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AdColMat: Status of the Working Group and Recent Advancements Working Group on Advanced Materials for Collimators 4 th Meeting - 21/7/2014 A. Dallocchio.

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Presentation on theme: "AdColMat: Status of the Working Group and Recent Advancements Working Group on Advanced Materials for Collimators 4 th Meeting - 21/7/2014 A. Dallocchio."— Presentation transcript:

1 AdColMat: Status of the Working Group and Recent Advancements Working Group on Advanced Materials for Collimators 4 th Meeting - 21/7/2014 A. Dallocchio EN-MME-FS

2 Outline A. Dallocchio  Materials R&D  Analyses of HiRadMat 1 st run experiments (HRMT09&HRMT14)  Tests proposed for HiRadMat 2 nd run (HRMT21 & HRMT23)  Latest updates on collimator simulations  Conclusions 21/7/20142

3 Materials R&D (more details in E. Quaranta presentation) A. Dallocchio21/7/20143 Extensive thermo-physical and mechanical characterization (CERN, GSI, PoliTo) ongoing on the following materials:  AC150K CFC  R4550 Graphite  MoGr  CuCD  Molybdenum (2 grades: PLANSEE and AT&M)  Tungsten-Rhenium Irradiation campaigns in the frame of several collaborations:  Kurchatov Institute (Russia): 30MeV protons and 26 C-ions irradiation on CFC, CuCD, MoCuCD  BNL (USA): 200 MeV proton irradiation on Molybdenum, Glidcop, CuCD, MoGr  GSI (Germany): 1 GeV U and Bi-ions irradiation on CFC, CuCD, MoGr. Au-ions irradiation on CFC, CuCD and MoGr (currently on-going, 13-23 July 2014)

4 Materials R&D (more details in E. Quaranta presentation) A. Dallocchio21/7/20144  New instruments procured and new measurement methods developed:  Laser-flash to measure diffusivity and conductivity of the materials  Dilatometer to measure the CTE  Differential Scanning Calorimeter to precisely measure the specific heat of materials up to 2000 ˚C, also detecting phase transitions (to be delivered)  Ad-hoc setup prepared at EN/MME mechanical lab to determine the elastic matrix constant of anisotropic materials (E, G, in the different directions) Dilatometer Laser-Flash

5 HRMT09 A. Dallocchio21/7/20145  The experiment allowed to benchmark thermo-mechanical simulations and to highlight potential machine protection issues, on top of mechanical damage, due to projection of fragments and dust  Test bench currently stored at b. 954 waiting for post-irradiation analysis

6 HRMT14 Status of the simulations A. Dallocchio21/7/20146  Inermet180 ✓  Glidcop Al-15 ✓  Molybdenum ✘  Molybdenum-Diamond ✘  Copper-Diamond ✓  Molybdenum-Graphite ✓  Measurements on Inermet and Glidcop successfully benchmarked against explicit numerical simulations. Results published in Nucl.Instrum.Meth. B308 (2013) 88-99Nucl.Instrum.Meth. B308 (2013) 88-99  Copper-Diamond and Molybdenum-Graphite recently simulated by M. Garlasché: results to be presented during a future AdColMat meeting  The Equation of State of Molybdenum is needed to complete simulations on the last two materials  action A. Dallocchio Glidcop Al-15: 4.66e12 protons, simulated vs. measured radial velocity MoGr: 1.95e13 protons Maximum Temperature

7 HRMT21 Experiment overview A. Dallocchio21/7/20147  HRMT21 – Objective: verify the robustness of the SLAC rotatable collimator against proton impact (beam injection error scenario).  Experiment approved by the HiRadMat Scientific Committee (14/3/2014)

8 HRMT23 Experiment overview A. Dallocchio21/7/20148  HRMT23 – Objectives:  Integrally test under LIU/SPS beam train jaws for HL-LHC collimators (baseline: 288 bunches, 1.7E11 p/b; can we go up to 2.3E11 p/b?)  Acquire online data about response of complete jaws to beam impact  Assess impact consequences on jaws components after irradiation  Experiment approved by the HiRadMat Scientific Committee (14/3/2014)  If collimator robustness assessed by the experiment  1 TCSx prototype to be installed in the LHC during Christmas Break 2015

9 HRMT23 Experiment overview A. Dallocchio21/7/20149  HRMT23 – Main features:  Three superposed jaws in one tank.  Jaws equipped with set of strain gauges, temperature sensors, … for online acquisition.  Special tank equipped with viewports for optical acquisition, LDV, electric connections etc. and fast dismounting system for glove box post-irradiation observations.

10 Collimator Simulations Work ongoing (more details in M. Garlasché presentation): A. Dallocchio21/7/201410 1)TCSG:  Finite elements analysis of the beam injection error scenario (P. Gradassi)  Same parameters defined in 2004, with HL-LHC intensity (6.4E13 p)  FLUKA inputs courtesy of A. Lechner, A. Patapenka and L. Skordis 2)TCSP:  Beam injection error scenario has been confirmed as the most critical (no problems highlighted in case of asynchronous beam dump)  In case of HL-LHC intensity, T > T melt on the downstream tapering!  Recently installed TCSP cannot experience this accident scenario  Aluminium tapering under study for future TCSP (coating needed to cope with secondary electron yield)  FLUKA inputs courtesy of A. Lechner, A. Patapenka and L. Skordis

11 Collimator Simulations Work ongoing (more details in M. Garlasché presentation): A. Dallocchio21/7/201411 3)TCT:  New thresholds for tertiary collimators (asynchronous beam dump scenario) calculated and presented during MPP Annecy 2013:MPP Annecy 2013  Onset of plastic damage : 5x10 9 p  Limit for fragment ejection: 2x10 10 p  Limit of for 5 th axis compensation (with fragment ejection): 1x10 11 p  Updated asynchronous beam dump scenario studied by R. Bruce and L. Lari (presented during AdColMat 3 th meeting), featuring fractions of subsequent bunches impacted the collimator in different spotsAdColMat 3 th meeting  SixTrack/FLUKA inputs not available yet 4)TCSx:  FLUKA analysis ongoing (T. Manousos, L. Skordis) to evaluate beam injection error scenario on MoGr active jaw  New iterations will most likely be needed, in particular for the active jaw (CuCD to be simulated)

12 Conclusions A. Dallocchio21/7/201412  R&D on materials is rapidly progressing, with tests at CERN, GSI, BNL and PoliTo (Elena’s presentation)  New instruments are being procured and new measurement methods have been developed:  Laser-flash and dilatometer have already been delivered  Differential Scanning Calorimeter will allow to precisely measure the specific heat of materials up to 2000 ˚C, also detecting phase transitions  Ad-hoc setup prepared at EN/MME mechanical lab to determine the elastic matrix constant of anisotropic materials (E, G, in the different directions)  Benchmarking of HRMT14 measurements almost completed; the last simulations will be performed once Mo EOS is available  Two experiments proposed for HiRadMat 2 nd run (2015): HRMT21 (SLAC rotatable collimator) and HRMT23 (collimator jaws). Both experiments recommended by the HiRadMat Scientific Committee  Several additional simulations (FLUKA and Thermo-mechanical) completed on different collimators with HL-LHC parameters.

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