file that are changed and what values are applied per predefined setting category. Example: Difficulty Difficulty Beginner The game is set to beginner by default out of the box. (Not necessarily a true statement) Pilot controlled train lights : Off Disable flying tips: Off Ignore/detect crash damage: On allow collisions: Off Engine stress damage: Off Train Physics: Off Difficulty Intermediate Need to determine what settings will make game play slightly more difficult Pilot controlled train lights : On Disable flying tips: Off Ignore/detect crash damage: On allow collisions: Off Engine stress damage: Off Train Physics: Off Difficulty Advanced Need to determine what settings will make game play slightly more difficult than intermediate Pilot controlled train lights : On Disable flying tips: On Ignore/detect crash damage: On allow collisions: On Engine stress damage: Off Train Physics: On Difficulty Expert Enable all difficulty related settings Pilot controlled train lights : On Disable flying tips: On Ignore/detect crash damage: Off allow collisions: On Engine stress damage: On Train Physics: On

10 Settings Definition (Example) Need to define what settings are grouped in this category and/or if we need to create more categories for the settings UI Example: Graphic Settings Graphic settings effect the overall visual appearance of the simulation, should these also contain settings specific to the visual quality of the consist or should a separate setting be added To the settings UI that is specific to the trains visual appearance Graphics low Setting for low end machines or users who want high perf and don’t care about visuals Target frame rate: 24 fps Global texture res: Mesh resolution Filtering anti-aliasing Lens flare Light bloom High resolution 3d cockpit Train shadow on ground Train shadow on itself Train object texture quality Train object quality: Low Show user train: On Show manufacturer: Off Show model Show tail number: Off Show distance: Label color: Cycle rate: Advanced animation: On

11 Add-ons What information can we pull from the installer to display in the UI Creator name? Date installed? File dependencies? etc

12 CH Settings- Add-ons OK CancelDefault Scenery and add-ons Check box selection UI OK – Commits changes Default – sets out of box content Cancel – reverts to previous unapplied setting and navigates ??? Horseshoe Curve Add on Alvin’s TS2 Add on pack Fred’s Train Gene SimZ add on route #3 MSTS2 Official Add on MSTS2 SP1 Scenery Stinky Pete’s old time run Add on Graphic Name  Date installed  01/10/2008 Deselecting an item from the list ensures that the content for that add on will not load when the game launches. Creator: Joe Bob Created: 10/20/2007 Details: My add on to the Horseshoe Curve route, a new consist, and scenery Pack update Horseshoe curve Add on TBD

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