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The David W. York Award JEA South Grid Reuse System Tom Bartol, P.E.

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Presentation on theme: "The David W. York Award JEA South Grid Reuse System Tom Bartol, P.E."— Presentation transcript:

1 The David W. York Award JEA South Grid Reuse System Tom Bartol, P.E.

2 JEA South Reuse Grid Wins 2015 David W. York Award! Co-winner for largest (>15MGD) category Florida’s most prestigious reuse award

3 Background JEA given responsibility for City of Jacksonville’s water and sewer program in 1997 System suffering from lack of resources – Required significant investment in capital to address deficiencies To date, JEA has invested almost $600M in system – Including over $85M in reclaimed water system

4 Background/Challenges JEA Began its reclaimed water program in 1999 Reuse Challenges: – Wastewater system already mature – Plants designed only for surface discharge – Service areas built out – New development occurring far from treatment plants Regional hydrogeology prevents some popular reuse solutions like rapid infiltration basins

5 Background/Solutions Filtration and high level disinfection systems were added to existing plants Significant transmission system needed to transport reuse water to development areas – Fortunately, JEA is a water/sewer/ELECTRIC utility – Able to use electrical transmission corridors to run reuse mains w/ substantial savings

6 So JEA built a 26 mile transmission system constructed to send reuse from Arlington East WRF to Northern St. Johns Co. Served Bulk Commercial Customers along the way – Golf Courses – UNF – Deerwood Park

7 Best Laid Plans….. By 2007, JEA was primed to reap the benefits of an exploding real estate market in Northern St. Johns County And then….

8 Where is the South Grid now? Infrastructure now in place as development renews South Grid made up of 4 interconnected plants 7.1 MGD in Reuse Total of over 6000 commercial and residential connections

9 So How Far Have We Come? JEA’s Reuse System in 2000

10 TODAY’S RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM WELL POSITIONED TO SERVE GROWTH 10 26 Miles of North/South Transmission Pipe  All Major St. Johns Co. DRI’s piped for reuse  Adding over 1100 1300 customers/yr.  Growth Escalating

11 Benefits of JEA’s Reuse System Growth of JEA’s reuse system provides dual benefits: – Offsetting withdrawals from the Floridan Aquifer – Reducing discharges to the St. Johns River In conjunction with treatment upgrades, discharge of TN to the St. Johns has been reduced from1400 Tons Tn/yr. to 600 Tons TN/yr

12 JEA’s Discharge of Tn to River vs. Population

13 SJRWMD assistance often needed to get larger users to connect Developer resistance Duval County Ordinance requires connection if available Adjoining counties based on development conditions Condition of potable water service within “Reclaimed Water Service Areas”. Maturity continuum issues Private wells 13 Building Community Reclaimed Water Challenges Getting (and Keeping) Those Connections

14 Summary/Takeaways As a community-owned, not-for-profit utility, JEA is committed to meeting its customers’ reuse needs in a manner that is environmentally and economically sustainable. JEA has invested over $85 million to build one of the largest interconnected reclaimed water systems in the state. The continuing development of JEA’s reclaimed water system has allowed JEA to serve the needs of growing communities while: – Minimizing withdrawals from the Floridan Aquifer and promoting efficient use of fresh groundwater – Reducing the discharge of nutrients from JEA’s wastewater plants to the St. Johns River.

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