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正本清源 · 颠覆创新 《新概念英语》的分析与解读 刘鹰. 《新概念英语》三大悖论 在国内广泛流行,真正了解其特点者甚少 注译者的理念与 New Concept 背道而弛 知名的教学机构泡制迷思( myth )曲解经典.

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Presentation on theme: "正本清源 · 颠覆创新 《新概念英语》的分析与解读 刘鹰. 《新概念英语》三大悖论 在国内广泛流行,真正了解其特点者甚少 注译者的理念与 New Concept 背道而弛 知名的教学机构泡制迷思( myth )曲解经典."— Presentation transcript:

1 正本清源 · 颠覆创新 《新概念英语》的分析与解读 刘鹰

2 《新概念英语》三大悖论 在国内广泛流行,真正了解其特点者甚少 注译者的理念与 New Concept 背道而弛 知名的教学机构泡制迷思( myth )曲解经典

3 十大 NAQs (Never Asked Questions) 1. 为什么 New Concept English 译为《新概念英语》是一个错误? 2. 《新概念英语》的原作者提倡是一种什么样的 NEW CONCEPT? 3. New Concept 与传统的英语教学理念的区别在哪里? 《新概念英语》教程共有几册书? 4. 什么是《新概念英语》的教程设计的语言循环结构? 5. 作者设计教材时使用结构循环方式目的是什么?在教学中应当 如何有效运用? 6 为什么《新概念英语》教材中没有专门讲解语法的内容? 7. 为什么《新概念英语》的原版本不附单词表? 8. 《新概念英语》中的练习设计原则是什么? 9. 如何在教学中最好地应用课本中的练习? 10. 《新概念英语》适用于什么样的学生,用来做什么样的语言 能力训练?

4 四大误区 误译、误导、误教、误学 误译 总标题及分册的误译 误导 注译者的误导 知名教学机构的误导 误教 教师的误教:精读或泛读 误学 学生的误学:背诵

5 New Concept English 解读之一 一个族系的说明 (gene) 文化研究中的族系方法 英语教学的族系 语法翻译法 直接法 听说法 结构情景法 交际功能法 任务型教学 L.G. Alexander 的三大教材 NCE :介于结构与情景法与交际功能法之间 Follow Me 交际功能法 Mainline English 交际功能法

6 New Concept English 解读之二 英语教学的理念与原则 ( 一 ) Why restate the basic principles the important difference between understanding how a language works and learning how to use it. no one would seriously question the basic principles considerable disagreement about how these principles can best be implemented. Despite the great progress, teachers in many part of the world still cling to old-fashioned methods and to some extent perpetuate the systems by which they themselves learnt a foreign language.

7 New Concept English 解读之二 英语教学的理念与原则 ( 二 ) Use and performance Learning a language is not a matter of acquiring a set of rules and building up a large vocabulary. The teacher’s efforts should not be directed at informing his students about a language, but at enabling them to use it. A student’s mastery of a language is ultimately measured by how well he can use it, not by how much he knows about it.

8 New Concept English 解读之二 英语教学的理念与原则 ( 三 ) Language units and learning of words In order to become a skilled performer, the student must become proficient at using the units of a language. The unit of a language is not, as was once commonly suppose, the word, but the sentence. Learning words irrespective of their function can be a waste of time, for not all words are equal. We must draw a distinction between structural words and lexical items. Words like I, you, he,etc. are structural. Their use can be closely defined; they are part of a grammatical system. Words like tree, plant, flower, etc. are purely lexical items and in no way part of a grammatical system. From the learner’s point of view, skill in handling structural words is the key to mastering a language, for the meaning that is conveyed in sentence-patterns depends largely on the function of the structural words that hold them together.

9 New Concept English 解读之二 英语教学的理念与原则 ( 四 ) Language ceiling and students’ state of readiness every student of a foreign language has what might be called a “language ceiling”, a point beyond which he cannot improve very much. If we accept this supposition, our aim must be to enable every student to learn as much as he is capable of learning in the most efficient way. The old-fashioned translation and grammar0rule methods are extremely wasteful and inefficient, for the student is actually encouraged to make mistakes: he is asked to perform skills before he is adequately prepared. Teachers who use such methods unwittingly create the very problems they seek to avoid. At some point in the course their students inevitably become incapable of going on, they have to go back. They have become remedial students and the teacher is faced with the problem of remedying what has been incorrectly learnt. The student should be trained to learn by making as few mistakes as possible. He should never be required to do anything which is beyond his capacity. A well- designed course is one which takes into account what might be called the student’s “state of readiness”: the point where he can proceed from easy to difficult. If the student is to make the most he can proceed from easy to difficult. If the student is to make the most of this abilities, he must be trained to adopt correct learning habits.

10 New Concept English 解读之二 英语教学的理念与原则 ( 五 ) What has to be learnt The student must be trained adequately in all four basic language skills: understanding, speaking, reading and writing. In many classroom courses the emphasis is wholly on the written language. The student is trained to use his eyes instead of his ears and his inability to achieve anything like correct pronunciation, stress and intonation must be attributed largely to the tyranny of the printed word. Nothing should be spoken before it has been heard. Nothing should be read before it has been spoken. Nothing should be written before it has been read. Speaking and writing are the most important of these skills, since to some extent they presuppose the other two.

11 New Concept English 解读之三 教程设计思路与方案(一) 核心教程 第一册 二、三册 第四册 辅助教程 听说 阅读 写作

12 New Concept English 解读之三 教程设计思路与方案(二) 核心教程的多功能课文 The multipurpose text In order to do all the exercises outlined above, the student must work from specially-written texts. Each text must be used to train the student in the following skills: Listening comprehension. Oral practice(progressive and static patterns. Reading aloud. Oral composition. Dictation. Controlled comprehension, summary writing and composition practice (simple, compound and complex sentences). Written grammar exercises in recall.

13 New Concept English 解读之三 教程设计思路与方案(三) If these texts are to be suitable for so many purposes, they must be specially devised. The new pattern that are to be taught must be contextualized, that is, they must be built into each text. These reiterated patterns should be unobtrusive: their use should strike the listener as being inevitable rather than artificially superimposed. There is also another very important requirement: the texts must be interesting or amusing so that they will entertain the student, hold his attention, and minimize the inevitable drudgery involved in drill work. If the texts are accompanied by illustrations, they will be even more appealing. At the beginner’s level, illustrations are more functional than decorative. At this level, the reverse is true: the pre-intermediate stage marks a transition from audio-visual techniques to audio-lingual ones.

14 New Concept English 解读之三 教程设计思路与方案(四) Speed and intensity Traditional courses are often divided into “lessons”, but these “lessons” do not take into account what can be done in an average teaching period of forty-five minutes or an hour. They simply consist of “an amount of information” and may run on for a great many pages. In the classroom, one of these “lessons” might drag on for weeks because so much has to be done. A lesson must be precisely what the word implies: an amount of material that can reasonably be covered in a teaching period, possibly with additional material which can be done as homework. In other words, a lesson must be considered as a unit of instruction and no more. Now it is extremely difficult for the course designer to decide what can be done in an average period. Obviously a class of bright students will cover more ground than a class of less able ones. This problem can be overcome if the lesson contains material which can be omitted at the discretion of the teacher, providing that these omissions do not hamper the students’ progress.

15 New Concept English 解读之三 教程设计思路与方案(五) 课文编写 语法循环 练习设计 写作练习 语法与用法( KS&SD ) 补充练习(单选题)

16 联系方式 刘鹰 《学生双语报》 电子邮址: 个人网站:

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