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Framsticks physics © Szymon Ulatowski. Simulation goals Physics-based: create real-world feeling to intuitively understand behaviors Not necessarily very.

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Presentation on theme: "Framsticks physics © Szymon Ulatowski. Simulation goals Physics-based: create real-world feeling to intuitively understand behaviors Not necessarily very."— Presentation transcript:

1 Framsticks physics © Szymon Ulatowski

2 Simulation goals Physics-based: create real-world feeling to intuitively understand behaviors Not necessarily very accurate but fast – performance matters

3 Building blocks „Parts” (atomic physical objects) „Joints” (description of internal forces and constraints, visualized as sticks) Environment (static objects, water)

4 Building blocks Part (position, velocity, mass,....) Environment Part (position, velocity, mass,....) Joint (joins related Parts)

5 Building blocks Part (position, velocity, mass,....) Environment Joint (joins related Parts) Part (position, velocity, mass,....) Joint originated force

6 Forces

7 Simulation step Determine all forces in the current state (t) Update velocity values for all objects (v t =v t-1 +F/m) Calculate new state (x t+1 =x t +v t )

8 Collisions Detection: Part  Environment (including ground and water) Part  Part (between different objects) Effects: Physical: controlled directly by the simulator User defined: can be handled by the experiment script

9 Environment Ground: flat, blocks or heightfield Water: –Buoyant force (effectively „cancels” gravity for creatures) –Resistance depending on the orientation (creatures can push themselves forward) Complex, dynamic environment: not directly, can be made of other simulator objects (interactions handled by the experiment script)

10 Environment

11 New in Framsticks v3: ODE Open Dynamics Engine, Differences: Much more realistic True solid bodies with accurate collisions Rigid stick connections MechastickODE Partphysical pointimaginary point Joint (stick)imaginary linephysical body

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