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Staff Meeting 18/8/08. Agenda  Vision of K 12  Innovative Classrooms  Effective Pedagogy  Professional Learning Options  Expectations for Term 3.

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Presentation on theme: "Staff Meeting 18/8/08. Agenda  Vision of K 12  Innovative Classrooms  Effective Pedagogy  Professional Learning Options  Expectations for Term 3."— Presentation transcript:

1 Staff Meeting 18/8/08

2 Agenda  Vision of K 12  Innovative Classrooms  Effective Pedagogy  Professional Learning Options  Expectations for Term 3  Sharing Practise  Collaborative Planning Day  Units Consultation  Split Lists

3 Vision of K 12 Students Today  ZVCjfWf8 ZVCjfWf8 ZVCjfWf8

4 Innovative Classrooms  M8JZk&feature=related

5 Effective Pedagogy  What were the key messages that you took from these clips?

6 Effective Pedagogy “Teacher actions promoting student learning” “Creating a supportive learning environment” “Encouraging reflective thought and action” “Enhancing the relevance of the new learning” “Facilitating shared learning” “Making connections to prior learning and experience” “Providing sufficient opportunities to learn” Pp 34-36

7 E Learning and Pedagogy  Learning that is supported or facilitated by ICT  Assist making connections  Facilitate shared learning  Assist in creation of supportive learning environments  Enhance opportunities to learn

8  “Schools should explore not only how ICT can supplement traditional ways of teaching but also how it can open up new and different ways of learning.” Pg 36 NZC, 2007

9 ICTPD  That is the purpose of the ICTPD  Effective Pedagogy  Using ICT as a tool to enhance learning  Using Thinking strategies as a tool to enhance learning  Implementing the new curriculum

10 Job Number One …  Think about your own learning thus far.  What are your learning needs? What would you like to learn about?  Pedagogy  Curriculum  Thinking Tools  ICT Tools/Technical skills  This is so we can plan professional learning for term 3/4

11 Do you remember …? As a result of our professional learning programme the expectation for all staff is …

12  To try at least one ICT tool or use an ICT tool in a different way. (One off or a series of lessons)  If you attended Eric Fraggenheim share the resource and strategies with your team. Then trial at least one specific thinking tool/strategy  Plan and teach a unit exploring a key competency, a value or a big concept from one or more learning areas  Show evidence of the learning – walls, modelling books, examples of work, presentations, other  Show evidence of the learning – walls, modelling books, examples of work, presentations, other

13 All Teachers  You will be reflecting on the learning as it progresses in teams. What have your tried? How did it go?  Classroom walks and gawks.  This term you will be asked to present or share something that you tried individually or in syndicates. 5 minutes minimum  This term you will be asked to present or share something that you tried individually or in syndicates. 5 minutes minimum  Why? To celebrate and share good practise. To learn from each other.

14 Job Number Two  Sharing will take place Weeks 7,8, and 9  Select first/second choice  Indicate what you might be sharing  This is so we can timetable and plan for the meetings.

15 ICTPD  ntry.php?space_key=468&module_key=5 9782&entry_key=3041&category_key=60 6 ntry.php?space_key=468&module_key=5 9782&entry_key=3041&category_key=60 6 ntry.php?space_key=468&module_key=5 9782&entry_key=3041&category_key=60 6

16 Centre 4  e.php?space_key=13293 e.php?space_key=13293 e.php?space_key=13293

17 Collaborative Planning Day  Term 3 2008  Teacher Only Day on last Friday of the term  Teacher Only Day on last Friday of the term  Thanks and celebration for all of your hard work.

18  Units Consultation (Bill)

19  Split Lists (Helen and Belinda


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