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Published byKristin Caldwell Modified over 9 years ago
23-Dec-'01OPMS - ILW1 Accomplishing a Mission The OPMS approach - Interactive Management OPMSThe Integration - the OPMS OPMSSome outcomes of the OPMS approach
23-Dec-'01OPMS - ILW2 meanspar excellence Demonstrating the practical means par excellence to accomplish: Organisational Missions Societal Missions Individual Missions No limitations whatsoever
23-Dec-'01OPMS - ILW3 MISSION What is a ‘MISSION’? ‘MISSION’ A ‘MISSION’ is a goal that is: perhaps even seemingly impossible!Highly challenging, difficult - perhaps even seemingly impossible! May require considerable time, efforts (and perhaps other resources) to accomplish unfamiliarunknownMay involve the unfamiliar and the unknown May involve the efforts of several people over a long period of time
Above all: MISSIONpassionate involvementat least one person Accomplishing a real MISSION requires passionate involvement on the part of at least one person who really believes in it!!
To accomplish any challenging Mission... THE most effective possible way We present to you THE most effective possible way to enable people accomplish their Missions!
23-Dec-'01OPMS - ILW6 To accomplish a Mission: WRITE DOWNJust WRITE DOWN the Mission DO (and get done)THINGS TO DODO (and get done) all the THINGS TO DO that could help accomplish the Mission BARRIERS, DIFFICULTIES, THREATS, WEAKNESSESRemove or minimise all BARRIERS, DIFFICULTIES, THREATS, WEAKNESSES that may hinder or prevent accomplishment OPPORTUNITIESAvail all OPPORTUNITIES found that could help accomplishment…
23-Dec-'01OPMS - ILW7 That’s obvious…...but HOW to accomplish this??
The OPMS approach Based on ‘Interactive Management’
23-Dec-'01OPMS - ILW9 OPMS approach provides us a highly effective, practical means to accomplish our Missions! The OPMS approach provides us a highly effective, practical means to accomplish our Missions!
A possible Mission to work on: “To enable TCS to become a world leader in its field of interest within 3 years” (ANY other Mission of interest could also be tried out)
23-Dec-'01OPMS - ILW11 Other example Missions: “To become an effective Facilitator”“To become an effective Facilitator” “To ensure my business achieves high success within 2 years”“To ensure my business achieves high success within 2 years” “To ensure our nation become 90% literate within 10 years”“To ensure our nation become 90% literate within 10 years”
hard thinking OPMS effective It does require some hard thinking to create an OPMS - but the effort is worth it because it WILL enable creation & implementation of truly effective Action Planning for the Mission.
OR: the users will make out that the Mission is not feasible, WITHOUT expending huge resources of time, money on the Mission!
OPMS - EFFECTIVE The prime reason for the OPMS - EFFECTIVE utilisation of resources of all kinds: intellectual resources, time resources, money resources.
right these should be the people actually involved in accomplishing the Mission! For any Mission, we’ve got to pose the trigger questions to the right people for that Mission - these should be the people actually involved in accomplishing the Mission!
1st Trigger Question: “YOUR ‘To double turnover within 1 year’ ?” “What, in YOUR opinion, are the THINGS TO DO ‘To double turnover within 1 year’ ?”
1st Step: Generate relevant ideas (from the people actually involved in the Mission)
23-Dec-'01OPMS - ILW18 “To double turnover within 1 year” MISSION: “To double turnover within 1 year” Explore new, untried markets Obtain needed finance for basic working capital Launch a new product Appoint a dynamic CEO who knows our business + the markets Create more effective dealer network...
2nd Step: Structure the ideas generated!
23-Dec-'01OPMS - ILW20 Start of Action Planning model for Business should contribute To monitor rigorously, day by day Create more effective dealer network Launch a new product (A) Explore new, untried markets (B) Obtain needed finance for basic working capital Appoint new CEO Create more effective marketing system
23-Dec-'01OPMS - ILW21 CRUCIALThe first step is CRUCIAL potential power to convert knowledge into wisdom - quite rapidly indeedThe second step provides the potential power to convert knowledge into wisdom - quite rapidly indeed
ISM The model shown: ISM ISM I nterpretive S tructural M odel
ISMs Enable enormous compression of standard prose
23-Dec-'01OPMS - ILW24 A Picture = Thousand Words!
