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COMPOUND AND COMPLEX SENTENCES. Decide which is a compound sentence or a complex sentence 1.Our team didn’t always win, but we always tried to be good.

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Presentation on theme: "COMPOUND AND COMPLEX SENTENCES. Decide which is a compound sentence or a complex sentence 1.Our team didn’t always win, but we always tried to be good."— Presentation transcript:


2 Decide which is a compound sentence or a complex sentence 1.Our team didn’t always win, but we always tried to be good sports. 3.The rangers who serve in Yellowstone Park know every inch of the ground.

3 Compound sentence Consists of two or more independent clauses. Each independent clause in a compound sentence can stand alone as a separate sentence. The independent clauses are usually joined by For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, or So and a comma.

4 Example of Compound Sentence I like to dance Jim likes to sing I like to dance, but Jim likes to sing. Independent Clause

5 Semicolon Sometimes a semicolon (;) is used to join the independent clauses in a compound sentence.

6 Semicolon in a Compound Sentence I like to dance Jim likes to sing I like to dance; Jim likes to sing.

7 Complex sentence Consists of one independent clause and one or more subordinate/dependent clauses.


9 Example of Complex Sentence When the fire alarm went off Everyone left the building When the fire alarm went off, everyone left the building. Independent Clause Subordinate Clause

10 Your turn to practice!

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