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“Do Now”- U.S. History 8/31/2015: After the shooting of Texas Sheriff's Deputy Darren Goforth this past weekend, the federal gov’t has pushed for more.

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Presentation on theme: "“Do Now”- U.S. History 8/31/2015: After the shooting of Texas Sheriff's Deputy Darren Goforth this past weekend, the federal gov’t has pushed for more."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Do Now”- U.S. History 8/31/2015: After the shooting of Texas Sheriff's Deputy Darren Goforth this past weekend, the federal gov’t has pushed for more gun control. Do you agree or disagree and why? 9/1/15: What is the main purpose of the Declaration of Independence? What is the Constitution? 9/2/15: Which principle of the Constitution is the most important to you? 9/3/15: Which amendment in the Bill of Rights is most important to you? 9/4/15: What is one of the most important qualities you must do in this class the be successful?

2 “Do Now”- U.S. History 9/8/15: Is Freedom free? 9/10/15: If your home and property were being threatened, what would you do to defend it? 9/11/15: You are about to own Mars and make a trillion dollars, but suddenly your scientists find a species of people the size of a gecko living there. Do you continue to colonize the planet or leave?

3 “Do Now”- U.S. History 9/14/15: What is “assimilation”? How were the Native Americans assimilated into American culture? 9/15/15: Do you feel that the Native Americans were justified in killing the U.S. soldiers at the Battle of Little Big Horn? 9/16/15: Write about some solutions you would suggest to the U.S. government about the Native American issue. 9/17/15: Why was the U.S. becoming a growing industry? 9/18/15: What is a “monopoly”?

4 “Do Now”- U.S. History 9/21/15: What were the Robber Barons? 9/22/15: What is a trust? What is a holding company? 9/23/15: What was the purpose of the Homestead Act and the Dawes Act?

5 “Do Now”- U.S. History * Turn in Your “America, Story of Us: Cities” Questions 10/6/15: In your opinion, what did you think of the movie “Far & Away”? Write at least 2 sentences.

6 Table of Contents DateAssignment Page # Grade 8/26/15 Declaration of Independence Translations & Notes 1check 8/31/15Unit Title Page- Colored 8/31/15 Student DeclarationGrade 9/1/15Principles of the Constitution Wheel 9/2/15Bill of Rights 9/3-4/15ISN Check #1noneGrade 9/3/15Quiz- Principles of the ConstitutionGrade 9/3/15Before 1877 Notes- Cornell Style 9/4/15Video: America Story of Us- “Heartland”Grade 9/8/15Review: “Ideas that Changed America” 9/9/15Test: “Ideas that Changed America”none Major grade 9/10/15The Gilded Age Unit Title Page (color) 9/10/15Settling the West- Notes 9/14/15 “Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee” open-ended questions grade

7 Table of Contents DateAssignmentPage #Grade 9/10/15The Gilded Age Unit Title Page (color) 9/10/15Settling the West- Notes 9/14/15“Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee” open-ended questionsgrade 9/16/15Ch. 3, section 1&2 Guided Reading Handoutgrade 9/17/15Ch. 3- Industrialization Notes_Part I 9/18/15Ch. 3, section 3&4 Guided Reading Handoutgrade 9/21/15Ch. 3- Industrialization Notes_Fill-In 9/23/15“Men Who Built America” Media 9/22/15Ch. 2&3 REVIEW 9/24/15Ch. 2&3 TESTmajor 9/28/15Video: America Story of Us: Cititesgrade 9/29-10/2/15Movie “Far & Away” Guidegrade 10/6-8/15Immigration Journalmajor 10/9/15ISN Check 12 grade 10/8-9/15Ch. 4 Fill-in Notes

8 Table of Contents

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