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Figure 8.1 The pectoral girdle and clavicle.
Sternal (medial) end Clavicle Posterior Acromio- clavicular joint Scapula Anterior Acromial (lateral) end (b) Right clavicle, superior view Acromial end Anterior Trapezoid line Sternal end Posterior Tuberosity for costoclavicular ligament Conoid tubercle (a) Articulated pectoral girdle (c) Right clavicle, inferior view
Figure 8.1a The pectoral girdle and clavicle.
Acromio- clavicular joint Scapula (a) Articulated pectoral girdle
Figure 8.1b The pectoral girdle and clavicle.
Sternal (medial) end Posterior Anterior Acromial (lateral) end (b) Right clavicle, superior view
Figure 8.1c The pectoral girdle and clavicle.
Acromial end Anterior Sternal end Trapezoid line Posterior Tuberosity for costoclavicular ligament Conoid tubercle (c) Right clavicle, inferior view
(a) Right scapula, anterior aspect Inferior angle
Figure 8.2a The scapula. Acromion Suprascapular notch Superior border Coracoid process Superior angle Glenoid cavity Subscapular fossa Lateral border Medial border (a) Right scapula, anterior aspect Inferior angle
Coracoid process Suprascapular notch Superior Acromion angle
Figure 8.2b The scapula. Coracoid process Suprascapular notch Superior angle Acromion Supraspinous fossa Glenoid cavity at lateral angle Spine Infraspinous fossa Medial border Lateral border (b) Right scapula, posterior aspect
(c) Right scapula, lateral aspect Inferior angle
Figure 8.2c The scapula. Supraspinous fossa Acromion Supraglenoid tubercle Supraspinous fossa Coracoid process Glenoid cavity Spine Infraspinous fossa Subscapular fossa Infraspinous fossa Infraglenoid tubercle Posterior Anterior Subscapular fossa (c) Right scapula, lateral aspect Inferior angle
Lateral supracondylar ridge Coronoid fossa
Figure 8.3a The humerus of the right arm and detailed views of articulation at the elbow. Greater tubercle Head of humerus Lesser tubercle Anatomical neck Intertubercular sulcus Deltoid tuberosity Lateral supracondylar ridge Coronoid fossa Radial fossa Medial epicondyle Capitulum Trochlea (a) Anterior view
Head of humerus Greater tubercle Anatomical neck Surgical neck
Figure 8.3b The humerus of the right arm and detailed views of articulation at the elbow. Head of humerus Greater tubercle Anatomical neck Surgical neck Radial groove Deltoid tuberosity Medial supracondylar ridge Olecranon fossa Medial epicondyle Lateral epicondyle (b) Posterior view Trochlea
(c) Anterior view at the elbow region
Figure 8.3c The humerus of the right arm and detailed views of articulation at the elbow. Coronoid fossa Humerus Medial epicondyle Capitulum Head of radius Trochlea Coronoid process of ulna Radial tuberosity Radial notch Radius Ulna (c) Anterior view at the elbow region
(d) Posterior view of extended elbow
Figure 8.3d The humerus of the right arm and detailed views of articulation at the elbow. Humerus Olecranon fossa Olecranon process Lateral epicondyle Medial epicondyle Head Neck Ulna Radius (d) Posterior view of extended elbow
Figure 8.4a Radius and ulna of the right forearm.
Radial notch of the ulna Olecranon process Head Trochlear notch Neck Coronoid process Radial tuberosity Proximal radioulnar joint Interosseous membrane Ulna Radius Ulnar notch of the radius Head of ulna Styloid process of radius Distal radioulnar joint Styloid process of ulna (a) Anterior view
Figure 8.4b Radius and ulna of the right forearm.
Olecranon process Head of radius Neck of radius Interosseous membrane Ulna Ulnar notch of the radius Radius Head of ulna Styloid process of ulna (b) Posterior view Styloid process of radius
Figure 8.4c Radius and ulna of the right forearm.
Olecranon process Trochlear notch View Coronoid process Radial notch (c) Proximal portion of ulna, lateral view
Figure 8.4d Radius and ulna of the right forearm.
Ulnar notch of radius Articulation for lunate Articulation for scaphoid Styloid process Head of ulna Styloid process View (d) Distal ends of the radius and ulna at the wrist
Figure 8.5 Location of styloid processes of radius and ulna.
