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SciVi Field Trip 2 Destination(s): South Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve and the Tillamook National Estuary Program, Charleston and Garibaldi,

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Presentation on theme: "SciVi Field Trip 2 Destination(s): South Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve and the Tillamook National Estuary Program, Charleston and Garibaldi,"— Presentation transcript:

1 SciVi Field Trip 2 Destination(s): South Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve and the Tillamook National Estuary Program, Charleston and Garibaldi, Oregon Sample Introductory Slide Show (Project-Based Learning Model)

2 We all owe much to those Native Americans who learned to live gently on the land and water.

3 First Step-- Connections: What does “everybody lives downstream” mean to you? Do you think that your actions affect your environment? Why or why not?

4 South Slough National Estuarine Reserve Interpretive Center

5 Close-up of the Slough National Estuarine Reserve Interpretive Center

6 Native American weaving functional objects from sea grass.

7 The salmon – a specie profoundly affected by man’s impact on the estuary

8 Learning the story of the salmon’s decline... [Teacher Note: Insert video on this slide.]

9 Scientist studying the life cycle and habitats of the salmon

10 Salmon habitat model

11 Salmon in natural habitat

12 What compelling questions do you have about the impact of man on the estuary environment and current efforts to preserve and restore important estuary environments?

13 Project-Based Learning Process begins: Step 1: Contribute your questions to the class list. Step 2: Then choose the question you find most compelling and form a research group. Step 3: Work with your group to develop your project. Keep a log of your group’s work. Step 4: Share your group's project with others. Step 5: Evaluate the quality, creativity, and impact of your work.


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