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Work Package 1: Progress and Focus on specific issues 5th Steering Committee Meeting Rijeka, 26/2/2015 Presented by: Mrs Maria Poulou.

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Presentation on theme: "Work Package 1: Progress and Focus on specific issues 5th Steering Committee Meeting Rijeka, 26/2/2015 Presented by: Mrs Maria Poulou."— Presentation transcript:

1 Work Package 1: Progress and Focus on specific issues 5th Steering Committee Meeting Rijeka, 26/2/2015 Presented by: Mrs Maria Poulou

2 Reporting issues Partners Progress Reports: Fill in ALL related sections as DETAILED as possible 1. Realisation per component 2. Publishable information on project (for Programme Med website and general external communication activities) 2.1 Description of activities, outputs and results since the project start 2.2 Description of activities, outputs and results during the reporting period 2.3 Next steps to be taken 2.4 Publishable material and eventual copyright

3 Reporting issues Participation in cross-fertilisation events & Indicators Reporting an event in your activities report – in details:  Title of the Event  Date and Place of the Event  Agenda of the Event (attached)  List & Number of Participants  Number of stakeholders reached (if possible)  Presentation files to be sent to JTS  Material disseminated or additional articles or press releases - ( electronic files to be sent to JTS or related web links to be reported 1. A TEMPLETE for the events was sent to all partners 2. Additionally, a tool was prepared for completing and monitoring INDICATORS so as all partners to report their progress

4 Reporting issues Notes for partners on Progress reports and financial issues: Have in mind all previus Reports clarifications from JTS. This saves us from repeating mistakes and multiple rounds of clarifications. The deadline for submitting PR4 in the 30 th of March 2015. The LP needs to have your certificates (and Munistry validations for some partners) on the 29 th of March at latest We also need to have advanced/updated drafts of related deliverables

5 Reporting issues Deliverables along with Progress Reports 4 (also in our website):  WP1: Montly action Plan for PR4, Systematic Plan for PR4 (LP)  WP2: Updated Communication Plan, Capitalisation Plan, Analysis of the relevant local actors in each SMILE city and region for the project purposes (AFT)  WP3: City report on urban freight distribution and its energy and carbon footprint, A transnational benchmark of Mediterranean cities in city logistics' energy gaps (?) (ITL)  WP4: 4.1 Updated Scheme for the selection and implementation of measures, 4.2 - Policy assessment regarding urban freight distribution, 4.2 - Transnational Policy Framework Report (?) (CERTH)  WP5: Updated 5.1 - Pilot demonstrator presentation and planning, 5.2 - Report on pilot activities, main results obtained and measures (VPF)

6 Financial issues


8 Budget allocation flexibility/deviations: There is slight flexibility to exceed approved budget numbers, but we will not submit a new re-allocation proposal.  Staff: For those partners that have overpassed 40% of staff costs, no further deviation would be allowed. (VPF)  Subcontracting: We’ll pay a special attention to the timing, public procurement procedures and quality of the subcontracted outputs (Expertise, Services etc)  Durable Goods: Please be aware about nation and EU amortization rules for any acquisition of equipment (Rijeka, Piraeus)  External expertise is recommended not to exceed 35%  The overheads dully justified can be refunded until a maximum of 7% of the total eligible budget of the project Sum positive reallocations by work packages : 82.590,14€ or 4,41% Sum positive reallocations by Budget lines: 98.177€ or 5,24% Administrative issues

9 PR3 Money tranfer to partners? €? Administrative issues

10 WP1 deliverables under preparation  SMILE monthly Action Plan for the 4th reporting period  Systematic Plan for PR4 Administrative issues

11 Naming SMILE files Project acronym (SMILE) Project WORK PACKAGE number (WP…) Name of the document/deliverable Date (yyyy/mm/dd) or Version (optional) example: SMILE_WP1_Budget deviatons_Piraeus The name for a revised version of the same document would be: SMILE_WP1_Budget deviations_Piraeus_final Or SMILE_WP1_Burget deviations_2015.01.01 Administrative issues Quality Control details

12 Dates of the final Meeting and Conference (April 2015) The Final Conference of the Project Workshop: Policies for EE Ur. Logistics Technical & Scientific Commitee Meeting in phase 5.3. Evaluation The final SC Administrative issues

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