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Challenge Question: What is the value of keeping logs and journals as an educator? Self-Test Questions: 1.How do you determine appropriate uses of logs.

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Presentation on theme: "Challenge Question: What is the value of keeping logs and journals as an educator? Self-Test Questions: 1.How do you determine appropriate uses of logs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Challenge Question: What is the value of keeping logs and journals as an educator? Self-Test Questions: 1.How do you determine appropriate uses of logs and journals in terms of student assessment? 2.How do you develop quality assessments using learning logs and journals? Tasks: 1.Questions? 2.Notes on B-Chapters 7-8 3.Examine sample logs and journals 4.Develop learning log/journal activities based on Qatar standards Learning logs and journals RelationshipsLESSON TOPIC UNIT or BACKGROUND Day 1 0 measuring and documenting student achievement through logs and journals is about Monitoring Progress Learning logs/ journals Supply-type tests Checklists/ interviews Graphic organizers Task-Related Strategies Description Self-questioning Characteristics Evaluation guidelines Metacognitive reflection Identifying Determining Incorporating Uses for logs and journals Select-type tests

2 Challenge Question: How do I perform on supply-type tests? Are they a fair measure of my abilities? Self-Test Questions: 1.How do you determine what knowledge and skills are best measured by selection-type items? 2.How do you develop quality selection-type items? Tasks: 1.Questions? 2.Notes on G-Chapters 6-7 3. Critique different objective test items 4. Develop selection-type items to assess Qatar standards Select-type tests RelationshipsLESSON TOPIC UNIT or BACKGROUND Day 1 1 is about Monitoring Progress Learning logs/ journals Supply-type tests Checklists/ interviews Graphic organizers Task-Related Strategies Description Self-questioning Select-type tests developing select-type items that effectively assess student knowledge and skills Multiple choice Including True-falseMatching Interpretive exercises Including

3 Challenge Question: How do I feel when I have the opportunity to respond in an open-ended manner? Self-Test Questions: 1.How do you determine what knowledge and skills are best measured by supply-type items? 2.How do you develop quality supply-type items? 3.How do you grade supply-type items fairly and consistently? Tasks: 1.Questions? 2.Notes on G-Chapter 8 3.Examine essay questions and critique 4.Develop supply-type items to assess Qatar standards Supply-type tests RelationshipsLESSON TOPIC UNIT or BACKGROUND Day 1 2 is about Monitoring Progress Learning logs/ journals Supply-type tests Checklists/ interviews Graphic organizers Task-Related Strategies Description Self-questioning Select-type tests developing supply-type items that effectively assess student knowledge and skills Short answer questions Including Essay questions Scoring rubrics Developing

4 Challenge Question: How do checklists allow me to make sure I teach an effective lesson? Self-Test Questions: 1.What are examples of knowledge and skills for which checklists and/or interviews would be an appropriate assessment? 2.How do I make sure my checklist includes all aspects of the skill? 3.What kind of information can I obtain best from an interview? Tasks: 1.Questions? 2.Notes on B-Chapters 9 and 11 3.Review sample checklists and interview schedules 4.Develop checklists/interview guides based on Qatar standards? Checklists/interviews RelationshipsLESSON TOPIC UNIT or BACKGROUND Day 1 3 is about Monitoring Progress Learning logs/ journals Supply-type tests Checklists/ interviews Graphic organizers Task-Related Strategies Description Self-questioning Select-type tests measuring student knowledge and skills through systematic observation Possible applications Identifying Rationale for use Examples Evaluating

5 Challenge Question: Why are graphic representations so helpful to some people? Self-Test Questions: 1.How can you use graphic organizers to assess student achievement? 2.How do you determine when to use graphic organizers? 3.How can you evaluate student-generated organizers fairly and consistently? Tasks: 1.Questions? 2.Notes on B-Chapter 10 3.Critique examples of organizers 4.Develop organizers based on Qatar standards Graphic Organizers RelationshipsLESSON TOPIC UNIT or BACKGROUND Day 1 4 is about Monitoring Progress Learning logs/ journals Supply-type tests Checklists/ interviews Graphic organizers Task-Related Strategies Description Self-questioning Select-type tests using visual presentation of knowledge and skills to assess student achievement Appropriate uses Identifying Rationale for use Evaluation procedures Developing Sample organizers Examining

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