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Published byConstance Sharp Modified over 9 years ago
1 Assertions
2 A boolean expression or predicate that evaluates to true or false in every state In a program they express constraints on the state that must be true at that point Associate with Individual program statements functions classes
3 Assertions & Correct Programs Specify clearly, precisely and succinctly What is expected and guaranteed by each component – class, function and statement The essence of documentation Essential for debugging Aids in having fault tolerance How to write correct programs and know it – Harlan Mills
4 Assertion syntax Use Eiffel syntax as in programming statements Boolean expression Sequence of relational expressions using the connectives not, and, or, xor, implies, or else, and then Relational expression Function call returning a boolean value Sequence of variables and function calls using the connectives, >=, <=, =, not = Parenthesis used to explicitly indicate precedence order Can invoke functions – no recursion on assertion checking
5 Pre-Conditions Statement syntax require boolean expression Where within function/procedure write just before the local clause, if it exists nonZero (row, col : INTEGER): BOOLEAN is -- True if non-zero element at require 0 < row and row <= actualRows 0 < col and col <= actualCols local i : INTEGER do... end
6 Post-Conditions Statement syntax ensure boolean expression Where within function/procedure write just before the end of body nonZero(row, col : INTEGER): BOOLEAN is -- True if non-zero element at... do... ensure Result = item(row, col) /= 0 end
7 Pre/Post Example Use tag names to identify assertions nonZero (row, col : INTEGER): BOOLEAN is -- True if non-zero element at require row_correct: 0 < row and row <= actualRows column_correct: 0 < col and col <= actualCols local i : INTEGER do... ensure correct_result: Result = item(row, col) /= 0 end
8 Pre/Post Example – 2 Use comments if you cannot write an executable assertion Use already defined functions or custom written functions nonZero (row, col : INTEGER): BOOLEAN is -- True if non-zero element at require row_correct: 0 < row and row <= actualRows column_correct: 0 < col and col <= actualCols local i : INTEGER do... ensure correct_result: Result = item(row, col) /= 0 -- all elements remain unchanged end
9 Post-Conditions – 2 Show relationship between initial and final values At the end of the body the final values are in effect Refer to initial values using the keyword old bounded_stack_push (element: G) is require size < capacity do... ensure size = old size + 1 end
10 Loop Invariants & Loop Syntax from init statements invariant assertions for invariant variant integer expression until exit condition loop body statements end Can invoke boolean functions. Use agents to implement predicate calculus expressions always non negative body decreases value on every iteration
11 Loop Invariant Example -- calculate the sum of all elements -- in array a from i := a.lower sum := a @ a.lower invariant a.lower <= i i <= a.upper + 1 variant a.upper + 1 – i until i > a.upper loop i := i + 1 s := s + a @ i end
12 Loop Invariant Example When we run, we get a precondition violation On the last iteration, i is a.upper+1, an invalid index for array a Loop invariants do not guarantee correct execution, but they help with the specification of the loop
13 Corrected Example -- calculate the sum of all elements -- in array a from i := a.lower sum := 0 invariant a.lower <= i i <= a.upper + 1 variant a.upper + 1 – i until i > a.upper loop sum := sum + a @ i i := i + 1 end
14 Check Assertion Within the body of a routine you can insert a check clause The check clause is executed and if its assertion is false then an exception occurs Used to remind the reader of a non-obvious fact that could be deduced if full then error := overflow else check representation_exists : representation /= Void end representation.put(x) error := none end
15 Class Invariants Appear in the invariant clause just before the end of the class True at stable times After make After every exported feature call Could be false during a feature call as various substates change Invariants are implicitly a part of every pre and post condition class BOUNDED_STACK... invariant count_non_negative: 0 <= count count_bounded: count <= capacity end -- BOUNDED_STACK
16 Assertion Monitoring Eiffel provides multiples levels of assertion monitoring See the Ace file & page 393 Always should be on during debugging Turn off as little as possible only if time is critical and the system can be trusted
17 Agents & Tuples
18 What is an Agent An agent is a function that is passed as a parameter Agents implement a sub-set of functional programming Functional programming is dealt with in the course COSC 3401
