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Safety Audit Planned Project - Preliminary Design zGeneral Project Data yProject layout xRoad function Determine the road function. What kind of traffic.

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Presentation on theme: "Safety Audit Planned Project - Preliminary Design zGeneral Project Data yProject layout xRoad function Determine the road function. What kind of traffic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Safety Audit Planned Project - Preliminary Design zGeneral Project Data yProject layout xRoad function Determine the road function. What kind of traffic uses the road - long distance traffic, regional traffic and/or local traffic? What about pedestrians and bicyclists - do they use the road? Are they separated from motor traffic? Is the standard of the new road adapted to the road function?

2 Safety Audit Planned Project - Preliminary Design xThe extent of the project Are the terminal points of the project suitably chosen? xLocal roads Are solutions provided for local traffic ? Is the local road network adapted to the project? xPedestrians and other road users Are solutions provided for pedestrians and other road users? xRoadside facilities Are solutions provided for road side facilities?

3 Safety Audit Planned Project - Preliminary Design yBasic Design Data xDesign speed and road standard Does the design speed correspond to the road function? Does the road standard correspond to design speed? xTraffic forecasts and road standard Is a traffic forecast made for the road? For what time period ıs the traffic forecast made? Is the annual growth reasonable? Does the road standard correspond to the expected traffic volume? If there is a four lane section in the project, is the traffic volume big enough to motivate such a section?

4 Safety Audit Planned Project - Preliminary Design zGeometric Design yAlignment xHorizontal alignment Does the radius exceed the minimum value for the design speed in all horizontal curves? xVertical alignment Vertical alignment Does the longitudinal grade comply with the specified maximum and minimum? xAlignment consistency Are there any horizontal curves hidden behind vertical crest curves?

5 Safety Audit Planned Project - Preliminary Design yCross section xRoadway elements Does the number of lanes correspond to the expected traffic volume? Are climbing lanes provided where required? Are locations of changes in number of lanes and/or road width suitably chosen? Are there any changes in the number of lanes and/or road width in the start/end points of the project? If there are, are the locations suitable chosen? Is the width of the median enough, i.e. is it wide enough to avoid vehicles to run over it? If not, are guardrails provided?

6 Safety Audit Planned Project - Preliminary Design xRoadside elements Is a clear roadside area (safety-zone) provided? That includes the shape of the side slopes and existence of obstacles. If not, are guardrails provided?

7 Safety Audit Planned Project - Preliminary Design yIntersections Does the number of and distances between intersections correspond to the road standard? If the number is too low, the traffic volumes on local roads will be too high. If the number is too high, there will be too much local traffic on the main road. Does the types of intersections correspond to the road standard? Is the location of each intersection suitable? Intersections should not be located close to curves.

8 Safety Audit Planned Project - Preliminary Design xCapacity and sight Does each intersection provide adequate capacity to handle peek period traffic demand? Is the number of lanes for different movements suitable? (Not too few – capacity. Not too many – complexity and speed.) xGeometric design Are required lanes for left turning provided? Are facilities for pedestrians and bicyclists provided where they are expected? xSignalized intersections Are required traffic signals provided? Capacity or safety reasons.

9 Safety Audit Planned Project - Preliminary Design yInterchanges Has the need of interchanges been examined? Are the required interchanges provided? yRoadside facilities Are there any bus stops, rest areas and service stations provided? Are the locations of each facility suitable? yFacilities for pedestrians and other road users Are required facilities for pedestrians provided? Are they suitably located? At grade crossings should be located where the speed is low.

10 Safety Audit Planned Project - Detailed Design zGeometric Design yAlignment xSight distance Is enough stopping sight provided in all horizontal and vertical crest/sag curves regarding the design speed? xHorizontal alignment Does the radius exceed the minimum value for the design speed in all horizontal curves? Is the tangent between reversing curves long enough to provide acceptable super-elevation transition?

11 Safety Audit Planned Project - Detailed Design xVertical alignment Does the vertical radius exceed the minimum value for the design speed in all vertical curves, crest curves as well as sag curves? Is the length of each vertical curve suitable chosen? (This item is mainly related to comfort but has an indirect influence on safety.) Does the profile grade comply with the specified maximum and minimum? xAlignment consistency Are there any longitudinal curves hidden behind vertical crest curves?

12 Safety Audit Planned Project - Detailed Design yCross Sections xRoadway elements Does the number of lanes provide adequate capacity? Are climbing lanes provided where required? Are the widths of the lanes according to standards? Are locations of changes in number of lanes and/or road width suitable chosen? Also in the start/end points of the project? Are the widths of the shoulders according to standards? Are vertical drops between driving lanes and shoulders avoided? Is the width of the median enough? If not, are guardrails provided? Are median openings safely designed? Does the width of the median, close to the opening, provide enough space for a waiting vehicle?

13 Safety Audit Planned Project - Detailed Design xRoadside elements Is a clear roadside area (safety-zone) provided? Are cut slopes safely designed? Are fill slopes safely designed? If not, are guardrails provided?

14 Safety Audit Planned Project - Detailed Design yIntersections Does the number of and distances between intersections correspond to the road standard? Does the types of intersections correspond to the road standard? Is the location of each intersection suitable? xCapacity and sight Does each intersection provide adequate capacity to handle peek period traffic demand? Is the number of lanes for different movements suitable? (Not too few – capacity. Not too many – complexity and speed.) Is required sight distance along the main road to each intersection provided?

15 Safety Audit Planned Project - Detailed Design xCapacity and sight (cont.) Is required sight distance along the connecting road to each intersection provided? Is required visibility area provided? xGeometric design Is the crossing angle at least 60 degrees? Are required lanes for left turning provided and are the lengths, the widths and taper lengths according to standards? Are required lanes for right turning provided and are the lengths, the widths and taper lengths according to standards? Are enough swept areas for long vehicles provided? Is each intersection designed to avoid wrong-way movements? Especially important on divided road sections.

16 Safety Audit Planned Project - Detailed Design xGeometric design (cont.) Are islands properly located and designed to protect and guide traffic? Are gaps in central/median islands large enough for waiting/turning traffic? Are curb-stones avoided on islands adjacent to high-speed traffic lanes? Are facilities for pedestrians and bicyclists provided where they are expected? xSignalized junctions Are required traffic signals provided? Capacity or safety reasons.

17 Safety Audit Planned Project - Detailed Design yInterchanges Are required interchanges provided? yRoadside facilities Are there any bus stops, parking areas, rest areas and service stations provided? Are the locations of each facility suitable? yFacilities for pedestrians and other road users Are facilities for pedestrians provided? Are they suitably located?

18 Safety Audit Planned Project - Detailed Design zRoad Equipment yGuardrails and fences Are required guardrails and fences provided? ySigns Are required signs provided? yMarkings and delineation Are required markings and delineation provided? yLightning Is required road lightning provided?

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