Head of ulna Styloid process of ulna (a) Normal position (b) Radiograph of fractured radius, Colles’ fracture
Figure 8.5a Location of styloid processes of radius and ulna.
Head of ulna Styloid process of ulna (a) Normal position
Figure 8.5b Location of styloid processes of radius and ulna.
Figure 8.6 Bones of the hand.
Phalanges Distal Middle Proximal Metacarpals Head Sesamoid bones Shaft Carpals Base 4 3 2 5 1 Hamate Carpals 2 3 4 1 5 Carpals Capitate Trapezium Hamate Pisiform Trapezoid Capitate Triquetrum Scaphoid Triquetrum Lunate Lunate Ulna Radius Ulna (a) Anterior view of right hand (b) Posterior view of right hand
Figure 8.6a Bones of the hand.
Phalanges Distal Middle Proximal Sesamoid bones Carpals 4 3 2 5 1 Hamate Carpals Capitate Trapezium Pisiform Trapezoid Triquetrum Scaphoid Lunate Ulna Radius (a) Anterior view of right hand
Figure 8.6b Bones of the hand.
Metacarpals Head Shaft Base Carpals 2 3 4 1 5 Carpals Trapezium Hamate Trapezoid Capitate Scaphoid Triquetrum Lunate Radius Ulna (b) Posterior view of right hand
Hamate Capitate Trapezoid Trapezium Carpel tunnel Flexor tendons
Figure 8.7 Carpal tunnel. Hamate Capitate Trapezoid Trapezium Carpel tunnel Flexor tendons Median nerve
Figure 8.8a Bones of the pelvic girdle.
Base of sacrum Iliac crest Sacroiliac joint Iliac fossa Anterior superior iliac spine Sacral promontory llium Coxal bone (os coxae or hip bone) Anterior inferior iliac spine Sacrum Pubis Coccyx Pelvic brim Acetabulum Pubic tubercle Ischium Pubic crest Pubic symphysis (a) Pelvic girdle Pubic arch
Figure 8.8b Bones of the pelvic girdle.
Tubercle of the iliac crest Ilium Ala Anterior gluteal line Iliac crest Posterior gluteal line Anterior superior iliac spine Posterior superior iIiac spine Inferior gluteal line Posterior inferior iliac spine Anterior inferior iliac spine Greater sciatic notch Acetabulum Ischial body Ischial spine Lesser sciatic notch Pubic body Pubis Ischium Ischial tuberosity Ilium Inferior ramus of pubis Ischium Ischial ramus Pubis (b) Lateral view, right hip bone
Figure 8.8c Bones of the pelvic girdle.
Ilium Iliac fossa Iliac crest Anterior superior iliac spine Posterior superior iliac spine Posterior inferior iliac spine Anterior inferior iliac spine Body of the ilium Arcuate line Auricular surface Superior ramus of pubis Ischial spine Pubic tubercle Obturator foramen Ilium Ischium Articular surface of pubis (at pubic symphysis) Ischium Pubis Ischial ramus Inferior ramus of pubis (c) Medial view, right hip bone
Figure 8.9 Midsagittal section through the pelvis.
Plane through midpelvis Anterior Anterior abdominal wall Sacral canal Sacral promontory Sacrum False pelvis Sacroiliac joint Iliac fossa Pelvic brim, defining pelvic inlet Arcuate line True pelvis Ischial spine Symphyseal surface Coccyx Coccyx Symphyseal surface Sacrospinous ligament Sacrotuberous ligament Ischial tuberosity Plane of pelvic outlet (a) Some of the ligaments of the pelvis (b) True and false pelves
Figure 8.9a Midsagittal section through the pelvis.
Anterior Sacral canal Sacral promontory Sacrum Plane through midpelvis Sacroiliac joint Iliac fossa Arcuate line Ischial spine Coccyx Symphyseal surface Sacrospinous ligament Sacrotuberous ligament Ischial tuberosity (a) Some of the ligaments of the pelvis
Figure 8.9b Midsagittal section through the pelvis.