19 Why have agents ? Many algorithms differ only in what function they apply Consider integration of a function, where the function can be or any other function of one variable. In this course, we use agents in functions that implement first order predicate calculus expressions in assertions For example All items in a string are spaces or integers or …
20 Sum of Integers 1..n sum_i (n : INTEGER) : INTEGER is local sum : INTEGER i : INTEGER do from i := 1 until i > n loop sum := sum + i i := i + 1 end Result := sum end
21 Sum Double of Integers 1..n sum_double_i (n : INTEGER) : INTEGER is local sum : INTEGER i : INTEGER do from i := 1 until i > n loop sum := sum + i + i i := i + 1 end Result := sum end
22 Sum Square of Integers 1..n sum_square_i (n : INTEGER) : INTEGER is local sum : INTEGER i : INTEGER do from i := 1 until i > n loop sum := sum + i * i i := i + 1 end Result := sum end
23 sum (n : INTEGER ; f : FUNCTION) : INTEGER is local sum : INTEGER i : INTEGER do from i := 1 until i > n loop sum := sum + f(i) i := i + 1 end Result := sum end Abstract the function Abstract the commonalities and only supply the variations. Write one function for all cases Problem: Need type checking for the function -- additional syntax is required
24 Problem with Syntax sum (n : INTEGER ; f : FUNCTION ) : INTEGER is local sum : INTEGER i : INTEGER do from i := 1 until i > n loop sum := sum + f(i) i := i + 1 end Result := sum end Need to specify function – arguments and types – Result type Need syntax to match function definition
25 Typing a Function General syntax FUNCTION [ class_to_which_function_belongs, argument_types, Result_type ] Example for the sum_to function argument f : FUNCTION [ ANY, TUPLE [ INTEGER ], INTEGER ]
26 sum (n : INTEGER ; f : FUNCTION [ ANY, TUPLE [ INTEGER ], INTEGER ] ) : INTEGER is local sum : INTEGER i : INTEGER do from i := 1 until i > n loop sum := sum + f.item( [ i ] ) i := i + 1 end Result := sum end Generalized Sum Specified function – arguments and types – Result type f is a function object. item is the feature that returns the function result. The function is applied to the argument, which is of type tuple
27 What is a tuple? Analogous to describing the types for the fields of a record Example of a 5 field record with sufficient space in each field to hold items of the indicated type Tuple [ INTEGER, CHARACTER, BOOLEAN, ARRAY[TIGERS], STACK[ELEPHANTS] ]
28 Functions: Identity, Double & Square identity(i : INTEGER) : INTEGER is -- Return the argument do Result := i end double(i : INTEGER) : INTEGER is -- Return double the argument do Result := i + i end square(i : INTEGER) : INTEGER is -- Return square of the argument do Result := i * i end
29 Using Agents sum ( 5, agent identity(?) ) sum ( 5, agent double(?) ) sum ( 5, agent square(?) ) The function to pass is identified as an agent so both » The function definition is passed, instead of being evaluated » the proper type checking is done Argument type of the passed functions are defined in the function sum so a ? is used as a place marker showing that the functions have one argument (for type checking)
30 Checking items in an array all_satisfy (value : INTEGER; comparator : FUNCTION[ANY, TUPLE[INTEGER, INTEGER],BOOLEAN] ) : BOOLEAN is -- Result is true if value :comparator: Current[i] is true for all i -- e.g. 1 < Current[i] for all i, where the comparator is < local i : INTEGER do from i := lower Result := True until i > upper or Result = False loop Result := Result and comparator.item([value, item(i)]) i := i + 1 end
31 The agent Using the agent – note the place markers for 2 parameters All_satisfy using < less_than (i, j : INTEGER) : BOOLEAN is -- Result is i < j do Result := i < j end all_satisfy (0, agent less_than(?,?))
32 Fixing a parameter for an Agent When agents have multiple parameters we can make one or more of the parameters to be constants at the time the agent is used. The function all_satisfy_1 checks that 0 is less than all array elements A new all satisfy function is required because we are actually passing a one parameter argument – the ? Mathematically the first parameter of the agent has been curried – the two parameter less_than is converted to a one parameter less_than using constant 0 as the first parameter all_satisfy_1 (agent less_than(0,?))
33 All_Satisfy_1 all_satisfy_1 (condition : FUNCTION[ANY, TUPLE[INTEGER],BOOLEAN]): BOOLEAN is -- Result is true if condition is true for all i local i : INTEGER do from i := lower; Result := True until i > upper or Result = False loop Result := Result and condition.item([item(i)]) i := i + 1 end Note that the agent is now a one-parameter function value is not a parameter of all_satisfy_1, instead it is a curried parameter of less_than (see previous slide)
34 Typing a PROCEDURE Procedures can also be passed as arguments General syntax PROCEDURE [ class_to_which_procedure_belongs, argument_types ] Same as for a function, except there is no return type There is a different mechanism to invoke a procedure instead of function.item(tuple)
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