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Mythology Notes 6 th grade 1-6-11. What is a myth? a traditional or legendary story usually concerns some being, hero, or exciting event. may or may not.

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Presentation on theme: "Mythology Notes 6 th grade 1-6-11. What is a myth? a traditional or legendary story usually concerns some being, hero, or exciting event. may or may not."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mythology Notes 6 th grade 1-6-11

2 What is a myth? a traditional or legendary story usually concerns some being, hero, or exciting event. may or may not be based on fact or a have a natural explanation. may include deities (gods or goddesses) or demigods. explains some practice, rite, or natural phenomenon.

3 My Big Fat Greek Background Greek Ideas of God— –The Greeks believed in many gods. This means they were polytheistic. Love of Beauty --Influenced appearance of gods/goddesses Location, Location, Location -- Greece’s location near the ocean and trade routes helps spread their ideas. Literature— Greeks wrote about their gods and heroes. They sang songs about their bravery and skill.

4 More background Plays, poems, literature and other forms of art abounded. Great artists and writers lived during this time. Great philosophers and scientists lived during this time. –Socrates —asked questions such as: What is beauty? What is meant by justice? He taught that ideas were more important than things. –Plato — He wrote about governments and what would be the best kind. He wrote that being free to seek the truth is very important. –Aristotle —He wrote about philosophy, science and history.

5 What Greek myths are about… Wars Creation stories (origin of people and the world) Divine (godly) rulers Human problems

6 Mythical sources Passed down by oral tradition Ancient poets Historians Architecture and Art

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