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Booksin Science Scores 2015 CAASPP, CDE Sept. 9, 2015 California Science Test, CST/STAR = ‘old test’ NOT ‘Smarter Balance test’ A Case for a Supplemental.

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Presentation on theme: "Booksin Science Scores 2015 CAASPP, CDE Sept. 9, 2015 California Science Test, CST/STAR = ‘old test’ NOT ‘Smarter Balance test’ A Case for a Supplemental."— Presentation transcript:

1 Booksin Science Scores 2015 CAASPP, CDE Sept. 9, 2015 California Science Test, CST/STAR = ‘old test’ NOT ‘Smarter Balance test’ A Case for a Supplemental Hands-on Science Program in Elementary Grades Closing the Achievement Gap Juli Moultray, PhD. Science Teacher, Booksin Elementary Juli Moultray, PhD. Science Teacher, Booksin Elementary

2 Booksin Science Test* Scores Show High Achievement Across Subgroups Our 2015 success story! 90% of Booksin 5 th graders met and exceeded grade level standard San Jose Unified 59% of 5 th graders met and exceeded grade level standard State of California 55% of 5 th graders met and exceeded grade level standard *2015 CAASPP Science CST Scores:

3 Booksin Closes the Gap over 10 years: Ethnic and Economic Subgroups Equally Proficient (2006-2015)* *2015 CAASPP Science CST Scores: and 2006-2013 Science STAR Scores: Focus on Hands-On and Oral Language Skills Deliver Equity

4 Booksin makes progress in closing the gap between advantaged and disadvantaged populations* Our 2015 success story! – Economic Subgroups 91% of students with economic disadvantage met and exceeded grade level standard. 90% of students with no economic disadvantage met and exceeded grade level standard. San Jose Unified 33% of students with economic disadvantage met and exceeded grade level standard. 80% of students with no economic disadvantage met and exceeded grade level standard. *2015 CAASPP Science CST Scores:

5 Booksin makes progress in closing the gap between advantaged and disadvantaged populations* Our 2015 success story! – Ethnic Subgroups 89% Hispanic/Latino students met and exceeded grade level standard. 92% White students met and exceeded grade level standard. ** other subgroups too few in number to report statistically San Jose Unified 37% Hispanic/Latino students met and exceeded grade level standard. 84% White students met and exceeded grade level standard. *2015 CAASPP Science CST Scores:

6 Booksin makes progress in closing the gap between advantaged and disadvantaged populations* Our 2015 success story! –Parent Education 90% of students whose parents have ‘attended some college’ … 87% of students whose parents have ‘graduated college’ … 93% of students whose parents ‘attended post-graduate school’… …met and exceeded grade level standard. ** other subgroups too few in number to report statistically San Jose Unified 57% of students whose parents have ‘attended some college’ … 52% of students whose parents have ‘graduated college’ … 89% of students whose parents ‘attended post-graduate school’… …met and exceeded grade level standard. *2015 CAASPP Science CST Scores:

7 *2015 CAASPP Science CST Scores: and 2006-2013 Science STAR Scores:

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