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Look at the pictures and match to the name of each picture.

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3 Look at the pictures and match to the name of each picture

4 a. Olympic games b. Sao Mai Television Singing Contest c. London Marathon d. Quiz “ Road to Mount Olympia” 12 3 4

5 * Work with a partner and answer the following questions 1. Do you like taking part in competitions like these? Why? Why not? 2. Do you hope to win a competition? If so, which competition do you like to win? 3. Is winning the most important thing in a competition? Why/ Why not?


7 Last Saturday the representatives of three classes of our school took part in the annual final English competition organized by our English teachers. Its aim was to stimulate the spirit of learning English among students. The competition was sponsored by the Students’ Parents Society. Mrs Lien, our English teacher, explained the competition rules to the students. * Paragraph 1

8 . Find out vocabulary and choose the best answer 2. Competition = contest (n): cuộc thi 3. annual (adj): xảy ra hàng năm Paragraph 1: 6. sponsor (v): tài trợ 4. to stimulate (v) = encourage 5. spirit (n): tinh thần 7. The Students’ Parents Society (n): Hội PHHS 1. representative (n): người đại diện

9 Last Saturday the representatives of three classes of our school took part in the annual final English competition organized by our English teachers. Its aim was to stimulate the spirit of learning English among students. The competition was sponsored by the Students’ Parents Society. Mrs Lien, our English teacher, explained the competition rules to the students. * Paragraph 1

10 1.Who took part in the annual final English Competition last Saturday? A. The representatives of three classes B. The representatives of thirteen classes C. The representatives of thirty classes 2. What was the aim of the competition? 3. Who sponsored the competition? A.Teachers B. Students C. students’ parents Society - …………the spirit of learning English among students. A. To practiseB. To stimulateC. To test B A C *Choose the best answer

11 “... To participate in the contest, you have to work in groups of three. Each group must complete five activities in all. On completion of each activity, you will have to answer the questions on the worksheets within two minutes. The judges will observe and score your performance. The maximum score for each activity is 15 points. At the end of the competition, the judges will announce the total score of each group. The group that gets the highest score will be the winner. The winner will be awarded a set of CDs for studying English and an Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary. Now, let’s stared our competition.” * Paragraph 2

12 4. observe (v): quan sát 3. judges (n) : a person who decides who is the winner of the game/ competition Paragraph 2: 1. In all = totally 2. Worksheets (n): phiếu làm bài thi

13 “... To participate in the contest, you have to work in groups of three. Each group must complete five activities in all. On completion of each activity, you will have to answer the questions on the worksheets within two minutes. The judges will observe and score your performance. The maximum score for each activity is 15 points. At the end of the competition, the judges will announce the total score of each group. The group that gets the highest score will be the winner. The winner will be awarded a set of CDs for studying English and an Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary. Now, let’s stared our competition.” * Paragraph 2

14 *Choose the best answer 4. What did each group of students have to do during the contest? A.Answer the questions. B. Think of the questions. C. Complete 5 activities in all. 5. What did the judges have to do to choose the winner of the competition? - They had to …….. the students’ performance. A.Observe and score B. listen and score C. Remark and score C A

15 Hung, Thu and Nga were the members of group A. They quickly read the questions and tried to find out the answers. At first things went smoothly. They almost completed the five activities. But in activity 5, Hung had difficulty reciting the poem. He could not remember the last sentence. Time was up, and the judges announced the results. The winner was group B, which got 70 points; Hung’s group got 65; and group C got 60. Thu felt a bit disappointed. Hung apologised for not being able to complete the poem. But Nga made it better by saying “For me the most important thing was our participation in the competition and the enjoyment we had from it”. * Paragraph 3

16 *Choose the best answer 6. Why did Thu feel a bit disappionted? -Because her group wasn’t able to……. A.Win B. have highest score C. A and B are correct Paragraph 3 2. Recite (v): ngâm thơ 1. Smoothly (adv) = without difficulty: trôi chảy 3. Be not able + to V = be unable + to V: không thể C

17 Task 1: Match the words or phrases on the left with their definitions on the right 11. representative 22. annual 33. stimulate 4. In all 55. spirit 66. smoothly a. without problems or difficulties b. enthusiasm and energy c. altogether or as a total d. a person chosen or appointed on behalf of another person or a group e. encourage or make something more active f. happening or done once every year

18 Hung, Thu and Nga were the members of group A. They quickly read the qustions and tried to find out the answers. At first things went smoothly. They almost completed the five activities. But in activity 5, Hung had difficulty reciting the poem. He could not remember the last sentence. Time was up, and the judges announced the results. The winner was group B, which got 70 points; Hung’s group got 65; and group C got 60. Thu felt a bit disappointed. Hung apologised for not being able to complete the poem. But Nga made it better by saying “For me the most important thing was our participation in the competition and the enjoyment we had from it”. * Paragraph 3

19 Read the paragraph 3 again and complete the sentences. Task 3:Read the paragraph 3 again and complete the sentences. 1. In Activity 5, Hung was unable……………………….. 2.Having achieved the highest score, Group B ………………………………………………. 3. Group C lost the game because they just got……………… 4. Nga encouraged her group by saying………………… …………………………………………………………… to recite the poem became the winner of the competition. 60 points “For me the most important thing was our participation in the competition and the enjoyment we had from it”.

20 This is the poem Hung recited at the final English competition. Read and translate it into Vietnamese Do you like the sky at night When the stars are shining bright Do you like it in the day When the clouds all go away? What I like is the morning sun Shining on me when I run And I also like the rain Pattering on my windowpane

21 1. Learn all new words 2. Recite the poem and translate the poem. 3. Prepare part B: Speaking

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