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Andy Wilder, Justin Martin, Riley Newell, and David Morgenstern Chapter 19 WHAP! Fleming 2-10-05.

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Presentation on theme: "Andy Wilder, Justin Martin, Riley Newell, and David Morgenstern Chapter 19 WHAP! Fleming 2-10-05."— Presentation transcript:

1 Andy Wilder, Justin Martin, Riley Newell, and David Morgenstern Chapter 19 WHAP! Fleming 2-10-05

2 The national state became the focus of people's loyalty Affective all over mainland Europe Except in the areas of Russian, E. Europe, Austria-Hungary, Ireland Latin America Prosperity flourished in Latin America Industrial Revolution brought greater need for raw materials Most raw materials were traded to US and Europe From 1870 and 1913 British investment in railroads dominated commerce Slavery abolished by 1888 that created labor shortages and stress on workers Despite Growth, it was still largely 3rd World Elites were the only wealthy ones, created large poverty working class Middle class only 5 to 10 percent Middle class got bigger after 1900 Exports were 90 percent of economy Encouraged immigration in large numbers from Europe

3 Political Changes in Latin America Large landowners took a stand in politics Used dictators to have direct voice in government, so they had their way They produced constitutions, etc Examples are Diaz who rules Mexico Other dictators ruled most Latin American countries with heavy input from the landed gentry

4 United States and Canada Rise of the United States -The Civil War’s end had brought national unity of the US -There was an immense rise in industrialization starting in the second half of the 1800’s. -A very small percent of the population held a huge percent of the wealth in the nation. -The United States was the richest and most powerful industrial nation in the world. -United States acquired colonies: Puerto Rico, Guam, Samoan Islands, Hawaii, the Philippines, and Cuba. The Progressive Era -The reform of certain features of American Life was emphasized. -The government intervened in some aspects of society. -T. Roosevelt: Meat Inspection Act and Pure Food and Drug Act -Woodrow Wilson: Federal Reserve System The Growth of Canada -Distrust between French-speaking and English-speaking Canadians caused problems with national unity. -Increased industrialization -Segregation of people (French and English Speakers).

5 Domestic policies had 5 themes: achievement of liberal practices, growth of political democracy through male suffrage, organization of mass political parties, rise of socialist working parties, and social welfare measures. Political Democracy: Great Britain: 2 party parliamentary, liberals and conservatives. Reforms allowed more voters. By end of WW1 all males over 21 and females over 30 could vote. Trade unions appeared and liberals made National Insurance Act of 1911 to keep the workers happy. France: Confusion after collapse of second empire. Republic constitution in 1875. bicameral legislature, upper house (senate) and lower house (chamber of deputies). Male suffrage. President was elected by the legislature for 7 years. Premier or prime minister was not responsible to the president. Lasted 65 years. Italy: United state by 1870. Internal weaknesses such as poverty being rampant in the south while the north was industrializing weakened the country greatly. Officials were corrupt. First Europeans to lose to an African state. (Ethiopia)

6 Central and Eastern Europe: Persistence of the Old Order: Germany: Constitution by Bismarck in 1871 made federal government with bicameral legislature. (Reichstag, lower) Ministers were not responsible to parliament. Emperor controlled army and foreign affairs. Army’s independence and Bismarck’s tactics stopped Germany from making real political democracy. Germany became strongest military and industrial power. People didn’t like expansionism because it slowed democratization. Antiliberals and antisocialists advocated imperialism and called Jews destroyers of German national community. Austrian-Hungary dual monarchy in 1867: Austrian Emperor ruled by decree when parliament wasn’t in session. Major minority problems. (Czechs, poles) Russia: Alexander III decided reforms were bad when dad was assasinated. Used Repressive measures. Constitutional monarchy and social reform advocates were persecuted. Some parts put under martial law. Industrialization changed the circumstances for his successor, Nicholas II. Social revolutionaries encouraged assassination of officials which led to a revolution. Aided by the Japanese victory over Russia. Civil liberties and legislative assembly were made but the constitutional monarchy was overruled by the army and bureaucracy in less than 5 years.

7 Ottomans were troubled by the nationalist movements, especially in the Balkans Corruption and innefiecancy weakened the empire Balkans territory gained there freedom from Ottoman Empire gradually Serbia had already received a large degree of autonomy in 1829 Greece became an independent state in 1830 By the Treaty of Adrianople Russia received a protectorate over the principalities of Moldavia and Wallachia, but was forced to give them up after the Crimean War In 1861 Moldavia and Wallachia were joined into the state of Romania Crisis in the Balkans Started in 1908 and ended in 1913. Austria annexed Bosnia and Hersgovinia. Serbians were enraged because they wanted a whole Slavic state. Russia aided the Slavs and they wanted to go to war. William the II intervened and told Russia to back down or face going to war with Germany. Russians were weakened by the Russo- Japanese war and backed down, but vowed revenge. Balkan League was formed and defeated the Turks. Things began to erupt when Albania was allowed to be an independent state. France and Russia renewed alliances

8 Nationalism grew even more. Latin America faced many troubles such as outside influence, poverty, and landowners becoming dictators so the countries grew but stayed 3 rd world. The Progressive Era brought many reforms to the lives of many people. Canada, and especially the US, became heavily industrialized nations. Western Europe used lots of constitutional monarchies with two parties. Italy was divided south (poverty stricken) and north (industrialized) economically. Germany had a bicameral legislature but with the army in control lost the advantages of democracy. Imperialism and hatred towards Jews became strong. Russian reforms were ended and imperialistic rule was forced. Rebellion sprung up aided by the war with the Japanese and were successful. But less than 5 years later, the army took control of the government. Ottomans weakened and lost territories in the Balkans. Slavs in the Balkans wanted their own state.

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