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Leipzig, 23-25 April 2002 INRA, Avignon, France –V. Chovelon, research scientist –JP Leroux, research technician –F. Mirrione, temporary agent (April 02)

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Presentation on theme: "Leipzig, 23-25 April 2002 INRA, Avignon, France –V. Chovelon, research scientist –JP Leroux, research technician –F. Mirrione, temporary agent (April 02)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Leipzig, 23-25 April 2002 INRA, Avignon, France –V. Chovelon, research scientist –JP Leroux, research technician –F. Mirrione, temporary agent (April 02)

2 Somatic embryogenesis –plant regeneration and acclimatisation –culture and evaluation sanitary aspects –production of virus-free bulbs –meristem culture

3 milestones –Rouge Reunion, Messidrôme, Morasol: 200 plants from callus and 200 plants from cell suspension in vitro culture, acclimatisation field culture, evaluation flow cytometry (P8), AFLP analyses (P1), biochemistry (P5) morphological and physiological notations (P8,P9) deliverables –paper on regeneration of garlic plants issued from embryogenic callus (done) –paper on regeneration and acclimatisation of garlic plants issued from cell suspension (in progress)

4 –culture in tunnel AFLP analyses (P1) flow cytometry phenotypic notations harvest at maturity plants from callus and cell suspensions - field evaluation at Reunion Island (P8)

5 Morasol plants from callus or cell suspension

6 Messidrôme plants issued from callus

7 Morasol plants from callus and cell suspension

8 Messidrôme plants issued from callus

9 factors for bulb induction and enlargement - Morasol, Messidrôme, Printanor: plants issued from cell suspensions - saccharose concentration: 40-60g/l - cold treatment: 5 weeks at 5°C - quality of light: additional far-red light - photoperiod: 12 or 16h - temperature: 22°C/night - 24°C/day

10 production of virus-free plants –300 plants/variety –Messidrôme, Morasol –Printanor, Rouge Reunion virological control – all the plants are potyvirus-free – some one contained latent viruses Messidrôme: 100% GCLV, 34% MbFV Morasol: 5.6% GCLV, 83% MbFV Printanor: 100% MbFV alliin analyses

11 virus elimination by meristem culture

12 Embryogenesis, genetic characterisation –Rouge Reunion field evaluation (P8), biochemistry (P5) –Messidrôme, Morasol from callus field culture (P9), flow cytometry (P8), AFLP (P1) –Printanor from callus in vitro culture, acclimatisation –Messidrôme, Morasol and Printanor from cell suspension in vitro bulbs production Sanitary aspects –production of virus-free bulbs (P9) –meristem culture (P9) acclimatisation, field culture

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