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Academic Vocabulary.

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Presentation on theme: "Academic Vocabulary."— Presentation transcript:

1 Academic Vocabulary

2 Affable, Aura, Contraband, Propensity, Resilient
Academic Vocabulary Affable, Aura, Contraband, Propensity, Resilient

3 Affable

4 Affable Adjective

5 Affable Adjective We spent a pleasant afternoon with our _______ neighbors.

6 Affable Adjective We spent a pleasant afternoon with our affable neighbors.

7 Affable Description

8 Affable Description Courteous and pleasant; easy to speak to

9 Affable Word Family

10 Affable Word Family Affably (adverb) Affability (noun)

11 Affable Word Family Affably (adverb) Affability (noun) Synonyms:

12 Affable Word Family Affably (adverb) Affability (noun) Synonyms:
Genial Amicable Agreeable Cordial

13 Affable Word Family Affably (adverb) Affability (noun)
Synonyms: Antonyms: Genial Amicable Agreeable Cordial

14 Affable Word Family Affably (adverb) Affability (noun)
Synonyms: Antonyms: Genial -Surly Amicable -Cantankerous Agreeable -Inhospitable Cordial

15 Affable Examples

16 Affable Examples She had a good time on her date because they guy was very affable.

17 Affable Examples She had a good time on her date because they guy was very affable. He wasn’t the best looking or the brightest, but the girls like him because he was affable.

18 Affable Examples

19 Affable Examples She had a good time on her date because they guy was very affable. He wasn’t the best looking or the brightest, but the girls like him because he was affable.

20 Affable Examples She had a good time on her date because they guy was very affable. He wasn’t the best looking or the brightest, but the girls like him because he was affable. The affable girl got along with her neighbors.

21 Affable The new puppy was affable and got along with everyone (including the cat).

22 Affable Non-Example

23 Affable Non-Example I affabled my new neighbors when I invited them over for dinner.

24 Affable Non-Example I affabled my new neighbors when I invited them over for dinner. “Affable” is not a verb. Use it as an adjective (usually to describe a person).

25 Compose your own sentence using the word
Affable Your Turn! Compose your own sentence using the word affable!

26 Affable Rate It! 1-4

27 Aura

28 Aura Noun

29 Aura Noun People liked her immediately because of her pleasant aura.

30 Aura Description

31 Aura Description a distinctive air or personal quality that surrounds someone or something

32 Aura Description a distinctive air or personal quality that surrounds someone or something Word Family

33 Aura Description a distinctive air or personal quality that surrounds someone or something Word Family Synonyms: ambience, atmosphere

34 Aura Description a distinctive air or personal quality that surrounds someone or something Word Family Synonyms: ambience, atmosphere Antonym none

35 Aura Examples

36 Aura Examples She didn’t want to go out with him because he had a creepy aura.

37 Aura Examples She didn’t want to go out with him because he had a creepy aura.

38 Aura Examples She didn’t want to go out with him because he had a creepy aura. His terrible aura rubbed off on everyone he was around.

39 Aura Examples

40 Aura Examples She didn’t want to go out with him because he had a creepy aura. His terrible aura rubbed off on everyone he was around.

41 Aura Examples She didn’t want to go out with him because he had a creepy aura. His terrible aura rubbed off on everyone he was around. No one knew why they liked her; she just had a pleasant aura.

42 Aura Examples No one knew why they liked her; she just had a pleasant aura.

43 Aura Examples She didn’t want to go out with him because he had a creepy aura. His terrible aura rubbed off on everyone he was around. No one knew why they liked her; she just had a pleasant aura.

44 Aura Non-Examples

45 Aura Non-Examples I’m so aura.

46 Aura Non-Examples I’m so aura. Not an adjective

47 Aura Non-Examples I’m so aura. I auraed that guy at the dance.

48 Aura Non-Examples I’m so aura.
I auraed that guy at the dance. Not a verb

49 Aura Non-Examples I’m so aura. I auraed that guy at the dance.
I’m going to aura a soda and a slice of pizza.

50 Your Turn! Compose your own example using the word aura.

51 Aura Rate It! 1-4

52 Contraband

53 Contraband Noun

54 Contraband Noun Though he knew it was contraband, the student had his cell phone out in class.

55 Contraband Description

56 Contraband Description illegal, prohibited, or smuggled goods

57 Contraband Description
illegal, prohibited, or smuggled goods (or as an adjective describing the goods)

58 Contraband Description illegal, prohibited, or smuggled goods
Word Family

59 Contraband Description illegal, prohibited, or smuggled goods
Word Family Synonyms: illegal…

60 Contraband Description illegal, prohibited, or smuggled goods
Word Family Synonyms: illegal… stuff -Unlawful

61 Contraband Description illegal, prohibited, or smuggled goods
Word Family Synonyms: illegal… stuff -Unlawful Antonyms: Legal, lawful… stuff

62 Contraband Examples The smuggler was bringing fake money into the country. He hid the contraband by taping it to his waist.

