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LESSONS IN LIFE Poem. MOTIVATION  Preliminary recital of “If”.  Q&A: Student opinions.

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Presentation on theme: "LESSONS IN LIFE Poem. MOTIVATION  Preliminary recital of “If”.  Q&A: Student opinions."— Presentation transcript:


2 MOTIVATION  Preliminary recital of “If”.  Q&A: Student opinions

3 INTRODUCTION Key Questions:  What do you know about Kipling, his work and era?  Do terms reflecting gender bias and other politically incorrect terms undermine the values embedded by Kipling in “IF”? Give reasons.  Do the words of ‘If” inspire you? Why? Why Not?

4 “YOUTUBE “IF” If, read by Roger Federer & Rafael Nadal These words from Rudyard Kipling's poem "IF" are written over the entrance of Wimbledon's Centre Court: "If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster And Treat those two impostors just the same;”

5 “IF” - YOUTUBE  'IF' (720 HD) - Poem By Rudyard Kipling, Narration by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer:  Kipling - If British Nobel laureate Rudyard Kipling's famous poem 'If-' set to Faure's Pavane, Op. 40, narrated by Des Lynam. Originally the end credits to the BBC's 1998 World Cup coverage: Kipling - If British Nobel laureate Rudyard Kipling's famous poem 'If-' set to Faure's Pavane, Op. 40, narrated by Des Lynam. Originally the end credits to the BBC's 1998 World Cup coverage:  Poetry like art (paintings, sculpture etc.) speaks to us in different ways, especially abstract images. Which images were of interest to you on YouTube?

6 WHAT IS A SYNONYM? Definition of a Synonym:  1.1 "one of two or more words or expressions of the same language that have the same or nearly the same meaning in some or all senses  1.2. "a word or phrase that by association is held to embody something (as a concept or quality) ”: http://www.merriam- http://www.merriam-

7 WHAT IS A SYNONYM?  For other meanings see:

8 IDENTIFYING SYNONYMS IN PAIRS  Find synonyms, words or phrases that best describe the meaning of each line in the poem “If”.

9 SYNONYM TENNIS FEDERERS VERSUS NADALS  In turn students write on white board synonyms corresponding to each stanza/verse - time limit 1 minute for each response  For example, server quotes, verse two, line one: “If you can wait and not be tired by waiting” the Synonym is PATIENCE  Opponent responds, verse one, line one, quote: “If you can keep your head” the Synonym is SELF-CONTROL  If you cannot respond within 1 minute, point is lost (15 LOVE etc)  Team with most synonyms - WINS.

10 WRITING YOUR OWN ORIGINAL “IF” POEM:  The poem can be on any topic that interests you  It must have four verses  Your If poem can have up to eight verses  You can add an introduction  You might want to explain what your “If” poem means to you  Once you have completed your If poem you will need to decide how you want to produce your work.  You must use an ICT format.  For example, you might decide to use photos and text combinations to create a photo book, scrap book or slide show.  Perhaps a Podcast or iMovie of three to five minutes.  You can use animation to express your meaning  You can present your poem as a cartoon  You might prefer to use music or sing the words of your poem using GarageBand.  It is important that you use the ICT program that suits your style.

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