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Collab_NSAC 4/2/03 #1 EDMEDM Martin Cooper, Los Alamos Co-spokesperson for the EDM Project for presentation to EDM Collaboration Meeting Los Alamos, NM.

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Presentation on theme: "Collab_NSAC 4/2/03 #1 EDMEDM Martin Cooper, Los Alamos Co-spokesperson for the EDM Project for presentation to EDM Collaboration Meeting Los Alamos, NM."— Presentation transcript:

1 Collab_NSAC 4/2/03 #1 EDMEDM Martin Cooper, Los Alamos Co-spokesperson for the EDM Project for presentation to EDM Collaboration Meeting Los Alamos, NM June 2, 2003

2 Collab_NSAC 4/2/03 #2 EDMEDM NSAC Review of Fundamental Physics with Neutrons The Charge Interpret the Neutron Initiative in the Long Range Plan Evaluate the quality of the physics opportunities Implement the initiative with a constant budget

3 Collab_NSAC 4/2/03 #3 EDMEDM The Committee Rick Casten (Yale-NSAC Chair-Ex Officio) David Hertzog (Illinois) Roy Holt (Argonne) June Matthews (MIT) Mike Ramsey-Musolf (Caltech) Mike Pendlebury (Sussex) Bob Tribble (Texas A&M -Committee Chair) John Wilkerson (Washington)

4 Collab_NSAC 4/2/03 #4 EDMEDM Meetings Los Alamos 4/17/03 Solid deuterium, UCN for n-decay parameters np  d , PCN Small university facilities ORNL 4/23/03 SNS Experiments at the SNS - EDM,... NIST Program Washington, DC 5/9/03 Executive Session

5 Collab_NSAC 4/2/03 #5 EDMEDM LANL Presentations Steve Lamoreaux (25 minutes): Experiment overview and systematic errors. Martin Cooper (15 minutes): Sensitivity, experiment plan, cost and schedule. Paul Huffman (10 minutes): Planned measurement of the UCN storage time and particle identification using after pulses. Brad Filippone (10 minutes): Superconducting shielding, magnetic field generation using a cos(theta) magnet and ferromagnetic materials. Doug Beck (15 minutes): Polarized 3He production and transport. Spin relaxation of 3He. Dima Budker (10 minutes): The HV test bed and field measurements with the optical Kerr effect.

6 Collab_NSAC 4/2/03 #6 EDMEDM R&D ISSUES UCN density and storage time Density is largely predictable Storage time measurement at NIST Backgrounds (  and  ) Particle identification study at NIST; Careful materials choice Polarized 3 He properties Uniform B field, wall coatings to control spin relaxation Source performance and injection into superfluid 4 He Sensitivity of SQUID measurement of magnetization Magnetic fields Use of superconducting shield for SQUID isolation Ferromagnetic shield for field uniformity Electric field Dielectric properties of superfluid 4 He Optical Kerr effect to measure field strength

7 Collab_NSAC 4/2/03 #7 EDMEDM R&D TIMETABLE 2003 2004 2005 2006 UCN storage time Background suppression level injection into 4 He 3 He relaxation time SQUID sensitivity Electric field parameters Magnetic shielding configuration 3 He source performance and

8 Collab_NSAC 4/2/03 #8 EDMEDM Sensitivity LANSCE:d n < 27 x 10 -28 (95% CL) to (100 days)d n < 6 x 10 -28 (95% CL) SNS:d n < 12 x 10 -29 (95% CL) to (300 days)d n < 3 x 10 -29 (95% CL)

9 Collab_NSAC 4/2/03 #9 EDMEDM SNS Risk Analysis QuantitySymbolDesignDegradedEDM LossEDM Limit [95% CL] Wall Loss Time ww >2,000 s500 s1.8 Particle ID30:12:14 Background / Signal2:15:11.6 3 He Relaxation Time 33 30,000 s3,000 s1.9 3 He Initial PolarizationP3P3 99%90%1.2 SQUID Noise 1  0 10  0 1.6 Trapped Fields  B/B 10 -3 5 x 10 -3 3 Electric FieldE50 kV/cm25 kV/cm2 Quadrature6.520 x 10 -29 e*cm Murphey's Law (4 worst)46137 x 10 -29 e*cm

