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Maximizing Your Teaching Strategies Elena Maydell-Stevens School of Psychology, VUW.

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Presentation on theme: "Maximizing Your Teaching Strategies Elena Maydell-Stevens School of Psychology, VUW."— Presentation transcript:

1 Maximizing Your Teaching Strategies Elena Maydell-Stevens School of Psychology, VUW

2 What is the goal?  Pass the knowledge  Pass the skills  What else?

3 Tutoring as interactive teaching  What is the difference between a lecture and a tutorial?  One TA: “… we don’t want to confuse them (i.e. students)…”

4 Tutorial as a form of “brainstorm”  How to facilitate small group learning process?  What to do with problematic questioning?

5 “Everybody does mistakes”  How to deal with your own mistakes?

6 “One cannot know everything”  Where does your knowledge stop?

7 “Everybody is different”  How to motivate your students?  What is your area of interest?

8 How to handle other difficult issues  Teaching your friends and fellow co- students/co-workers

9 How to be a successful tutor  Developing an effective teaching style  Start with your individual strengths  Be honest but inventive


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