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Twenty/20 Presentation David Giles | March 4 th 2015 | Grafton Hotel.

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Presentation on theme: "Twenty/20 Presentation David Giles | March 4 th 2015 | Grafton Hotel."— Presentation transcript:

1 Twenty/20 Presentation David Giles | March 4 th 2015 | Grafton Hotel

2 Objectives The Voice of the Future Crystal ball thinking Intelligent linking – Value of TMC’s Create a blueprint for GTMC members SWOT analysis

3 Vision Respond to customer led revolution Shape industry demands and expectations Develop agile and responsive ways of working Empower and engage staff in the vision Make informed decisions Operate efficient, effective, modern businesses.

4 Strategy Present Blueprint to members at Conference Continue to research changing trends Establish framework on new entrant staff training needs

5 Strategy Continue to collaborate Sharing our vision with members Explore innovations from leading research institutions e.g. Virgin Galactica/Google/Mobile Apps/Technology Next meeting date: Tuesday 24 th March 14.00hrs

6 Progress Session 1 - SWOT analysis completed Session 2 - The customer journey in 2020 Session 3 - Scoping emerging solutions and the visionary action plan

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