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Cosc 4735 Primer: Marshmallow Changes and new APIs in android 6.0 (api 23)

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Presentation on theme: "Cosc 4735 Primer: Marshmallow Changes and new APIs in android 6.0 (api 23)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cosc 4735 Primer: Marshmallow Changes and new APIs in android 6.0 (api 23)

2 Runtime Permissions The users will now be able to manage some of the App’s permissions. Permissions are grouped into two categories – Dangerous These where the app wants access to a user’s private information and the app must request access from the user. – Such as calendar, contacts, camera, mic, location, phone, sensors, sms, and storage – groups groups – normal Very little risk to a user’s private information and app is granted it automatically (assuming it requests it in the manifest.xml correctly) – internet access as example. So you can not remove an app’s access to the network. – Note: you can also add your app launch to the dangerous group.

3 Fingerprint authentication If the user has added a fingerprint to the device – Which assumes the devices has a fingerprint reader We can use it for authentication purposes – Example, the phone has been unlocked for more then 10 minutes and the user is requesting a purchase in google play. The system can use the fingerprint to validate the user is still the one that unlocked the phone. We will come back to this later in the course.

4 Flashlight API Instead of having to access the camera directly – You can use setTorchMode() to turn on/off the flashlight function with accessing the camera. – We can also register a callback so you know if it is turned on or off

5 Camera2 The camera API is deprecated in favor of camera2 – We cover this in the Media sections of the lecture. There are also new audio and video methods.

6 Voice interaction and assist API 23 adds more voice interaction APIs – Along with Voice Actions we will be able build more conversational voice experiences into the apps. Assist API – This release offers a new way for users to engage with your apps through an assistant. To use this feature, the user must enable the assistant to use the current context. Once enabled, the user can summon the assistant within any app, by long-pressing on the Home button. We cover these after the A/V lectures.

7 Direct Share You can provide a “direct share” to your app via the common share menu. – This done via a service and an intent filter. We may cover this later in the semester.

8 More App linking Configuring auto backup Changes to the storage devices Bluetooth changes Minor changes to the Notifications See arshmallow/android-6.0.html for the full list. arshmallow/android-6.0.html

9 Reference arshmallow/android-6.0.html arshmallow/android-6.0.html arshmallow/android-6.0-changes.html arshmallow/android-6.0-changes.html ns/requesting.html ns/requesting.html ity/permissions.html#perm-groups ity/permissions.html#perm-groups ity/normal-permissions.html ity/normal-permissions.html

10 Q A &

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