“A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words!” OPMS LITERALLY The pictures created in the OPMS approach are LITERALLY worth thousands and thousands of (and thousands) of words!!
Any such model can easily be translated into ‘standard’ prose very easily indeed! And the little model on the earlier slide would translate into nearly a full page of prose. Obviously, it is MUCH easier to read, understand and remember the model! To monitor rigorously, day by day Create more effective dealer network Launch a new product (A) Explore new, untried markets (B) Obtain needed finance for basic working capital Appoint new CEO Create more effective marketing system
A quick translation: To monitor rigorously, day by day Create more effective dealer network Launch a new product (A) Explore new, untried markets (B) Obtain needed finance for basic working capital Appoint new CEO Create more effective marketing system Obtain needed finance for basic working capital & to appoint a CEO should contribute contribute to Create more effective marketing system which in turn should contribute contribute to Launch a new product and to explore new, untried markets each of which contribute to each other. Also, obtaining needed finance for basic working capital & appointing a CEO should contribute to Launch a new product and to explore new, untried markets …… In turn, Launch a new product and to explore new, untried markets should contribute to create a new dealer network. Also...
23-Dec-'01OPMS - ILW28 should contribute To monitor rigorously, day by day Create more effective dealer network Launch a new product (A) Explore new, untried markets (B) Obtain needed finance for basic working capital Appoint new CEO Create more effective marketing system Which is easier to read, understand?
23-Dec-'01OPMS - ILW29 THINGS TO DOTHINGS TO DO These models can become as large as required to describe the most complex live situation! Over time, as we work on our Missions, our models may come to comprise hundreds or even thousands of elements!
A model of 40-50 elements, occupying maybe 2-3 pages might be the equivalent of 30-40 pages of prose!!! The length of the prose expands exponentially as the number of elements increase!
23-Dec-'01OPMS - ILW31 THINGS TO DOTHINGS TO DO Also, the models can be ‘blown up’ as required to the depth and detail as required
23-Dec-'01OPMS - ILW32 …because of the “contribution” relationship, an ‘Action Planning’ model also shows the WHY? and the HOW? of each element... THINGS TO DOTHINGS TO DO WHY? HOW?
To… WHY? HOW? Up WHY? Down HOW? To match/surpass productivity of Israeli s/w industry by 2003 To ensure high quality of Indian s/w services and products To encourage s/w orgs to spend at least 25% of ttl s/w budget for s/w productivity tools To allow companies to utilise part of their export earnings for means to meet delivery schedules To.. should contribute
23-Dec-'01OPMS - ILW34 THINGS TO DOTHINGS TO DO WHY? HOW? UP“WHY?” UP the model to find out “WHY?” DOWN “HOW?” DOWN the model to find out “HOW?”
23-Dec-'01OPMS - ILW35 ISM Warfield’s ISM process is a grand generalisation of the well known PERT/CPM tool, used in so- called “Project Management Software” precedes …which are based on the transitive relationship “precedes”
23-Dec-'01OPMS - ILW36 NEVER … but “precedence” is NEVER sufficient to describe ALL relevant aspects of a real ‘system’, such as an organisation working to accomplish a challenging Mission! Warfield’s ISM enables us to use ANY transitive relationship, choosing exactly the one that is relevant to the issue under consideration at the specific time!
Transitive Relationships in a system: “contributes to” – crucial for Action Planning - is just one of the transitive relationships. There are many others …
23-Dec-'01OPMS - ILW38 Some more examples of transitive relationships: “is more important than” “should have higher priority than” “aggravates” “enhances” “implies” “leads to” “precedes” ( used for PERT Charts – which provide the basis of most conventional ‘Project Management Software’)
23-Dec-'01OPMS - ILW39 F ield R epresentation & P rofiling… (this is the other powerful modeling technique invented by Professor John N. Warfield) …helps us clearly portray the dimensions of a system...