Plane through midpelvis Anterior abdominal wall False pelvis Pelvic brim, defining pelvic inlet True pelvis Symphyseal surface Coccyx Plane of pelvic outlet (b) True and false pelves
Figure 8.10a The right patella (a) and femur
Apex Anterior Facet for lateral condyle of femur Facet for medial condyle of femur Surface for patellar ligament Posterior (a) Patella (kneecap)
Figure 8.10b The right patella (a) and femur
Neck Fovea capitis Greater trochanter Head Inter- trochanteric crest Lesser trochanter Intertrochanteric line Gluteal tuberosity Linea aspera Medial and lateral supra- condylar lines Lateral condyle Lateral epicondyle Intercondylar fossa Medial condyle Lateral epicondyle Adductor tubercle Medial epicondyle Patellar surface (b) Femur (thigh bone) Anterior view Posterior view
Figure 8.11a The tibia and fibula of the right leg.
Intercondylar eminence Lateral condyle Medial condyle Head Tibial tuberosity Proximal tibiofibular joint Interosseous membrane Anterior border Fibula Tibia Distal tibiofibular joint Lateral malleolus Medial malleolus (a) Anterior view Articular surface
Figure 8.11b The tibia and fibula of the right leg.
Articular surface of medial condyle Articular surface of lateral condyle Head of fibula Medial condyle Interosseous membrane Tibia Fibula Fibular notch Articular surface Medial malleolus Lateral malleolus (b) Posterior view
Figure 8.11c The tibia and fibula of the right leg.
Lateral condyle Tibial tuberosity (c) Anterior view, proximal tibia
Figure 8.11d The tibia and fibula of the right leg.
Lateral condyle Fibula articulates here Line for soleus muscle (d) Posterior view, proximal tibia
Figure 8.11e The tibia and fibula of the right leg.
Fracture sites (e) Fracture of both malleoli
Figure 8.12 Bones of the right foot.
Sustentaculum tali (talar shelf) Facet for medial malleolus Talus Navicular Intermediate cuneiform First metatarsal Phalanges Distal Middle Proximal Medial cuneiform Calcaneus 1 2 3 4 Metatarsals Calcaneal tuberosity Medial cuneiform 5 (b) Medial view Intermediate cuneiform Lateral cuneiform Facet for lateral malleolus Navicular Intermediate cuneiform Navicular Cuboid Lateral cuneiform Tarsals Talus Talus Trochlea of talus Calcaneus (a) Superior view Calcaneus Cuboid Fifth metatarsal (c) Lateral view
Figure 8.12a Bones of the right foot.
Phalanges Distal Middle Proximal 1 2 3 4 Metatarsals 5 Medial cuneiform Intermediate cuneiform Lateral cuneiform Navicular Cuboid Tarsals Talus Trochlea of talus Calcaneus (a) Superior view
Figure 8.12b Bones of the right foot.
Sustentaculum tali (talar shelf) Facet for medial malleolus Talus Navicular Intermediate cuneiform First metatarsal Calcaneus Medial cuneiform Calcaneal tuberosity (b) Medial view
Figure 8.12c Bones of the right foot.
Facet for lateral malleolus Navicular Intermediate cuneiform Lateral cuneiform Talus Calcaneus Cuboid Fifth metatarsal (c) Lateral view
Figure 8.13 Arches of the foot.
Medial longitudinal arch Transverse arch Lateral longitudinal arch (a) Lateral aspect of right foot (b) X-ray, medial aspect of right foot; keystone of medial longitudinal arch at arrow.
Figure 8.13a Arches of the foot.
Medial longitudinal arch Transverse arch Lateral longitudinal arch (a) Lateral aspect of right foot
Figure 8.13b Arches of the foot.
Figure 8.14 Congenital disorders of the lower limb.
Figure 8.14a Congenital disorders of the lower limb.
Figure 8.14b Congenital disorders of the lower limb.
Figure 8.15 Changes in body proportions throughout life.
Table 8.1 Bones of the Appendicular Skeleton (1 of 3)
Table 8.1 Bones of the Appendicular Skeleton (2 of 3)
Table 8.1 Bones of the Appendicular Skeleton (3 of 3)
Table 8.2 Comparison of the Male and Female Pelves (1 of 3)
Table 8.2 Comparison of the Male and Female Pelves (2 of 3)
Table 8.2 Comparison of the Male and Female Pelves (3 of 3)
Table 8.3 Bones of the Lower Limbs (1 of 3)
Table 8.3 Bones of the Lower Limbs (2 of 3)
Table 8.3 Bones of the Lower Limbs (3 of 3)
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