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FORMATIVE AND SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT INCLUDE DC 2013 – 4/30/14 Webinar DC Special Education Co-operative.

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Presentation on theme: "FORMATIVE AND SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT INCLUDE DC 2013 – 4/30/14 Webinar DC Special Education Co-operative."— Presentation transcript:

1 FORMATIVE AND SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT INCLUDE DC 2013 – 4/30/14 Webinar DC Special Education Co-operative

2 INCLUDE DC 2014 DC Special Education Co-operative

3 Formative assessments are a chance to give meaningful feedback early on in the learning process INCLUDE DC 2014 DC Special Education Co-operative

4 Characteristics of Assessments Formative Part of the instructional process Provides teacher with information that can be used to adjust teaching practices Provides students with information about their own learning Focuses on the “big idea” instead of memorization of content Summative Given at a pre-determined time, usually at the end of a unit or semester A measure of accountability for schools/teachers Measures what a student does and does not know at a particular point in time May look for content, concept and skills mastery INCLUDE DC 2014 DC Special Education Co-operative

5 Purpose of Assessment Formative To inform teaching practices To gauge student learning and understanding Summative To identify student proficiency in relation to teaching standards To identify the effectiveness of specific programs or curriculum INCLUDE DC 2014 DC Special Education Co-operative

6 Examples Formative Small group discussion Teacher questioning Journals or response logs Exit cards/exit tickets Games (teacher observes play behavior) Short quizzes Thumbs up Thumbs down drawings Summative Chapter tests Unit tests District or school benchmark assessments State assessments for AYP (DC-CAS) Portfolio Assessment INCLUDE DC 2014 DC Special Education Co-operative

7 Why use Formative Assessment in a UDL classroom? You know where students are so you can meet them there and modify your teaching strategies You can see where misconceptions are happening and quickly clarify for students before moving forward You can see where your teaching fell short before the unit is over Students become more invested in their learning Formative assessments are easily differentiated for different learners INCLUDE DC 2014 DC Special Education Co-operative

8 Summative Assessment in a UDL classroom Accommodations may be necessary to make sure you are testing the right thing! Extended time, break into small sections, open book/notes, calculators, word banks, multiple choice Ex: If you are testing for content specific knowledge then it’s ok to read questions and related text to a very low reader Portfolio Student selected work Various types of work products Multiple opportunities for students to demonstrate mastery INCLUDE DC 2014 DC Special Education Co-operative


10 Its Never Too Late What do you do if half of your students fail an assessment? If the majority of your students aren’t getting it, you probably shouldn’t be moving on. Assume that some re-teaching needs to be done. Look for trends – where are most students getting incorrect answers? Many times it can be determined that common concepts have been missed among students. INCLUDE DC 2014 DC Special Education Co-operative

11 Formative Assessment resources Article on using formative in the classroom from the Association for Middle Level Education: arch2006/Article7/tabid/722/Default.aspx arch2006/Article7/tabid/722/Default.aspx Sample chart of assessment strategies from Illinois State Board of Education: asmt-chart.pdf asmt-chart.pdf Another list of formative assessment/engagement strategies from the American Federation of Teachers: 3.pdf INCLUDE DC 2014 DC Special Education Co-operative

12 56 Formative Assessment Strategies /d/1nzhdnyMQmio5lNT75ITB45rHyLISHEEHZlHTWJRqL mQ/pub?start=false&loop=false&delayms=3000&slide=id. g583166bc_1_34 /d/1nzhdnyMQmio5lNT75ITB45rHyLISHEEHZlHTWJRqL mQ/pub?start=false&loop=false&delayms=3000&slide=id. g583166bc_1_34 INCLUDE DC 2013 DC Special Education Co-operative

13 Food For Thought When thinking about pacing for the DC-CAS or other forms of State Assessment: Is it better for students to have had the opportunity to master 80% of the content well than to have “taught” all of the standards and have students only master 50% of it? INCLUDE DC 2014 DC Special Education Co-operative

14 60 Student Centered Teaching Strategies resources/teaching-strategies resources/teaching-strategies INCLUDE DC 2013 DC Special Education Co-operative

15 Unit Plan/or Modifications and Accommodations Tool Due December 16 th. -I will e-mail everyone the Unit Plan template by COB tomorrow. - Being that You have a choice in assignments ( and I am eliminating one), I am expecting these to be ON TIME AND AWESOME!! NO EXCUSES!!! INCLUDE DC 2014 DC Special Education Co-operative

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