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Ch. 15 Review. What did Moses receive from God that we use today to help us follow God’s will? 10 Commandments.

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Presentation on theme: "Ch. 15 Review. What did Moses receive from God that we use today to help us follow God’s will? 10 Commandments."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ch. 15 Review

2 What did Moses receive from God that we use today to help us follow God’s will? 10 Commandments

3 Who was a Pharisee who invited Jesus to dine with him? Simon

4 Which of the 10 Commandments teach us to love and honor God as well as put Him first in our lives? – 1-3

5 Who particularly cleanses us from sin during the Sacrament of Reconciliation? – Holy Spirit

6 When we receive Christ in the Holy Eucharist, we receive forgiveness from what sins? Venial Sins

7 What can lead to mortal sins? – Venial sins

8 What are the 10 Commandments apart of? – God’s Law

9 In the story of the sinful woman, why did Jesus forgive the woman of her sins? – Because of her great love

10 Which of the 10 Commandments teach us to love and respect our parents and others? – 4-10

11 What helps us to judge what is right and what is wrong? Our Conscience

12 ______________ weakens our love for God and for others. This sin is not as serious as a mortal sin. Venial Sin

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