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Malgorzata Biczysko, Julien Bloino, Vincenzo Barone

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1 Malgorzata Biczysko, Julien Bloino, Vincenzo Barone

2 Goal: virtual spectrometer = vis-à-vis comparison
From theory to spectra Direct comparison with experiment Accuracy  interpretation Easy-to-use procedure + analysis tools 1. V. Barone, A. Baiardi, M. Biczysko, J. Bloino, C. Cappelli, F. Lipparini, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 14, 2. V. Barone Ed. ‘Computational strategies for spectroscopy’ Wiley 2012

3 Unified and general theoretical model
Focus on nuclear part Beyond vertical transitions and harmonic approximation General formulations easily extensible to other spectroscopies From 1 vibrational level to transitions between 2 PES Vibrational averaged properties [1-3] + resonance-free anharmonic ZPVE and thermodynamic properties Vibrational spectroscopies [1-3] General vibrational perturbative model for IR, Raman, VCD Resonance-free treatment of frequencies and intensities GVPT2, DVPT2, HDCPT2 [1-3] Vibronic transitions [4-7] Franck-Condon+Herzberg-Teller, Duschinsky mixing Fully coherent time-independent (sum-over-states)[4-5] and time-dependent (path integral)[6] approaches for OPA, OPE, ECD, CPL ab initio derived anharmonic corrections for excited [7] electronic states General theoretical framework Born-Oppenheimer approximation Single excited electronic state at the time Eckart conditions JCP 122, (2005) JCTC 8, 1015 (2012) JCP 136, (2012) JCTC 5, 540 (2009); 6, 1256 (2010) JCP, 126, (2007) JCP submitted JCP 128, (2008)

4 Computational Strategy
Integrated QM approach Accurate + feasible Validation of low-cost yet reliable moldels Eg. DFT/N07D (B3LYP, CAM-B3LYP)1,2 Hybrid QM/QM’ approaches3-5 Eg. CC/DFT, MRCI/DFT, B2PLYP/B3LYP Higher level Properties at ‘bottom of the well’ Harmonic frequencies Vertical electronic transitions Lower level Anharmonic corrections Excited states PES Environmental effects PCM: non equilibrium solvent effects including cavity fields6 integrated QM/FQ/PCM7 model for both time independent and time dependent approaches DFTB/PCM and TD-DFTB/PCM8 General Liquid Optimized Boundary (GLOB) discrete/continuum model9 1. VB, JB, MB PCCP, 12, 1092 (2010) 2. MB, P. Panek, G. Scalmani, JB, VB, JCTC 6, 2115 (2010) 3. C. Puzzarini, MB, VB JCTC 6, 828 (2010) 4. MB et al. Theor. Chem. Acc. 113, 1201 (2012) 5. VB, MB, JB C. Puzzarini, PCCP 15, (2013) 6. C.Cappelli, JB, F.Lipparini, VB JPCL. 3, 1766 (2012) 7. F. Lipparini, F. Egidi, C. Cappelli, VB JCTC 9, 1880 (2013) 8. VB, I. Carnimeo, G. Scalmani JCTC 9, 2052 (2013) 9. G. Brancato., N. Rega, VB JCP 128, (2008)

5 CC/DFT IR anharmonic spectra : pyrimidine
vs Experimental spectra Vibrational freq in cm-1, Intensities in km/mol, GVPT2/DVPT2, DFT/SNSD Mean Absolute Error (MAE), and largest negative (MIN) and positive (MAX) deviations with respect to experiment (Ar Matrix, S. Breda et al. J. Mol. Struct. 786, 193 (2006) Computed MB, J. Bloino, G. Brancato, I. Cacelli, C. Cappelli, A. Ferretti, A. Lami, S. Monti, A. Pedone, G. Prampolini, C. Puzzarini, F. santoto, F. Trani, G. Villani, Theor. Chem. Acc. 113, 1201 (2012) CC = CCSD(T)/VTZ + QZ(MP2/VQZ-MP2/VTZ) + CV(MP2/CVTZ) + aug(MP2/aVTZ-MP2/VTZ)

6 IR anharmonic spectra in solution: pyrimidine
Solvent effects: non-equilibrium implicit (PCM) solvent1 Non-equilibrium approach simulates the slower reorganization of the solvent molecules with respect to the vibrations. Computation: B3LYP/aug-N07D, Broadening: Lorentzian, HWHM=4cm-1 Experiment: 10% in CCl4 ( cm-1), 10% in CS2 ( cm-1) C. Cappelli, F. Lipparini, J. Bloino, V. Barone, J. Chem. Phys, 135, , 2011 M. Biczysko et al. Theor. Chem. Acc., 131, 1201 (2012)