23-Dec-'01OPMS - ILW40 Field Representation & Profiling (contd.) First, we try to cleanse our minds from all pre-conceived categories.. Then, OPMS asks questions like…
41 Field Representation & Profiling (contd.) (In the context of the kind of actions needed to overcome the barriers, etc.) “ “ Is (B) Low productivity of Indian software industry SIMILAR TO (A) Our educational systems are highly ineffective ” ? ”
23-Dec-'01OPMS - ILW42 Response “YES” would put element ‘B’ into the same category as ‘A’ - “NO” would put it into a different category… …yielding models like the one illustrated next …
23-Dec-'01OPMS - ILW43
23-Dec-'01OPMS - ILW44 The ‘System Tie Line’ represents any or all of the relationships inherent in the system under consideration.
23-Dec-'01OPMS - ILW46 The elements are ‘linked’ by appropriate relationships as perceived by the users
23-Dec-'01OPMS - ILW47 The OPMS provides a facility to enable users write down prose translations of such visual linkages “XYZ” MAY TEND TO INCREASE THE SEVERITY OF “ABC” XYZ ABC
23-Dec-'01OPMS - ILW48 It takes a while to develop the skills needed to use the System Tie Line effectively to link different dimensions and elements together… It’s well worth our while to work towards developing these skills…
23-Dec-'01OPMS - ILW49 …because Field Representations, over sufficient iterations, can be shown to satisfy Ashby’s Law of Requisite Variety
23-Dec-'01OPMS - ILW50 Ashby’s Law of Requisite Variety (Simple Simon’s version) … “The dimensions of a proposed solution to a problem must match the dimensions of the problem” (If too few dimensions, the solution won’t work – if too many, the solution would be too expensive or too complicated!)
23-Dec-'01OPMS - ILW51 … thus descriptions developed from Field Representations enable us to discuss true systems meaningfully!
23-Dec-'01OPMS - ILW52 Despite its surface simplicity, this simple categorization can be a very powerful and subtle tool, leading to some comprehensive articulations of complex systems… - for example, the ‘One Page Management System’, which we shall see very shortly…
23-Dec-'01OPMS - ILW53 Six FUNDAMENTAL Questions on the following Dimensions: THINGS TO DOTHINGS TO DO BARRIERS / DIFFICULTIES / THREATSBARRIERS / DIFFICULTIES / THREATS STRENGTHS (Available / Required)STRENGTHS (Available / Required) WEAKNESSESWEAKNESSES OPPORTUNITIES (Available / Preparation required to utilise)OPPORTUNITIES (Available / Preparation required to utilise) EVENTS / MILESTONESEVENTS / MILESTONES
Something like a SWOT? Yes - but you will find that this approach is actually something more like a ‘Super-SWOT’ - it helps and enables us to understand the LINKAGES between all factors!
23-Dec-'01OPMS - ILW55 Effective Idea Generation Interpretive Structural Modeling (ISM)Interpretive Structural Modeling (ISM) Field Representation Method (FR)Field Representation Method (FR) IM + Two simple modeling tools to show linkages: + Two simple modeling tools to show linkages: + The Integration (OPMS) Interactive Management
23-Dec-'01OPMS - ILW56 OPMS (OPMS) The Integration: The ‘One Page Management System’ (OPMS)
OPMS FR OPMS ‘model of models’ On detailed examination, you will find that the OPMS is itself a Field Representation (FR) - but this is an FR whose ‘elements’ are themselves models - i.e., the OPMS is a ‘model of models’
This is the structure that most powerfully of all enables what we spoke of right at the beginning of this presentation:
23-Dec-'01OPMS - ILW60 To accomplish a Mission: WRITE DOWNJust WRITE DOWN the Mission DOTHINGS TO DODO all the THINGS TO DO that could help accomplish the Mission BARRIERS, DIFFICULTIES, THREATS, WEAKNESSESRemove or minimise all BARRIERS, DIFFICULTIES, THREATS, WEAKNESSES that may hinder or prevent accomplishment OPPORTUNITIESAvail all OPPORTUNITIES found that could help accomplishment…
The only way to be RIGOROUSLY convinced of the claim is: OPMS Create an OPMS for yourself - on any Mission of current interest!!