10 Collab_NSAC 4/2/03 #10 EDMEDM Communications with Roy Holt TABLE: Status of Neutron EDM Experiments, Limits are given for 95% CL StatusFacilityLimit (e-cm) DateTechnique Latest Publication ILL 7.5  10 -26 199920- cell Hg magnetometer Present Status ILL 3.4  10 -26 200320- cell Hg magnetometer Projected Experiments ILL 8-20  10 -27 2004-0620- cell Hg magnetometer PSI 2  10 -27 2006-098-3- cells Cs magnetometer ILL 1.3-20  10 -28 2006-09Superfluid He trap, neutron magnetometer LANSCE 6-27  10 -28 2008-10Superfluid He trap, 3 He magnetometer SNS 3-12  10 -29 2010-12Superfluid He trap, 3 He magnetometer

11 Collab_NSAC 4/2/03 #11 EDMEDM Letter to Committee Thank you for the opportunity to present our neutron-EDM experiment to your NSAC Committee on Fundamental Neutron Science. We are enthusiastic about moving forward, and in response to the committee’s request to reduce the risk in the project, the collaboration is accelerating its R&D program. We see the following issues as the keys to making a funding proposal: 1) Neutron-wall partial lifetime 2) Suppression of beta and gamma backgrounds with particle identification 3) High voltage stability above 30 kV/cm 4) 3He-spin relaxation time The collaboration’s efforts will be focused toward making these measurements over the next 10 months with the goal of demonstrating the feasibility of the experiment. Additionally, work will progress in other areas to further reduce the risk. International competition in the neutron-EDM area encourages us to be as timely as possible. As a result of this R&D program, and barring major surprises, we expect in early 2004 to be in a position to discuss the project with the funding agencies in a way that is consistent with a FY06 start in funding. The LANSCE facility will be the best place to do full system tests of our apparatus for several years, leading to a new measurement of the neutron EDM. To achieve the ultimate sensitivity with this technique, the ideal facility is the SNS, which has a much higher flux of cold neutrons and a long term commitment from the DOE for continued operations. We look forward to working with your committee and the funding agencies to place this experiment in the national program. Should you have further questions please contact us. Thank you for your consideration.

12 Collab_NSAC 4/2/03 #12 EDMEDM NSAC Meeting - 5/30/03 Preliminary committee report by Bob Tribble Final report due in September, but a good draft by the end of June September NSAC could transmit, modify, or reject, but the preliminary is likely final answer.

13 Collab_NSAC 4/2/03 #13 EDMEDM Outline Facilities - SNS, Lujan, NIST, HIFR, PSI (not ILL due to $5M buy in for US) Science - Standard Model tests and beyond, hadronic weak interactions Recommendations -+ Excellent science + Cost effective - accelerators run by others - Not enough money Budget -...

14 Collab_NSAC 4/2/03 #14 EDMEDM Budget EDM is the flagship experiment but must be funded outside the program SNS is the future of the field - 4 low-cost parity/spin-rotation experiments for the cold line Immediate start of the cold beam line 2007 start of the 8.9 Å line depending on the status of EDM; Lifetime experiment was not mentioned UCN-A should proceed, high priority for upgrades NIST should continue ORNL - Ramp up for operations mostly by redirecting personnel np  d  may need to be delayed after commissioning PCN needs to be evaluated at a later time

15 Collab_NSAC 4/2/03 #15 EDMEDM New Funds EDM is separate Reduce FY'06 level of research for SNS operations (There was a lot of criticism at this point, but budgets prevailed) SNS priorities are EDM, parity violation/spin rotation, PCN

16 Collab_NSAC 4/2/03 #16 EDMEDM DOE/NSF Comments - Public (P) and Off-line (O) Kovar (P) - ORNL is voting with its feet, an institutional inititive Simon-Gillo (O) - "Martin, you should be smiling". We have the ammunition to go for funds outside the neutron physics envelope Keister (P) - The large financial burden is on the DOE. It is useful to understand the merits of the science Simon-Gillo (O) - She will go ahead with the EDM R&D funds in June if she is not stopped Kovar (O) - "Is there a reason to look?"

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