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#funkyfriday Warm-Up 8/30. I’m going to go ahead and make this easy for you: EVERYTHING THAT IS TYPED IN GREEN- YOU MUST WRITE DOWN ON YOUR PAPER. THAT.

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Presentation on theme: "#funkyfriday Warm-Up 8/30. I’m going to go ahead and make this easy for you: EVERYTHING THAT IS TYPED IN GREEN- YOU MUST WRITE DOWN ON YOUR PAPER. THAT."— Presentation transcript:

1 #funkyfriday Warm-Up 8/30

2 I’m going to go ahead and make this easy for you: EVERYTHING THAT IS TYPED IN GREEN- YOU MUST WRITE DOWN ON YOUR PAPER. THAT GOES FOR THIS WHOLE POWERPOINT. I REPEAT: EVERYTHING IN GREEN MUST BE WRITTEN DOWN – (This slide is not in green. You do not have to write it down.)

3 Oratory – Formal public speaking The best oratory almost always displays the following elements: – It is persuasive, inspiring listeners to take action » Like we talked about with GHSGWT – It is emotionally appealing » Like we talked about with Oludah Equiano – It addresses the needs and concerns of its audience » Like we talked about with GHSGWT (appropriate style for the audience) – It involves the use of colorful or rhythmic language » Like we talked about with Oludah Equiano (sensory detail) and poetry (alliteration/consonance to drive rhythm)

4 While you are watching the video Identify at least one instance of EACH of the following: – Ashton uses persuasion, inspiring his audience to take action – Ashton appeals to his audience’s emotions – Ashton addressed the needs and concerns of his audience – Ashton uses colorful or rhythmic language – TO BE CLEAR: YOU MUST WRITE THE ANSWERS DOWN



7 Religious beliefs Predestination – Believed that God chose from birth who would reach salvation and who would be damned Believed that everything that happened to them was chosen by God Believed that if they worked hard and kept God’s law, God would reward them Fire and brimstone – These are commonly used as symbols of God’s wrath – Puritans believe in the Old Testament, wrathful God

8 Writing Style Oratory – Yay! You already wrote this definition down! See? It’s all connected! Formal public speaking Example that we will look at: sermon – A speech given from a pulpit in a house of worship – In colonial America’s religious atmosphere, the sermon flourished as a popular literary form Puritan Plain style The Puritan’s writing style reflect the plain style of their lives- spare, simple, and straight forward Characterized by short words, direct statements, and references to ordinary, everyday objects Music and drama were sinful Poetry was only used for useful or religious ideas – Poetry appealing to senses or emotions was viewed as dangerous

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