23-Dec-'01OPMS - ILW62 OPMS What the OPMS can do for you
OPMS, OPMS: Using OPMS, people involved can always see the linkages between the various dimensions of the OPMS: A: THINGS TO DO B: BARRIERS C: STRENGTHS HELP ACCOMPLISH HINDER HELP OVERCOME
…more linkages… B: Barriers/Weaknesses HINDER Activities Strengths required HELP ACCOMPLISH HELP OVERCOME Opportunities HELP AVAIL
Activities B: Barriers/Weaknesses Strengths required HELP ACCOMPLISH HINDER HELP OVERCOME Opportunities HELP AVAIL MISSION HELP ACCOMPLISH
These models can become as detailed as required, right down to the level of… WHICH BARRIER hinders WHICH ACTIVITY? WHICH STRENGTH is required to overcome WHICH BARRIER? All this and more becomes clear as the OPMS is developed!
67 Linkages between ‘BARRIERS’ & ‘THINGS TO DO’ The barrier marked in the FR HINDERS / PREVENTS accomplishment of the objective marked in the ISM (and all objectives above it)!
Such inter-relationships can be established rigorously right through the Mission - on a more or less real-time basis simply by using the OPMS approach!
All that’s required is that key people involved with the Mission spend about 15-30 minutes each day on their individual Missions within the group Mission
23-Dec-'01OPMS - ILW70 Time Requirements, on average: EACH DAYIndividual level (key people): 15mts to 1/2 hour EACH DAY as found convenient (but some regular schedule to be maintained)Group/section requirements - as found convenient (but some regular schedule to be maintained) Division requirements - as per group as convenient - say, 1/2-1 Day every month or so (after familiarisation)Organisation - as convenient - say, 1/2-1 Day every month or so (after familiarisation)
23-Dec-'01OPMS - ILW71 OPMS Some outcomes of OPMS
23-Dec-'01OPMS - ILW72 ‘Elements’ of Reality ‘Mental Models’ ‘ ’ represents “lead to” “ LEAD TO ” Prose meaning of above: “ ‘Elements’ of Reality LEAD TO ‘Mental Models’ ” Elements Arrow representing a relationship
23-Dec-'01OPMS - ILW73 Mental Models Rigorous graphical representation of mental model ‘ ’ represents “lead to” The OPMS process ensures:
23-Dec-'01OPMS - ILW74 Rigorous graphical representation of mental models IMPROVED mental models! ‘ ’ represents “can lead to” Our claim:
23-Dec-'01OPMS - ILW75 Mental Models Rigorous graphical representation of mental model ‘ ’ represents “lead to” Thus, through OPMS: IMPROVED Mental Models
23-Dec-'01OPMS - ILW76 Improved Mental Models Enhanced effectiveness ‘ ’ represents “does lead to” Through OPMS:
23-Dec-'01OPMS - ILW77 Improved Mental Models Represents "Lead to" MORE Another way of looking at it: Enhanced effectiveness Rigorous graphical representations of reality
23-Dec-'01OPMS - ILW78 Above ‘satisfaction cycle’ definitively leads to enhanced effectiveness of any Mission worked on, through the enhanced clarity of mind that results
23-Dec-'01OPMS - ILW79 Organisational Mission Individual Mission Represents ”… contributes to …." Another Satisfaction Cycle
23-Dec-'01OPMS - ILW80 Organisational Effectiveness Individual Effectiveness Represents ”… contributes to …." Another Satisfaction Cycle
23-Dec-'01OPMS - ILW81 Organisational Mission Individual Mission Represents ”… contributes to …." Satisfaction Cycle Personal Agenda
only OPMS There are a huge number of other implications, most of which can be explored in detail only through live work using the OPMS approach
23-Dec-'01OPMS - ILW83 Thank you! The OPMS The OPMS team from: Interactive LogicWare Ltd 119/B S.R. Nagar, Hyderabad - 500 038 India Tel.: +91-40- 381 1619, 381 7429
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