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Steven G Wilkinson, PT, PhD.  Thank you for the opportunity  My story.

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Presentation on theme: "Steven G Wilkinson, PT, PhD.  Thank you for the opportunity  My story."— Presentation transcript:

1 Steven G Wilkinson, PT, PhD

2  Thank you for the opportunity  My story

3 Compliance tools including (list is not exhaustive):  Functional Limitation Reporting capability including tracking and alerting of 1 st, <10 visit, and last visit  Tracking, computing and alerting of Medicare Cap costs (combined speech/physical therapies)  KX modifiers for patients that have exceeded the Medicare Cap  Tracking, reporting and alerting of physician signatures on plans of care  Charge capture at point of care with inclusion of Medicare’s 8-minute rule for accurate billing and compliance

4 Value for therapists:  Structured data to be able to perform analysis, reporting/dashboards, and outcomes  Clinical decision support  Intuitive interfaces that match therapists’ workflows/Efficiencies  Physical therapy content (out of the box)  Easy customization/optimization  True interoperability with therapy-centric EMRs if the big vendor systems do not include what is listed above

5 Incentives  We have low profit margins much lower than physicians, and hospitals  We are not Eligible Providers…why not? (Why are chiropractors on the list and physical therapists are not?)  Since we are not Eligible Providers we do not receive incentives

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