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Round 1 13:22–What was before them by night? #1 A. The pillar of fire B. The pillar of cloud C. A full moon.

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Presentation on theme: "Round 1 13:22–What was before them by night? #1 A. The pillar of fire B. The pillar of cloud C. A full moon."— Presentation transcript:


2 Round 1 13:22–What was before them by night? #1 A. The pillar of fire B. The pillar of cloud C. A full moon

3 Round 1 14:3-What would Pharaoh say of the children of Israel who were camped in the wilderness? #2 A. They are resting B. They are idle C. They are bewildered.

4 Round 1 14:25–How did the LORD trouble the army of the Egyptians? #3 A. He broke their swords B. He caused the soldiers to dessert C. He took off their chariot wheels

5 Round 1 15:10 – They sank like ____ in the mighty waters. #4 A. An anchor B. lead C. stone

6 Round 1 15:15—Which inhabitants will melt away? #5 A. Inhabitants of Philistia B. Inhabitants of Moab C. Inhabitants of Canaan

7 Round 1 15.25 – What did Moses cast into the bitter waters that were then made sweet? #6 A. Honey B. Brown sugar C. A tree the LORD showed him

8 Round 1 16.1-3 – Where were the c of I on the 15 th day of the 2 nd month? They talked of pots of meat in Egypt. #6 A. Goshen B. Succoth C. The wilderness of Sin

9 Round 1 16.16 What was the quota for each person? #8 A. One quail B. 1/2 of a quail C. One omer

10 Round 1 16.35 They ate manna until they came to the border of the land of _____ #9 A. Canaan B. Midian C. Philistia

11 Round 1 17.1 What did they NOT find in Rephidim? #10 A. straw B. Pots of meat C. Water to drink

12 Round 1 17.15 What did Moses build and call its name The-LORD-Is-My-Banner? #11 A. columns B. A temple C. An altar

13 Round 1 18.21 What was NOT a qualification for the rulers of 1,000’s, 100’s, 50’s, and 10’s? #12 A. They should be husbands of one wife. B. They should fear God C. They should hate covetousness

14 Round 1 19:12,13— What happens to any who go up to the mountain or touch its base? #13 A. They will see the face of God. B. Stoned or shot with arrow C. They will become Moses’ helper

15 Round 1 20:11—When did the LORD rest? #14 A. After removing chariot wheels B. The seventh day C. After sending quails and manna

16 Round 1 20.19 Why did the people not want God to speak to them? #15 A. They might die B. They would not remember C. They might not understand

17 Round 1 21.6 What was a sign that a Hebrew servant would serve forever? #16 A. He would have a chain on his ankle. B. He would have a tattoo C. His ear would be pierced

18 Round 1 21.14 Who can be taken from the altar? #17 A. A hired servant B. One who used a tool C. One who kills by treachery

19 Round 1 22.6—Where might the fire break out so that grain and fields are consumed? #18 A. In thorns B. In straw C. In stubble

20 Round 1 22:26—What is to be returned before the sun goes down? #19 A. An omer of manna B. An oxen that went for its hire C. A garment given as a pledge

21 Round 1 23:8—What blinds the discerning and perverts the words of the righteous? #20 A. A mocker B. A bribe C. A scoffer

22 Round 1 23:14—How many feasts were to be kept each year? #21 A. Twelve, one each month B. Seven C. Three

23 Round 1 23.28—What would go before them and drive out the Hivite, Canaanite, and Hittite? #22 A. frogs B. flies C. hornets

24 Round 1 23.29 —What might become too numerous? #23 A. Plagues B. Beasts of the fields C. Frogs

25 Round 1 24.1 —How many elders of Israel went with Moses, Aaron, Nadab, and Abihu? #24 A. Seventy B. Forty C. Twenty-five

26 Round 1 24.14 —To whom were they to go if they had a difficulty? #25 A. Aaron and Hur B. Joshua C. Jethro

27 More questions Sunday !

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