7 Vibrationally resolved electronic spectra of pyrimidine: S1S0
Computed [1] vs experimental [2] spectra: FCHT|AH spectrum, Gaussian broadening with HWHM of 1 cm-1 TD-CAM-B3LYP/aug-N07D + anh CC/B3LYP + anh S0/S1 Assignment of vibronic bands the most intense absorptions: in-plane ring deformations of A1symmetry Reassignment: the band at about 3.98 eV (1000 cm-1 wrt 0-0) is related to the ’7 fundamental rather than to some overtone transition as proposed in [2]. Approximate models for excited state PES 1. M. B et al. Theor. Chem. Acc., 131, 1201 (2012) 2. S. F. Ferreira et al. PCCP. 12, 6717 (2010) FCHT|AH and FC|VG

8 Pyrimidine: electronic spectrum in the 3.5-9.5 eV energy range
Computed [1] vs experimental [2] spectra: FC|VG level, Gaussian broadening with HWHM of eV Several (S1 -S12) excited electronic states the hybrid CIPSI3/DFT (TD-CAM-B3LYP/aug-N07D) approach 1. MB et al. TCA., 131, 1201 (2012) 2. S. F. Ferreira et al. PCCP 12, 6717 (2010) Verical Energies (eV) 3. CIPSI: R. Cimiraglia, M. Persico, J. Comput. Chem. 8 , 39 (1987)

9 Anharmonic IR and Raman spectra of unstable species: phenyl radical
Exp CC/DFT IR of C6H5 and C6D5 [1] CCSD(T)/aug-cc-pVTZ harmonic frequencies +IR intensities, B3LYP/SNSD anharmonic contributions computed by the GVPT2/DVPT2 [2] model Overall accuracy Exceptional cases (e.g 23 of C6D5) Less certain assignment Reinvestigation? with the help of fully anharmonic IR and/or Raman spectra accounting for the species possibly present in the experimental mixture including a few sets of isotopically substituted precursors C6H5: |MAX|: 32 cm-1 MAE: cm for 24 normal modes C6D5: |MAX|: 38 cm-1 MAE: 11 cm for 16 normal modes [1] V. Barone, M. Biczysko, J. Bloino, F. Egidi, C. Puzzarini, J. Chem. Phys. In press [2] J. Bloino, V. Barone, J. Chem. Phys (2012), V. Barone J. Chem. Phys. 122, (2005)

10 IR and Raman spectra of flexible molecules
Butane anti- and gauche- conformer abundances at 298 K B3LYP/SNSD; Spectra GVPT2/DVPT2; G=SPT/HDCPT2, 64% anti-, 36 % gauche- anti+gauche IR Raman Generalized VPT2/Deperturbed VPT2 JCP 136, (2012) Simple Perturbation Theory, D. Truhlar JCP 94, 357 (1991), JCTC 8, 1015 (2012) Hybrid Degeneracy Corrected PT2 JCTC 8, 1015 (2012)

11 IR and Raman of mixture: molecule and its complexes
Example: IR and Raman spectra of formic acid (+ its dimers) Computation: B3LYP/SNSD, vacuum, Broadening: Lorentzian, HWHM=2cm-1 Experiment: A. Olbert-Majkut et al., Chem. Phys. Lett. 468, 176 (2009) , Ar matrix OD CD Monomer IR Raman -1 SUM Exp. + =

12 Electronic spectra: beyond Franck-Condon approximation
S1←S0 absorption and electronic circular dichroism (Z)-8-Methoxy-4-cyclooctenone (MCO) ECD: several bands of opposite sign OPA: the single broad band S0: B3LYP/N07D; S1: TD-B3LYP/N07D, FWHM=500 cm-1 OPA ECD spectrum: Simple simulation based on vertical R [2]: more than three conformers necessary for qualitative reproduction of the experimental spectra. Vibronic simulation + Herzberg-Teller effects: just one conformer reproduce the spectrum shape. [1] VB et al, PCCP 14, (2012) [2] T. Tanaka et al. Chirality 19, 415 (2007)

13 Integrated study on π-stacking interaction: the anisole dimer
Anisole moieties in dimer NOT equivalent: Two bands origins – difference in ZPVE energy. simulated spectra as a sum of single contributions with isotopic substitution on ‘excited’(*) or ‘spectator’ monomer. Electronic excitation localized (97%) on one of the monomers. S0-M05-2X/6-31+G(d,p) S1-TD-M05-2X/6-31+G(d.p) FC|AH FWHM=2 cm-1 * + _ Electron density difference S1-S0 Energy [cm-1] 1. G. Pietraperzia, M. Pasquini, N. Schiccheri, G. Piani, M. Becucci, E. Castellucci, MB, JB, VB JPCA, 113, (2009) 2. N. Schiccheri, M. Pasquini, G. Piani, G. Pietraperzia, M. Becucci, M. B., J. Bloino, V. Barone, PCCP, 12, (2010)

14 Acknowledgements V. Barone, C. Cappelli, I. Carnimeo, L. Carta, F. Egidi, D. Licari, M.Piccardo (SNS) J. Bloino. F. Santoro, G. Prampolini, A. Ferretti, S. Monti (CNR) Cacelli (UniPi) C. Puzzarini (UniBo) O. Crescenzi (UniNa) M. Becuccci, G. Pietraperzia, M. Pasquini, G. Piani, F. Mazzoni, N. Schiccheri (LENS) Goska

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