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Qualitative Research Methods: Observation Research & Ethnography

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1 Qualitative Research Methods: Observation Research & Ethnography

2 Scientific Observation Is Systematic

3 What is Observation Research?
The systematic process of recording the behavioral patterns of people, objects, and occurrences as they are witnessed. No questioning or communicating with people typically occurs. “Where observation is concerned, chance favors only the prepared mind.” Louis Pasteur

4 What Can Be Observed Phenomena Example
Human behavior or physical Shoppers movement action pattern in a store Verbal behavior Statements made by airline travelers who wait in line Expressive behavior Facial expressions, tone of voice, and other form of body language

5 What Can Be Observed Phenomena Example
Spatial relations How close visitors at an and locations art museum stand to paintings Temporal patterns How long fast-food customers wait for their order to be served Physical objects What brand name items are stored in consumers’ pantries Verbal and Pictorial Bar codes on product packages Records

6 Categories of Observation
Human versus mechanical Visible versus hidden Direct

7 Visible vs. Hidden Observation
Visible Observation Observer’s presence is known to the subject. Hidden Observation Subject is unaware that observation is taking place. Minimizes respondent error

8 Direct Observation Straightforward attempt to observe and record what naturally occurs The investigator does not create an artificial situation

9 Observation of Human Behavior Benefits
Communication with respondent not necessary No distortions due to self-report (e.g.: no social desirability) bias No need to rely on respondents’ memory Nonverbal behavior data may be obtained

10 Observation of Human Behavior Benefits
Certain data may be obtained more quickly Environmental conditions may be recorded May be combined with survey to provide supplemental evidence

11 Observation of Human Behavior Limitations
Cognitive phenomena cannot be observed Interpretation of data may be a problem Not all activity can be recorded Only short periods can be observed Observer bias possible Possible invasion of privacy

12 Observation of Physical Objects
Physical-trace evidence Wear and tear of a book indicates how often it has been read

13 Content Analysis Obtains data by observing and analyzing the content of advertisements, letters, articles, etc. Deals with the study of the message itself Measures the extent of emphasis or omission

14 Ethnography Ethnographers generate understandings of culture through representation of what we call an emic perspective, or what might be described as the "'insider's point of view." The emphasis in this representation is thus on allowing critical categories and meanings to emerge from the ethnographic encounter rather than imposing these from existing models.  An etic perspective, by contrast, refers to a more distant, analytical orientation to experience.

15 Ethnography aimed to learn and understand cultural phenomena which reflect the knowledge and system of meanings guiding the life of a cultural group. Culture: shared patterns of behaviors and interactions, cognitive constructs, and affective understanding that are learned through a process of socialization. These shared patterns identify the members of a culture group while also distinguishing those of another group.

16 Video “Field Trip” Qualitative vs. Quantitative Research: Ethnography (Observational Research): Week 8 DQ Assistance: Understanding Ethnography: Click on each of the three links individually to watch each video. These three videos will help you to further understand qualitative research methods and ethnographic, or observational field research. After watching all three videos, come back into the course room at 8:55 pm so that any questions can be answered. If you have any problems, clicking on the links above and watching any of the three videos, download Google Chrome at (which takes appx seconds to download). Thank you !

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