63 Contraband Examples The smuggler was bringing fake money into the country. He hid the contraband by taping it to his waist.

64 Contraband Examples The smuggler was bringing fake money into the country. He hid the contraband by taping it to his waist. The prisoner tried to get the contraband into the prison by hiding it in a music book. Fortunately, a dog sniffed it out.

65 Contraband Examples

66 Contraband Examples The smuggler was bringing fake money into the country. He hid the contraband by taping it to his waist. The prisoner tried to get the contraband into the prison by hiding it in a music book. Fortunately, a dog sniffed it out.

67 Contraband Examples From Tale of Two Cities:

68 Contraband Examples “…musketeers went into St Giles’s, to search for contraband goods, and the mob fired on the musketeers, and the musketeers fired on the mob…” (Dickens 7).

69 Contraband Non-Examples

70 Contraband Non-Examples
I’m going to contraband my cell phone so the teacher doesn’t see it.

71 Contraband Non-Examples
I’m going to contraband my cell phone so the teacher doesn’t see it. He contrabanded the drugs.

72 Contraband is not a verb.
Non-Examples I’m going to contraband my cell phone so the teacher doesn’t see it. He contrabanded the drugs. Contraband is not a verb.

73 Contraband Non-Examples
I’m going to contraband my cell phone so the teacher doesn’t see it. He contrabanded the drugs. She contrabandedly held the items.

74 It is not an adverb either.
Contraband Non-Examples I’m going to contraband my cell phone so the teacher doesn’t see it. He contrabanded the drugs. She contrabandedly held the items. It is not an adverb either.

75 Contraband Please use contraband as the actual items that have been prohibited or to describe the items that have been prohibited.

76 Your Turn! Compose a sentence using the word contraband.

77 Contraband Rate It! 1-4

78 Propensity

79 Propensity Noun

80 Propensity Noun My propensity to procrastinate makes getting my work done very difficult.

81 Propensity Description

82 Propensity Description Natural inclination toward;

83 Propensity Description
Natural inclination toward; natural tendency or disposition

84 Propensity Description
Natural inclination toward; natural tendency or disposition Word Family

85 Propensity Description
Natural inclination toward; natural tendency or disposition Word Family Synonyms:

86 Propensity Description
Natural inclination toward; natural tendency or disposition Word Family Synonyms: proclivity, tendency, partiality

87 Propensity Description
Natural inclination toward; natural tendency or disposition Word Family Synonyms: proclivity, tendency, partiality Antonym: inability

88 Propensity Examples

89 Propensity Examples The alcoholic had the propensity to drink too much.

90 Propensity Examples Her propensity to be stylish caused her to spend
a lot of money on clothing.

91 Propensity Examples The alcoholic had the propensity to drink too much. Her propensity to be stylish caused her to spend a lot of money on clothing. His propensity to lead made him a good quarterback.

92 Propensity Examples

93 Propensity Your Turn! Someone has the propensity to do something or someone has the propensity for something.

94 Propensity Your Turn! Hopefully, you have the propensity for using new vocabulary words.

95 Propensity Your Turn! Hopefully, you have the propensity for using new vocabulary words. Compose your own sentence using the word propensity.

96 Propensity Rate It! 1-4

97 Resilient

98 Resilient Adjective

99 Resilient Adjective Because they are resilient, teenagers can come back from injury very quickly.

100 Resilient Description

101 Resilient Description able to recover quickly;

102 Resilient Description
able to recover quickly; able to return to its original shape or form

103 Resilient Word Family

104 Resilient Word Family Resilience (noun)

105 Resilient Word Family Resilience (noun)
Because of their resilience, they can come back from injury quickly.

106 Resilient Word Family Resilience (noun) Resiliently (adverb)
Because of their resilience, they can come back from injury quickly. Resiliently (adverb)

107 Resilient Examples

108 Resilient Examples The resilient metal made the dent in the door pop right back into place.

109 Resilient Examples The resilient metal made the dent in the door pop right back into place.

110 Resilient Examples The resilient metal made the dent in the door pop right back into place. She freaked out when she dropped her cell phone on the concrete, but fortunately her phone was resilient and didn’t break.

111 Resilient Non-Example

112 Resilient Non-Example
I resiliented after I got hurt on the football field.

113 Compose an example sentence using the word
Resilient Your Turn! Compose an example sentence using the word resilient.

114 Resilient Rate It! 1-4

115 fin

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