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19/10/2004 David Keffer UOIT Student #100257682 Teaching Environment CURS4160 Curriculum Studies - Maths David Keffer UOIT Student #100257682 19 th October,

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Presentation on theme: "19/10/2004 David Keffer UOIT Student #100257682 Teaching Environment CURS4160 Curriculum Studies - Maths David Keffer UOIT Student #100257682 19 th October,"— Presentation transcript:

1 19/10/2004 David Keffer UOIT Student #100257682 Teaching Environment CURS4160 Curriculum Studies - Maths David Keffer UOIT Student #100257682 19 th October, 2004

2 14/10/2004 David Keffer UOIT Student #100257682 Teaching Environment This project will examine a specific Grade 8 classroom and school environment according to physical environment considerations resource availability considerations other considerations which might be pertinent

3 19/10/2004 David Keffer UOIT Student #100257682 Physical Environment

4 14/10/2004 David Keffer UOIT Student #100257682 Physical Environment Classroom size classroom is large enough to accommodate class comfortably, and allow for different desk layouts desks are sufficient for number of students (currently twenty-nine) more desks are available if class size increases Classroom layout classroom was originally laid out as indicated in the following slide teacher reconfigures class layout as required

5 14/10/2004 David Keffer UOIT Student #100257682 Classroom Layout

6 14/10/2004 David Keffer UOIT Student #100257682 Classroom Layout

7 14/10/2004 David Keffer UOIT Student #100257682 Physical Environment Proximity of students students currently too close to each other, and some talkative groups have formed teacher has reconfigured desk layout once, and will do so again shortly Physical space - board space more space would be useful, but is not essential Physical space - wall space for work back wall is available for student honour work other wall space is available for other class work

8 14/10/2004 David Keffer UOIT Student #100257682 Physical Environment Lighting, windows classroom is well lit – there are two large windows alone one wall Sound (internal and external) normal sound levels are comfortable, except during corridor movement (noise level increases during group-work, as expected) Ventilation, fans, air conditioning no A/C, but two fans, and one window opens ventilation is good with window open and fans on

9 14/10/2004 David Keffer UOIT Student #100257682 Physical Environment Temperature comfortable when regulated by fans and window Entry/exit procedures class enters/exits through shared stairwell and door near classroom (also fire exit) entry and exit normally orderly, supervised by teachers Cafeteria or lunch room no cafeteria / lunch room – students eat in classroom or schoolyard

10 14/10/2004 David Keffer UOIT Student #100257682 Physical Environment Waste disposal and recycling each classroom has waste bin and blue box (mixed) Security, cameras, metal detectors hall and yard security provided by teachers no cameras or metal detectors currently in school Location of school school is located in a growing subdivision, NE of Taunton and Wilson Roads in Oshawa there is residential housing S and W of school, and agricultural N and E of school

11 19/10/2004 David Keffer UOIT Student #100257682 Availability of Resources

12 14/10/2004 David Keffer UOIT Student #100257682 Availability of Resources Computers and Internet access classroom has four networked computers and a laser printer, with internet access for all computers equipment is for use by other students as needed additional computers and printers are available in the library and in some other classrooms Overhead projectors and other multimedia several OH projectors and a data projector are available within school, requested as needed more overhead projectors are currently on order

13 14/10/2004 David Keffer UOIT Student #100257682 Availability of Resources PA/intercom/phone each classroom is equipped with an intercom system for communication with office Science and laboratory equipment science classrooms have equipment as required for teaching science curriculum expectations Textbooks, handouts some texts are kept on shelves in classroom, others are kept in adjacent storage room handouts are produced by teacher as required

14 14/10/2004 David Keffer UOIT Student #100257682 Availability of Resources Consumable supplies students provide paper, binders, pens, markers, geometry instruments, and daily planner (purchased from the school) the school provides most other consumables, including construction and drawing paper, coloured pencils for the lower grades, and (ostensibly) all teachers’ supplies students are encouraged to bring in contributions from home, such as tissues, paper towels and soap – students are rewarded for this

15 19/10/2004 David Keffer UOIT Student #100257682 Additional Considerations

16 14/10/2004 David Keffer UOIT Student #100257682 Additional Considerations Individual Education Plans (IEPs) six students in the class have IEPs, and require accommodations on assignments and assessments Behavioural problems several other students have behavioural problems, which must be dealt with on daily basis Family and other social difficulties several students have family difficulties, which affect their performance students experience typical social difficulties according to their level of maturity and development

17 14/10/2004 David Keffer UOIT Student #100257682 Additional Considerations Timetabling, order of subjects this is apparently not an issue in this school Rotation of subjects only Science and Geography rotated between two Grade 8 classes, one teacher for each leaves students in same classroom for most of week, in more familiar environment with teacher they know better Policies (eg. visit locker, dress code, etc.) affect all students equally – not significant issue

18 14/10/2004 David Keffer UOIT Student #100257682 Additional Considerations Administrative duties load some administrative duties difficult for teachers, taking away from prep time time also taken with assemblies, masses, etc. Support of school administration school seems to be close community (Catholic), with strong administrative support principal new to school this year, so not yet clear Extracurricular activities – compulsory? these are on a voluntary basis only

19 19/10/2004 David Keffer UOIT Student #100257682 Conclusion

20 14/10/2004 David Keffer UOIT Student #100257682 Conclusion classroom and school environment are of considerable significance to teaching variable factors in either can augment or degrade quality of the teaching and learning experience teachers must consider these factors carefully as they plan their teaching strategies and practice many environmental factors are variable, and can be modified if the teacher is aware

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