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E-Education Institute Lidar Technology and Applications Proposal for an elective course to be offered by the Dutton e-Education Institute MGIS Capstone.

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Presentation on theme: "E-Education Institute Lidar Technology and Applications Proposal for an elective course to be offered by the Dutton e-Education Institute MGIS Capstone."— Presentation transcript:

1 e-Education Institute Lidar Technology and Applications Proposal for an elective course to be offered by the Dutton e-Education Institute MGIS Capstone Project Proposal Karen Schuckman September, 2008

2 e-Education Institute What is lidar? –Remote sensing technology that employs an airborne scanning laser produce detailed and accurate topographic maps and 3D models. Background Image Credit: ASPRS Image Credit: Fugro EarthData

3 e-Education Institute Background Lidar is a primary source of elevation data. Lidar data is used in many GIS applications. Most lidar elevation data is in the public domain. The National Research Council has recommended seamless lidar-based elevation data for the nation.

4 e-Education Institute Justification Demand for education and training Body of Knowledge component PSU does not offer a lidar course now PSU must maintain academic leadership and competitiveness

5 e-Education Institute MGIS Capstone Project Proposal 1.Geog 596A: Course proposal suitable for submission to the PSU Graduate School

6 e-Education Institute MGIS Capstone Project Proposal Geog 596C: Detailed course syllabus suitable for posting on the Dutton Institute and World Campus web pagescourse syllabus –Course Overview –Course Objectives –Required Course Materials –Assignments and Grading –Course Schedule –Course Policies –Technical Requirements

7 e-Education Institute MGIS Capstone Project Proposal Geog 596B: One complete lesson –Online instructional material –Guidance for reading assignments –Discussion Forum activity –Lab activity –Quiz –Extra-credit opportunity

8 e-Education Institute Course Content Lesson 1: Lidar Sensor Design –Fundamental technical principles –Classes of sensors Discrete return Waveform Photon-counting Image Credit: Fugro EarthData

9 e-Education Institute Course Content Lesson 2: Lidar Remote Sensing Platforms –Classes of operational platforms for lidar sensors Spaceborne Airborne Ground-based –Strengths and weaknesses for specific applications Image Credit: Fugro EarthData Image Credit: NASA Image Credit: Fugro EarthData

10 e-Education Institute Course Content Lesson 3: Georeferencing and Calibration –GPS and IMU –Processing of ranges to georeferenced points. –In-situ calibration Image Credit: Fugro EarthData

11 e-Education Institute Course Content Lesson 4: Automated Classification –Anomaly detection –Point classification –Strengths and weaknesses of automated filtering techniques Image Credit: Fugro EarthData

12 e-Education Institute Course Content Lesson 5: Manual Editing and Product Generation –Manual editing –Creation of terrain surfaces DSM DTM DEM TIN –Lidargrammetry Breaklines and feature extraction Image Credit: Fugro EarthData

13 e-Education Institute Course Content Lesson 6: QA/QC and Accuracy Assessment –Quality assurance and quality control methods –Statistical methods of spatial accuracy assessment. –Standards commonly used in the United States Image Credit: Fugro EarthData

14 e-Education Institute Course Content Lesson 7: Applications - Topographic Mapping –Generation of topographic contours –Slope and aspect analysis –Flood inundation analysis –Line-of-sight analysis Image Credit: NCFMP

15 e-Education Institute Course Content Lesson 8: Applications – Forestry –Sensor and platform types –Generation of forest canopy models –Calculation of vegetation metrics Image Credit: Fugro EarthData

16 e-Education Institute Course Content Lesson 9: Applications - Urban Modeling –Sensor and platform types –Integration of airborne and ground-based lidar –Modeling solid surfaces –3D visualization Image Credit: University of Texas at Dallas Image Credit: Fugro EarthData

17 e-Education Institute Course Content Lesson 10: Final Project –Students will apply knowledge and skills acquired in earlier lessons to a realistic problem scenario of their own choice. In the final project, students will: Choose data and software. Develop workflow Evaluate results Prepare report or presentation

18 e-Education Institute Instructional Strategies Online instructional material Textbook readings Self-assessments and graded quizzes Interactive discussion Laboratory Activities

19 e-Education Institute Evaluation Criteria 5 graded discussions at 5 points each (5% of grade) 9 lesson quizzes at 15 points each (27% of grade) 6 lab activities at 40 points each (48% of grade) Final Project at 100 points (20% of grade)

20 e-Education Institute Course Calendar 3-credit course, 120 hours of student activity 10 lessons, 12 student hours per lesson. Calendar formats –10-week term –12-week summer semester –15-week fall and spring semester

21 e-Education Institute Course Calendar 10-week offering –Lessons 1 – 10 one week per lesson 12-week offering –Lessons 1 – 9 one week per lesson –Lesson 10 two weeks to complete one week for presentations and peer review.

22 e-Education Institute Course Calendar 15 week offering –Lessons 1 – 6 one week per lesson –Lesson 7 - 9 two weeks per lesson –Lesson 10 two weeks to complete one week for presentations and peer review.

23 e-Education Institute Course Development Timeline September 2008 – Proposal and Peer Review September 2008 – Syllabus November 2008 – Sample Lesson August 2009 – Online content December 2009 – Assessment tools

24 e-Education Institute Summary MGIS Capstone Project lays foundation Capstone deliverables are sufficient to pursue approval from Graduate School Full development requires support from Institute Online content delivered as OER. Full development will require one additional year.

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