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Fort Schuyler The fort that never surrendered Part 3- Life at the Fort as an Officer.

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Presentation on theme: "Fort Schuyler The fort that never surrendered Part 3- Life at the Fort as an Officer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fort Schuyler The fort that never surrendered Part 3- Life at the Fort as an Officer

2 Life is much better if you are an officer. The soldiers or the camp followers who are the wives and families of the soldiers do the fatigue work for you such as laundry, cleaning, preparing meals, gathering wood, drawing water and emptying your chamber pot.

3 This was Colonel Peter Gansevoort’s living quarters. Notice how much more room and nicer furniture and dishes. There is fresh fruit next to the chess board.

4 The Colonel’s dining room was more spacious with comfortable chairs. Second in command Marinus Willet would have eaten his meal here with all the officers.

5 Marinus Willet, second in command to Colonel Gansevoort, received this sword as a remembrance for his leadership during St. Leger’s march through the Mohawk Valley.

6 Image citations Slide 1: table- Janet Conners Slide 2: kettle laundry- hanging clothes- Slide 3: quarters- Janet Conners Slide 4: diningroom- Janet Conners Slide 5: portrait and sword- GGRxRMH17M:&tbnh=111&tbnw=67&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dmarinus%2Bwillett%26gbv%3D2 %26hl%3Den

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