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Thunder Rose Day 3. How can nature challenge us?

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Presentation on theme: "Thunder Rose Day 3. How can nature challenge us?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Thunder Rose Day 3

2 How can nature challenge us?

3 What do you think Thunder Rose would do if she saw someone holding on to a precipice? Why do you think that? Thunder Rose is very strong, so she probably has great stamina. Name some people who would need good stamina to get their work done.

4 Agriculture- another word for farming Agriculture is an important industry in the Midwest. Disaster- a sudden event that causes great damage or suffering Yesterday we learned that it would be a disaster if a tornado hit a small town.

5 Veins- tubes inside the body that carry blood I learned about veins in my science class.

6 lullaby- a bedtime song My mother used to sing me a lullaby. Pitch- tar, very black They used pitch to fix the road.

7 daintily-in a delicate way She daintily picked her way through the field. Devastation- destruction There was no place to live because there was so much devastation.

8 Constructed- built They constructed the treehouse from wood scraps. Branded- a way of marking something The cow was branded on his hind quarter.

9 Resourceful- being very capable or handy They didn’t need to hire a carpenter, their dad was very resourceful. Thieving- stealing or robbing He has a history of thieving.

10 The root “port” means to carry: Portable Import The root figure means visible form: Figure figurine

11 Subject and Predicate  every complete sentence has a subject and a predicate  A complete subject tells what or whom the sentence is about  A complete predicate tells what the subject is or does  A fragment is a group of words that lacks a subject or predicate  A predicate nominative renames the subject

12 Let’s get our books 1-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 26-30 31-32

13 Let’s check our daily fix it.

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