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-Microscopes- Types. Goals: 1. Check your proficiency 2. Develop proficiency 3. Proficiencies include:

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1 -Microscopes- Types

2 Goals: 1. Check your proficiency 2. Develop proficiency 3. Proficiencies include:

3 Knowledge about microscope: A. types B. parts C. care D. use E. theory of operation

4 Proficiency test: If you pass this test, you have demonstrated proficiency in microscope knowledge.

5 Types of microscopes used in Science

6 There is a great number of different types of microscopes in use today. We are going to look at just a few which are “common” in use in schools, colleges and universities.

7 Dissection Microscope

8 Characteristics: low power 3-D (sterioscopic-binocular) $100-$500 cannot see cells

9 Compound Light Microscope

10 Characteristics: Light powered to 1000x 2-D $150-$10,000

11 Confocal Microscope

12 Characteristics: Laser light powered to 1000x 3-D, digitally enhanced $20,000-$100,000

13 Scanning Electron Microscope

14 Characteristics: Reflected electrons 100,000x 3-D image subject is gold coated $50k up into the millions


16 Transmission Electron Microscope


18 Characteristics: electrons pass thru specimen 200,000x 2-D image $50k up into the millions

19 The vast majority of other types are used in limited research institutes. Some of these are:

20 Scanning probe AFM: Atomic Force Microscopy BEEM: Ballistic Electron Emission Microscopy EFM: Electrostatic Force Microscope ESTM: Electrochemical Scanning Tunneling Microscope FMM: Force Modulation Microscopy KPFM: Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy MFM: Magnetic Force Microscopy MRFM: Magnetic Resonance Force Microscopy NSOM: Near-field Scannin Optical Microscopy PFM: Piezo Force Microscopy PSTM: Photon Scanning Tunneling Microscopy

21 PTMS: Photothermal Microspectroscopy/Microscopy SAP: Scanning Atom Probe Microscopy SCM: Scanning capacitance Microscope SECM: Scanning ElectroChemical Microscopy SGM: Scanning Gate Microscopy SICM: Scanning Ion-Conductance Microscopy SPSM Spin Polarized Scanning tunneling Microscopy SThM: Scanning thermal Microscopy STM: Scanning Tunneling Microscopy SVM: Scanning Voltage Microscopy SHPM: Scanning Hall Probe Microscopy SSM: Scanning SQUID Microscope RTM: Recurrence Tracking Microscope SAM: Scanning acoustic microscope

22 Microscopes have many technological procedures which improve the results. Some of these include: Bright Field Microscopy Dark Field Microscopy Digital Microscope Fluorescence interference contrast Microscopy Fluorescence Microscopy Laser Capture Micro dissection

23 Brightfield – light beamed from below

24 Dark field light hits object leaving back ground black.

25 Fluorescence Microscopy Showing cheek cells stained with fluorescent dye.

26 New microscope technology is under constant development, thus the need for life long learning.ew microscope technology is under constant development, thus the need for life long learning. Multifocal plane Microscopy Phase contrast Microscopy

27 Tungsten crystal showing atoms at 2,700,000 x


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