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Anger: The Destroyer. Anger: The Destroyer Anger DEFINED “a strong feeling of displeasure and belligerence aroused by a wrong” Eph. 4:26 “Be ye angry,

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2 Anger: The Destroyer

3 Anger DEFINED “a strong feeling of displeasure and belligerence aroused by a wrong” Eph. 4:26 “Be ye angry, and sin not” Anger does something inside of us Anger can lead to sin or can change us into better Christians Anger does several things that people do not realize…

4 Anger DECEIVES! An angry person feels justified (Mt. 5:21-22, 27-30)
Anger sometimes seems to work Uncontrolled anger arouses nothing good and only trouble. The angry person feels that he has a cause. Disobedience and rebellion is often caused by the parent’s acceleration of anger Intensity not indignation High-spirited not harsh Emphatic not enraged Determined not destructive Watchful not wrathful “Anger is not caused by what is happening outside of you, it is caused by what is happening inside of you” - Dr. S.M. Davis

5 Anger DESCRIBED! A City Without Walls [Prov. 25:28] An Unbearable Load
Anger is like a Flood [Prov. 27:4] Like a Poisonous Snake [Prov. 27:4] Anger is a Fire-Breathing Dragon [Job 41:10, 19]

6 It has a defense system that blasts irradiating, odious gases, 200 degrees Fahrenheit.

7 Anger DISCOVERED! Anger comes from Pride (Proverbs 13:10; 21:24; 28:25) Anger comes from tensions created by unresolved guilt Genesis 4 Numbers 22:27-34 Proverb 26:28 II Samuel 12

8 Anger Must Be CONQUERED!
#1 - Quit justifying your anger #2 - Accept personal responsibility for your anger #3 - “Anger is not caused by what is happening outside of you, it is caused by what is happening inside of you” (Dr. S.M. Davis) #4 - Stop trying to fix the consequences of anger (Proverbs 19:19) #5 - Confess any pride by humbling yourself before God and others and asking God for help

9 Anger Must Be CONQUERED!
#6 - Deal with any unresolved guilt from the past #7 - Forgive others who do you wrong and leave vengeance to God #8 - Seek to become meek and gentle like Jesus (Proverbs 15:1) #9 - Meekness is strength under control and anger is weakness in control (Proverbs 16:32) #10 - Think of the blessings that will be yours when you cease to be an angry man or woman

10 Anger is a CURSE TO BE BROKEN
Family blessings are powerful but family curses are incredibly destructive (King Asa in 1 Kings 15:12-14) There are four steps to break family curses such as anger, lying, pride, adultery, lust You must recognize it You must repent of your sins (Neh. 1:6; Lev. 26:40) Make radical changes in your life Commit to living biblical

11 Conclusion What we should remember:
Anger if left uncontrolled destroys relationships and causes us to sin! Anger is a “A City without Walls” ;“An unbearable load” ; “like a flood” ; “like a poisonous snake”; “like a fire-breathing dragon”! Anger comes from pride or from tensions created by unresolved guilt Anger must be conquered and curses of anger in our families must be broken!

12 Conclusion Think of the blessings that will be yours when you cease to be angry God wants to change me Roots of bitterness sprout up from anger

13 Root of Bitterness Deep roots

14 Conclusion Think of the blessings that will be yours when you cease to be angry God wants to change me! Root of bitterness sprouts up from anger Picture your precious children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren suffering with anger!


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