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Whole Milk Important Facts: 1.Good source of Vitamin C 2.High in Saturated Fat 3.Lots of calories comes from sugars Purposes/Uses in Baking: 1.Used to.

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Presentation on theme: "Whole Milk Important Facts: 1.Good source of Vitamin C 2.High in Saturated Fat 3.Lots of calories comes from sugars Purposes/Uses in Baking: 1.Used to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Whole Milk Important Facts: 1.Good source of Vitamin C 2.High in Saturated Fat 3.Lots of calories comes from sugars Purposes/Uses in Baking: 1.Used to cook cakes and ice cream 2.Produces the best flavor and texture in cooking

2 Coconut Flour Important Facts: 1.Low in carbohydrates 2.Low in Sodium and Cholesterol 3.High in Saturated Fat Purposes/Uses in Baking: 1.Replaces white flour 2.Good for baking cakes

3 Cow’s Milk Important Facts- 1.Full of vitamins and minerals 2.High amounts of calcium 3.Extracted from the udder of the cow Purposes/Uses in baking: 1.Improves texture 2.Improves shelf life

4 Rice Flour Important Facts: 1.Made from finely milled rice 2.2 types- brown and white rice 3.Contains high amount of carbs Purposes/Uses in baking: 1.Is gluten free 2.Alternative for normal flour

5 Soy Milk Important Facts: 1.Substitute for cow milk 2.Made from soy beans 3.Rich in high quality proteins, isoflavones and B-vitamins 4.Lowers cholesterol levels 5.Contains only unsaturated fat Purpose/Uses in Baking: 1.Substitute for cow milk

6 Molasses Important Facts: 1.A viscous by-product 2.Made from beating sugarcane, grapes or sugar beets into sugar. 3.Primary base for the manufacture of rum Purpose/Uses in Baking: 1. Sweetener 2. Yeast production

7 Buttermilk Important Facts: 1.) The formation of buttermilk is based on the fermentation by the starter bacteria which turns milk into a lactic acid 2.)Highly effective in reducing heat in our body 3.)The lactic acid in buttermilk helps keep our immune system strong. Purposes/Uses in Baking: 1.) Buttermilk can help you avoid overcooking your baked goods. 2.)it is acidic and imparts a soft texture to baked goods.

8 Honey Important Facts: 1.) Honey can reduce fat deposits found in our cardiovascular system. 2.)Honey is the best substance to use to treat burns. Honey can effectively subdue pain while quickly healing a wound without scarring. 3.)Vitamins as well as antioxidants are found in honey. One special antioxidant known as ‘pinocembrin’ is found only in honey. Purposes/Uses in Baking: 1.)Used as a sweetner in Baked Goods. 2.) it absorbs moisture from the air and makes the baked goods moister.

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