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Contemporary Science Issues Lesson 7: Siting and Aluminium smelter © 2006 Gatsby Technical Education Projects.

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Presentation on theme: "Contemporary Science Issues Lesson 7: Siting and Aluminium smelter © 2006 Gatsby Technical Education Projects."— Presentation transcript:

1 Contemporary Science Issues Lesson 7: Siting and Aluminium smelter © 2006 Gatsby Technical Education Projects

2 Location for an Aluminium smelter A chance to make decisions

3 Lesson objectives Recap structure and operation of an aluminium electrolysis cell Consider factors which affect the location of new industry – in this case a new aluminium smelter. end of slide

4 Learning outcomes Be able to collect information from ‘experts’ to make informed decisions Look at the costs and benefits of certain features of a location in context Produce a viable argument in support of a site for the aluminium smelter Present findings to a ‘board of directors’ who will make a decision about the final location end of slide



7 Starter Sequence the following statements into order to explain the production of aluminium from bauxite. Complete the boxes end of slide Electricity is passed through the molten mixture Bauxite is dissolved in the liquid cryolite. Aluminium metal collects at one electrode,and oxygen gas bubbles off at the other. Cryolite is heated until it melts. Pure Bauxite is separated from the other rocks. Another mineral called cryolite is mined and purified. Impure Bauxite is mined from the ground.

8 Aerial view of Alcan Kitimat WorksKitimat Works Location?

9 What is a good site for a smelter? end of slide

10 Things to do... You all live on the island of Millitania and are heavily reliant on the metal aluminium as you have terrible problems with rust. The Central Government Committee (CGC) has decided that it is time to build your own aluminium smelter rather than having to import all the metal from overseas. There are 5 proposed sites around the island and the CGC has assigned these sites to 5 Aluminium Smelter Decision Teams (ASDTs) There is also a Panel of Experts (PoE) who spend a lot of time giving advice to businesses about the factors to consider when siting new business.

11 You will need to be split into... –5 Separate ASDTs, each of which includes one researcher and one manager and who will be assigned one site to access. –A PoE containing one expert on each of the ‘Magic Factors’ –A CGC comprising a Minister of Aluminium and 3 advisors. Your collective task will be to make a decision on which of the 5 sites to build the smelter. All ASDTs need to be advocates for their site, whether they think it’s the best site or not. You stand to make a lot of money from this! ASDT’s can make proposals for further construction of roads, power lines etc if this will help their case. The CGC will decide whether the proposals are cost effective or not.



14 Plenary Copy and complete the following sentences. Include one of the following words or phrases in each answer and because but however such as therefore which so to 1.Aluminium is an important metal.... 2.Smelting uses an enormous amount of electricity... 3.Cryolite is used as the solvent in electrolysis... 4.It is important to be aware of the requirements of industry... 5.The chemical industry is important...

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