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Heartfulness Welcome Lounge

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1 Heartfulness Welcome Lounge

2 Contents What is a Welcome Lounge? Welcome Lounge Essentials
Welcome Lounge Coordinator Volunteer Training Heartfulness Approach Welcome Lounge Infrastructure and Facilities Organizing Heartfulness Workshops Retaining the Essence of Spirituality 2

3 What Is a Welcome Lounge?
A Welcome Lounge is a conduit for new seekers to discover Sahaj Marg. Hospitality, exemplary customer service, and a welcoming attitude are mandatory. An organized and planned structure for introductory sittings, along with follow-up procedures. Sufficient set-up for data collection and backup for nurturing. Seekers can meditate before being introduced. Seekers may join Satsangh before being introduced. Seekers may be introduced in groups. Seekers may be introduced remotely. 3

4 Welcome Lounge Essentials
Presence of committed volunteers Training of volunteers in the Heartfulness Approach Minimum Infrastructure (furniture, refreshments, reading material) Information resources (Rack card, Relaxation Technique pamphlet) Arranging Heartfulness/Learn to Meditate Workshops in ashrams/meditation center 08/18/15

5 Welcome Lounge Manager Responsibilities
Ideally, has experience in the hospitality field, or is willing to be trained. Works in tandem with CC for infrastructure Ensures exemplary “customer service” for seekers. Identifies volunteers for: providing a positive reception experience giving or arranging for sittings tending to administration details collecting Heartfulness seeker data 08/18/15

6 Enabling Talent Talent or training of the Welcome Lounge volunteers are needed in the following areas: Training in the Heartfulness Approach Training in Soft Skills

7 Training in Heartfulness Approach
Short Introduction Need for meditation – or Heartfulness video. Scientific approach – based on direct observation / reproducible results. Meditation without Transmission Give them instructions. Meditate for around 10 minutes. Preceptor does nothing; does not sit in front. Ask them to note down observations. Relaxation Meditation with Transmission Preceptor / coordinator leads Relaxation, flows into meditation. Preceptor conducts the sitting – 1st introductory sitting. Meditate for around 30 minutes. Deepening Your Experience Explain that this was a ‘glimpse’ and we can meditate with them on next 2 days to deepen the experience so that they can experience transmission when meditating on their own. Follow-up Set up times for meditation over the next few days, preferably on consecutive days. Make it easy for aspirant to be introduced. Sittings can be in groups, in person or remote. Get contact details; add to subscription lists. In time, introduction to Cleaning, Prayer, etc.

8 Establishing Infrastructure
Banners/Boards at Ashram Gates [Learn to Meditate] Furniture [chairs/sofas/fans] Filtered water, tea, coffee, refreshments, meals, cafe A computer area with Heartfulness videos Reading materials: A reader’s stand with material such as Heartfulness Magazine, pamphlets and articles. A book-café with philosophical or other publications

9 Welcome Lounge Collateral
Posters/pamphlets of Relaxation Technique Heartfulness Rack Cards Forms #1, #2, #3 from the Content site Welcome (ID) Cards YouTube videos suitable for newcomers Interesting articles from Copy of latest Heartfulness Magazine 08/18/15

10 Organizing Heartfulness Workshops
Organize 3-day HFN workshops inside ashrams or meditation centers. Sessions could last 1-2 hours on each day. Publicize workshop on social media. Abhyasis may bring their neighbors, relatives, friends. After the workshop, participants could be shown the ashram, partake in meals, etc. Send workshop details to

11 Essence of Spirituality … to be Retained
Team spirit among Welcome Lounge volunteers is important. All inclusiveness must be fostered to create opportunity for all who are interested to participate. Be detached from nature of work; at the same time be sincere in the work. Ensure that the work does not become an obsession. Retain an attitude of service and opportunity: to be in the presence of the Divine, and to participate in HIS Divine Vision. 11

12 Contact Purnima Ramakrishnan 08/18/15

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