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CORE NATIONS New core nation is Europe (was China and Muslim Empire); profits from world economy, controls trade, commerce and manufactured goods.

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Presentation on theme: "CORE NATIONS New core nation is Europe (was China and Muslim Empire); profits from world economy, controls trade, commerce and manufactured goods."— Presentation transcript:

1 CORE NATIONS New core nation is Europe (was China and Muslim Empire); profits from world economy, controls trade, commerce and manufactured goods.

2 Early Latin America Ch. 19

3 Spain and Portugal Imposed Westernization on the New World Exploitive – coercive labor on plantations; mining of precious metals LA Social Hierarchies – hugely affected by the intermarriage of Europeans and arrival of Africans

4 Iberian Peninsula Small Christian kingdoms unite under Ferdinand and Isabella 1492 – reconquest of Spain from Muslims; voyage of Christopher Columbus Heavily Urbanized – shown in the New World as well

5 New World colonists – commoners at home, but tried to make themselves the elite in the New World (Indian = serf) Plantation agriculture based on slave labor.

6 3 phases of LA Pg 423: What were the 3 phases of Conquest?

7 Caribbean Crucible Caribbean was first to be under Spanish rule – provided models for future. Taino Indians – distributed (encomienda) to individual Spaniards for farm laborers; most killed by disease

8 Towns were built on a grid with a church and governor’s palace in the central plaza.(pg 426) Sugar plantations and slaves (African) were introduced after the Taino Indians died Christian missionaries accompanied the colonists and Catholicism was established

9 Conquest and Conquerors Hernan Cortes 1521 – Mexico; conquered Aztecs Francisco Pizarro 1533 – Peru; conquered Inca Coronado – SW America (gold) Pedro de Valdivia – Andes from Peru into Chile 1570 – there were 192 Spanish towns and cities in the New World

10 Hernan Cortes Video 4 min

11 Conquerors were not soldiers; seeking adventure and booty Advantages over Indians: horses, advanced technology, disease, internal weakness within Indian empires. 1570 – royal administrators replaced the conquerors

12 Moral Issues? Gines de Sepulveda – using Aristotle, he believed that enslavement is justified because Indians are not fully human Las Casas – contested his views and the crown backed Las Casas but little changed.

13 Pizarro Video - 7 min

14 New Colonial Structure Peninsulares – people born in Spain; (refers to Iberian Penin.); filled highest positions in both colonial governments and the Catholic Church. Creoles – American-born descendants of Spanish settlers. Owned most of the plantations, ranches and mines

15 Mestizos – people of Native American and European descent Mulattoes – people of African and European descent. Native Americans and Africans (slaves) formed the lowest social classes.

16 Encomienda Spanish monarchs granted the conquistadors encomiendas, the right to demand labor or tribute from Native Americans in a particular area. Conquistadors used this system to force native Americans to work under the most brutal conditions. Those resisted were hunted down and killed. Disease, starvation, and cruel treatment caused catastrophic declines in the population

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